insan wrote:Viewpoint wrote:cymart wrote:The countryside is lovely and a few of the houses have been repaired and are inhabited by shepherds and farmers who are Greek-Cypriot refugees.But overall,they are very forlorn places and the atmosphere there is sad.Does anyone in the north know where the inhabitants of these four villages:Sarama,Istinjo(strange name-what does it mean!)Zacharia and Melandra went to when they left,or where they are today?
I know most of the T.C's from Polis went to Serhadkoy/ Filia near Morphou and from Androlikou to Canlibel/Myrtou.As for Pano Yialia,I can tell you it is in very good condition and a very desirable location.The old schoolhouse is now a well-known taverna and the former inhabitants are in Syrianokhori,now called Yayla,very aptly and visit quite often,so there is hope yet for reconciliation between Cypriots.
We are a smaller population ad we looked after nearly all their properties all they did with ours is knock them down or intentionally leave them to deteriorate.
No VP, they look after arable TC land in South very well. They have been freely cultivating many goods on "stolen" TC arable land and then freely selling them to whatever country they wish. No one, including u and all others sued them abt doing this illegally. U, VP; just know how to argue with others, hours and hours just for amusement. All other who have the same mentality like urs just do the same. Just argue but no legal actions against it.
oh yeah titty man, you want to sue someone for using land, after you lot threw every one out of their houses, with a shirt the on their back, sold off their properties and you wanna whine about someone using the land, which at the end of the day still belongs to you...
yeah the international community is really gonna reward you with the mentality what's mine is mine and what's yours is also mine... you are a lost cause titty man...

and then you call me nationalistic you moron...

anyway yout attention is need here titty man...
don't be a dipshit and get your ass over here el pronto...