Beheading women is a crime and a violation of human rights. Uniting Cyprus with Greece is simply a legitimate choice, and a human right violation of nobody.
I gave an extreme example to show you that using democracy as one man one vote is not always right and you desire to force me to live in Greece would have meant my departure one way or another.
The state of Texas still has capital punishment, the majority voted for it does that make it right? I would still fight against it if I live there and that why we fought against you.
On the contrary, the partition you still support, requires the ethnic cleansing of 100s of thousands of people from their homes, clearly a crime and a human right violation, for which you have been convicted by international courts many times.
AGREED being the operative word here, your delay in returning to your homes is your own fault, I msure you can work out the rest. Add these verdicts and resolutions to your file as they mean nothing is the world is not willing to penalize us or take action..they have done their worse their is no more but we are still here and life continues as normal.
So maybe you would support "beheading women with more than 2 children", just like you support the ethnic cleansing of 100s of thousands of people. I did not, and I will never support crimes and human rights violations.
I support neither but I do support AGREED partition and the right of every refugee to financial compensation or repatriation where possible.