Lit wrote:michalis5354 wrote:If Cyprus gained Independence back in 669 as the above article suggest then it need to be treated like any other country in the world with own ethnicity not a Banana Dependent country .
Are you claiming to now be a Phoenician or an Egyptian?![]()
Phoenicians also made their way to Southern Crete. So what?
And many people have visited Cyprus... we have latins, Armenians, Maronites, Turkish Cypriots and we recognize them as such. No discrimination here. But there is also the majority who are Greek Cypriots and you must recognize that as well. Dont tell us how the majority of Cypriots think because you dont even live on this island.
You are saying so but you have not spend some bilions green paper to Cyprus in order your theory be accepted- British/Americans did this-doing this and they have results like Michalis534 etc