CopperLine wrote: ..... For some reason Oracle and Paphitis completely ignore ...
.... Sorry to appear rude Copper, but you are a little too late and it has ALL been covered

Oracle wrote:CopperLine wrote: ..... For some reason Oracle and Paphitis completely ignore ...
.... Sorry to appear rude Copper, but you are a little too late and it has ALL been covered
Get Real! wrote:
Because according to your radical views, we are now expected to believe that the Cypriots had been forcibly Hellenized, though they still considered themselves as Greeks during antiquity and have always identified themselves as such, and now suddenly 3000 years later there is some kind of awakening that you’re not really Greek after all? Whatever.
When you excavate an ancient artifact, you DO NOT ASSUME that…
1. It came from some other region of the world.
2. It was manufactured by foreigners.
3. It is of “foreign” design.
4. It was dropped off by aliens.
Oracle wrote:"The genetic contribution of Greek chromosomes to the Sicilian gene pool is estimated to be about 37% whereas the contribution of North African populations is estimated to be around 6%."
.... even Cyprus gets a mention. The darling Cypriot, please have a glass of zivania to calm the nerves![]()
Oracle wrote:
Yes my dear, it does seem absurd that people can draw parallels with the Greeks and Sicilians, when we argue so much about how Greek the Cypriots are, even though the similarities there, are so striking. You would think there was no foundation for a Greek-Sicilian link. Oh but look, some silly scientist has checked this out .... ... 8120a.html
"The genetic contribution of Greek chromosomes to the Sicilian gene pool is estimated to be about 37% whereas the contribution of North African populations is estimated to be around 6%."
.... even Cyprus gets a mention. The darling Cypriot, please have a glass of zivania to calm the nerves![]()
Get Real! wrote:The Cypriot wrote:Oracle, you're my sister and I love you... but don't ever take sides against the family again. Ever.
Can you please refrain from the constant irrelevant mafia crap?
Get Real! wrote:barouti wrote:But you didn't even counter my points with any primary sources or revealing newly discovered facts.
What stupid “points” are you mumbling about… these ones?1)The legend that Cyprus was settled by the Nostoi, return of various Greek heroes from Troy, who founded Teucer at Salamis and Agapenor at Paphos.
Do you know what "legend" means? Start using a dictionary to find out how history was being written!2) The Ionian Revolt is considered the main Greek uprising against the Persian yolk. The Greeks of Cyprus joined in this revolt.
Where did they get that from... a fortune cookie?
3) Cypriots were allowed to compete in the ancient Olympic Games.
Don’t tell me… they found the lists of all competitors that included their names, places of birth, and current residence! :roll:
You are posting MANUFACTURED RUBBISH otherwise known as a mythology!
Get Real! wrote:Oracle wrote:CopperLine wrote: ..... For some reason Oracle and Paphitis completely ignore ...
.... Sorry to appear rude Copper, but you are a little too late and it has ALL been covered
You haven’t covered jackshit...
I overestimated your ability to comprehend such an essay when I told Paphitis that soon you’d logon, read the link and whack him on the head for making it public, but I was shocked that the entire paper just went over your head Oracle, although I can’t say the same for Paphitis!
Get Real! wrote:Oracle wrote:"The genetic contribution of Greek chromosomes to the Sicilian gene pool is estimated to be about 37% whereas the contribution of North African populations is estimated to be around 6%."
.... even Cyprus gets a mention. The darling Cypriot, please have a glass of zivania to calm the nerves![]()
And what is the genetic contribution of Sicilian chromosomes to the Greek gene pool Oracle?
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