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The Hellenisation of Cyprus

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby boomerang » Sun May 03, 2009 5:41 am

yialousa1971 wrote:
boomerang wrote:
yialousa1971 wrote:
boomerang wrote:
yialousa1971 wrote:
boomerang wrote:
yialousa1971 wrote:How do you Hellenize something that was already Hellenic?

I am confused is this pre or post hellenic?


maybe the esteemed member of Yialousa could enlighten us... :lol:

Yes you are confused, don't speak in riddles then I can answer you. :)

confusion on your behalf coz you got your blinkers on... :lol:

Yes, I'm closed minded towards the common beliefs. Think about this, is there such a thing as a Caucasian Race? What was it's origins?

answer the question about the coin in order to enable us in moving forward, do not do a dipshit of me... :lol:

ain't that right titty man?.. :lol:

You can find all types of figurines all over the Hellenic world. I don't believe in a pre Hellenic world. Don't be like GR.

In that case history your history started 3500 years need to discuss anything further as I do not discriminate your lack of knowledge against you... :lol:

PS...what you believe and what reaility is in your mind are miles apart... :lol:

titty man has the same thinking as you...maybe you can start discussing with him... :lol:
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Postby yialousa1971 » Sun May 03, 2009 5:56 am

boomerang wrote:
yialousa1971 wrote:
boomerang wrote:
yialousa1971 wrote:
boomerang wrote:
yialousa1971 wrote:
boomerang wrote:
yialousa1971 wrote:How do you Hellenize something that was already Hellenic?

I am confused is this pre or post hellenic?


maybe the esteemed member of Yialousa could enlighten us... :lol:

Yes you are confused, don't speak in riddles then I can answer you. :)

confusion on your behalf coz you got your blinkers on... :lol:

Yes, I'm closed minded towards the common beliefs. Think about this, is there such a thing as a Caucasian Race? What was it's origins?

answer the question about the coin in order to enable us in moving forward, do not do a dipshit of me... :lol:

ain't that right titty man?.. :lol:

You can find all types of figurines all over the Hellenic world. I don't believe in a pre Hellenic world. Don't be like GR.

In that case history your history started 3500 years need to discuss anything further as I do not discriminate your lack of knowledge against you... :lol:

PS...what you believe and what reaility is in your mind are miles apart... :lol:

titty man has the same thinking as you...maybe you can start discussing with him... :lol:

Basically your saying your too stupid to debate with me. I guess your be back like your screen name. It's you who keeps talking to titty man, not me.
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Postby Lit » Sun May 03, 2009 6:19 am

What is this ridiculous talk about aboriginals in Australia and what does this have to do with Cyprus?

Check out the Cypriot museums and check out what our own government states and check out the plethora of ancient Hellenic artifacts on this island.

A guide to the Cyprus Museum
By Kypriakon Mouseion (Cyprus) ... rus-Museum
Issued by Republic of Cyprus, Dept. of Antiquities.

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Postby Paphitis » Sun May 03, 2009 1:51 pm

boomerang wrote:You said
Assimilation is to be expected...

I said
Thank god here you have it after a long exchange we finally got to the bottom of it...

you said
And how the hell did you come up with that conclusion?

Your full agreement let me come to the conclusion...So we became assimilated...

you said
For all you know, your direct descendants might be Mycenaean, Arcadian, Phoenician, or even Ottoman but more than likely be a mixture of all of them.

Also again you forget to mention the pre of all these, which proves my point further that your history started from 3500 years ago...

You can believe what you want.

I know that I was not assimilated because my ancestry is Hellenic as well as Cypriot. So how am I assimilated if THAT is the case?

I don't believe Cypriots were assimilated because if it were that easy for us to be assimilated then by all rights we should all be Turkish after nearly 4 centuries of their tyranny.

My Cypriot history is over 10,000 years old and not 3,5000 years old... :roll:

I have only stated that Cyprus was largely uninhabited before the Phoenicians and Greeks arrived. Never ever denied that Cypriots existed for 10,000 years.

Ok if you actually believe this then you will believe that we had our own language and alphabet, prior and wait for it, to assimilation into greek...why?...because it did not survive, something like to what the aboriginal way of life and language will not survive in 3500...again assimilition to the max...god knows the brits tried every trick in book, from target practising to the stolen generation...

You are way off track because the Cypriot or Phoenician scripts were actually adopted by Hellenes to form the Greek Alphabet, and not the other way around. THAT IS NOT ASSIMILATION!

The only thing I accept is that I am a Hellene Cypriot or Greek Cypriot just like my ancestors before me. But I do not deny that Cypriot culture existed for 10,000 years

what were you before the asimilation mate?...

I don't know! DO YOU?

My ancestors could very well have been some Mycenaean settlers/traders. Maybe they married some other Eteocypriots or Phoenicians and hence my ancestry could be wide and varied. I don't know my family tree that far back, no one does, so I have no idea really.

My Cypriot History goes back 10,000 years.

since you accepted assimilation to greece 3500 years ago you might as well say my world history as it will also be relevant...I asked above, what were you prior to 3500 years ago?...

I am Greek.

I don't believe Cypriots were assimilated at all!

But I will NOT deny my Hellenistic roots which existed for 3,500 because to do so is ALSO denying my Hellenic ancestry which blended with my pre-Hellenic ancestors. Cyprus as a result is still Hellenic and will always be so. because we offered so much to Hellenism itself, speak the same language, have the same culture and custom with other Hellenes.

wrong mate...its what blinded greek history that taught you this...the same history the aboriginals will be hearing in 3500 years from today...which ofcource is untrue...

I know what I am Boomerang. I am Greek and that is all I need to discuss about this matter.

If you are just Cypriot, then power to your elbow. I don't have any identity crisis and nor do I need to prove my Greek ancestry to you.

BTW, I have just realised that I won't be coming to Melbourne for many years and so we will have to give our Zivania nights a miss. Unfortunately! :(
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Postby barouti » Sun May 03, 2009 3:17 pm

Lit wrote:Image

This can be corroborated by other primary sources, such as Britannica Encyclopedia:


Penguin Historical Atlas of Ancient Greece, Robert Morkot

In the chapter Greek Settlement and Colonization, it mentions Mycenaean migration to Cyprus


And an accompanying map includes Cyprus has been colonized by Greeks


I can also put forward three other historical facts that prove the ancient Cypriots, barring the Phoenician settlements present at the time of course, were considered Greeks:

1)The legend that Cyprus was settled by the Nostoi, return of various Greek heroes from Troy, who founded Teucer at Salamis and Agapenor at Paphos.

2) The Ionian Revolt is considered the main Greek uprising against the Persian yolk. The Greeks of Cyprus joined in this revolt. They also sent ships to assist in Alexander the Great’s siege of Tyre when his campaign was still considered a Greek crusade against the Persian Empire.

3) Cypriots were allowed to compete in the ancient Olympic Games. For those of you who aren’t that savvy with your history, only those considered as real Greeks were allowed to compete. The Ancient Greeks especially before the Hellenistic Age were notoriously prejudicial to non-Greeks. Athletes from "Hellenized" states would have not been considered Greek and thus would not have been allowed to compete. Even the ancient Macedonians had to prove their Greek lineage. But there is no record of such doubt being extended towards the Greeks of ancient Cyprus.

Also, re Greek art, it wasn’t always in the glorious style of Greek Adonis. These examples are not considered pre-Greek, just Greek. Our art did still have to evolve.


So let's not get carried away here, guys. Let's not mitigate established facts with new theories that cannot even be corroborated by any primary source.
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Postby Get Real! » Sun May 03, 2009 3:25 pm

It doesn’t matter how many links you post that support the “Hellenisation of Cyprus” because they ALL stem from the same FLAWED sources, as Natasha Leriou explains with her excellent analysis of the myth…

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Postby The Cypriot » Sun May 03, 2009 3:28 pm

Sicily is Greek!

That's why Michael Corleone shot that bastard Virgil 'The Turk' Sollazo in that Italian (or was it Greek?) restaurant in New York.

It all makes sense now.
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Postby YFred » Sun May 03, 2009 3:31 pm

The Cypriot wrote:Sicily is Greek!

That's why Michael Corleone shot that bastard Virgil 'The Turk' Sollazo in that Italian (or was it Greek?) restaurant in New York.

It all makes sense now.

Now you are talking my language. I am gona make you an offer you can't refuse. The strange thing is I can do it with Brando's face and voice.
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Postby barouti » Sun May 03, 2009 3:39 pm

Get Real! wrote:It doesn’t matter how many links you post that support the “Hellenisation of Cyprus” because they ALL stem from the same FLAWED sources, as Natasha Leriou explains with her excellent analysis of the myth…


So basically the ancient sources and modern academia have got it all wrong, and that's that for you? Not a very convincing argument. But if you feel so confident, and now your stuff, then what you need to do is provide the counter argument to each of my points rather than just post and link and say "whatever is written here I agree with".

Because according to your radical views, we are now expected to believe that the Cypriots had been forcibly Hellenized, though they still considered themselves as Greeks during antiquity and have always identified themselves as such, and now suddenly 3000 years later there is some kind of awakening that you’re not really Greek after all? Whatever.
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Postby Get Real! » Sun May 03, 2009 3:44 pm

barouti wrote:
Get Real! wrote:It doesn’t matter how many links you post that support the “Hellenisation of Cyprus” because they ALL stem from the same FLAWED sources, as Natasha Leriou explains with her excellent analysis of the myth…


So basically the ancient sources and modern academia have got it all wrong, and that's that for you? Not a very convincing argument. But if you feel so confident, and now your stuff, then what you need to do is provide the counter argument to each of my points rather than just post and link and say "whatever is written here I agree with".

Because according to your radical views, we are now expected to believe that the Cypriots had been forcibly Hellenized, though they still considered themselves as Greeks during antiquity and have always identified themselves as such, and now suddenly 3000 years later there is some kind of awakening that you’re not really Greek after all? Whatever.

When you excavate an ancient artifact, you DO NOT ASSUME that…

1. It came from some other region of the world.

2. It was manufactured by foreigners.

3. It is of “foreign” design.

4. It was dropped off by aliens.

This is the kind of UTTER RUBBISH that early history writers resorted to, thus screwing up the history of Cyprus with a constant string of flawed assumptions that could only possibly surmise to a flawed story altogether!

There is no place for ASSUMPTIONS when presenting “facts”!

The fact remains that there is NOT A SHRED OF EVIDENCE that any “Mycenaean colonization” ever took place on Cyprus, and there’s not enough pots & pans on this planet that can ever be presented as “evidence” to that, anymore than remains of Japanese cars can ever be used as evidence of a world-wide Japanese colonization in the future!

Now grow up the lot of you and enough of this childish rubbish!
Last edited by Get Real! on Sun May 03, 2009 3:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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