Yes that's right Boom. Everyone in Australia has the free will to declare themselves any which way they desire. It just depends what box you tick in the census.
so you dismiss how others feel/think coz it doesn't suit your argument?...the figures you showed come from the government... ffs direct your problems to the government...or next time do not bring something into a discussion that you strongly disapprove if the discussion does not go the way you want it to go...

The Greeks came to Cyprus around 1200BC and by 400BC the island was completely Hellenised. That is why we Cypriots speak exactly the same language, believed in the same God/s, have the same culture and customs.
so the greeks aren’t natives but came from far far away and completed the job by 400BC...same as the brits...
Another point is what exactly do you mean it was complete? mean colonization and assimilation, coz for the life of me I can't think of anything else...

Just because there were Aboriginals in Australia for 80,000 years does not mean that we Australians are aboriginal.
I think you are missing the point and I am not sure where you getting your information...
I am saying the aboriginals, like the Cypriots, will disappear in time due to colonization and assimilation....I thought I was clear on this point in my previous post but somehow you are unwilling to get the point...please show me where I claim otherwise...
Cypriots were actually a vital link within the Hellenised world and made massive contributions to Hellenism itself. Cyprus in this respect is absolutely no different to Athens, Sparta or any other Ancient Greek State as all these combined and contributed to our Hellenic culture.
you are contradicting yourself here, because above you claim
"The Greeks came to Cyprus around 1200BC and by 400BC the island was completely Hellenised."what do you
mean was completely hellenized by 400BC? mean the colonization and assimilation process was finished by then?...well as far as the brits are concerned they did the same in 100 the colonization and assimilation of the aboriginal people is well and truly over...
There were Aboriginal Peoples in much of Europe just like there is in Australia and now account for 0.58% of the population.
commonly known as the indigenous people of the land...prior to assimilation...
The same with Cyprus. The island was colonized and colonised again by various peoples starting with the Sea Peoples, then the Phoenicians, then the Mycenaeans and then the Arcadians. Others such as the Ottomans arrived much later, which is why Cyprus has a sizeable TC population who are of Turkish Ethnicity and bear no resemblance to the earlier Cypriots unless they were converts.
you can't have colonization and no assimilation....its just the greeks lasted more than others thus making the process more successful...
I said
Assimilation is not a side issue, coz that is the issue...
no need for me to prove it coz you did it for me the minute you said
The Greeks came to Cyprus around 1200BC and by 400BC the island was completely Hellenised
There were Aboriginal Peoples in much of Europe just like there is in Australia and now account for 0.58% of the population.
The same with Cyprus. The island was colonized and colonised again by various peoples
End of the day we established
1...there were people in Cyprus prior to the greeks coming out here...even helping them with the Greek Alphabet which proves beyond any doubt we were advanced and not some Neanderthals...
2...This helped in allowing the greeks to progress further by inventing democracy, which would have been next to impossible without an alphabet ...
3...Aboriginals were natives to Australia 80,000 years ago while you dismiss there were Cypriots at the same time...your history only starts 3500 years ago...
4...The cypriots were indeed colonized, your own admission, and assimilated in some 800 years...
JD is ok with me, I am not really partial in what I drink....but calling zivania crap you are insulting me...