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The Hellenisation of Cyprus

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Postby Get Real! » Fri May 01, 2009 4:28 pm

Oracle wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Oracle wrote:I'll accept that as an olive branch towards explaining the evolution of the latter-day Helleno-Cyprio specimens ... via autophagocytosis!

You can accept it as whatever you want…now if you’ll excuse me I’ve got a date with…



So how did the date go? :D

Has the last surviving Choirokitian cave dweller finally been Hellenised :lol:

... Feels good, huh! 8)

I'm still putting my little email together... must present credible evidence for two errors she made.
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Postby Paphitis » Fri May 01, 2009 4:46 pm

well mate according to your figures

Ethnicities of Australia According to Australian Bureau of Statistics:
* Australian (37.13%)

Yes that's right Boom. Everyone in Australia has the free will to declare themselves any which way they desire. It just depends what box you tick in the census.

But that does not create an Australian Ethnicity now does it? Unless you talk about Aboriginal Australians who have been around for 80,000 years. The remaining 21,000,000 Aussies are only recent arrivals.

and now I see where you are getting to...the greeks came and educated the neandathals...something similar to what the poms did to the aboriginals... :lol:

Wrong Boom.

The Greeks came to Cyprus around 1200BC and by 400BC the island was completely Hellenised. That is why we Cypriots speak exactly the same language, believed in the same God/s, have the same culture and customs.

Now what exactly constitutes a race?

It is peoples who identify with a common language, religion, custom and culture and Cypriots tick all the boxes. If you think that the Mainland Greeks of differing regions all share a common bloodline then you have another thing coming.

If you think you share a common bloodline with Ancient Eteocypriots you have another thing coming because the fact of the matter is, all the races of Europe have blended over time.

On top of that there were people living in OZ prior to the poms coming out here...but they, the poms, came out here for education and target shooting... :lol:

Don't be ridiculous!

What on earth has this got to do with anything?

Just because there were Aboriginals in Australia for 80,000 years does not mean that we Australians are aboriginal.

Are you proof reading what you are writing or have you had a bit to much Zivania tonight...:lol:

I see clearly the same history in 3500 years from today where in australia weren't any aboriginals but what ever will evolve by that time...


You fail to see the same history repeating itself...

FFS Boom. :roll:

I am gonna say it again and you can play with words all day...I got assimilated and you got overwhelmed... :lol:

Cypriots were actually a vital link within the Hellenised world and made massive contributions to Hellenism itself. Cyprus in this respect is absolutely no different to Athens, Sparta or any other Ancient Greek State as all these combined and contributed to our Hellenic culture.

Cypriots for example played a critical role in developing the Greek Alphabet along with the Phoenicians. The Athenians invented democracy and so on and so on...

and now you saying there was no greeks in greece, until the greeks arrive...yeah, they were extra terrestials... :lol:

There were Aboriginal Peoples in much of Europe just like there is in Australia and now account for 0.58% of the population.

The same with Cyprus. The island was colonized and colonised again by various peoples starting with the Sea Peoples, then the Phoenicians, then the Mycenaeans and then the Arcadians. Others such as the Ottomans arrived much later, which is why Cyprus has a sizeable TC population who are of Turkish Ethnicity and bear no resemblance to the earlier Cypriots unless they were converts.

Assimilation is not a side issue, coz that is the issue... :lol:

Prove it!

you bringing your own zivania? problem always in for zivania tasting... :lol:

I prefer to have some beer or JD, and that I can buy over the bar.

Zivania tastes like crap.
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Postby Lit » Fri May 01, 2009 4:47 pm

SN2 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
This does not mean that Cypriots are not Hellenes and Australians are not a bastardised race of over 100 ethnicities. Or are you trying to convince me that Australian is an ethnicity in itself... :lol:

I will be sure to give you a call when I come to Melbourne.

The Zivania will be on me.

spare me the bs as if the greeks are an ethnicity it self.

The greeks are a totally bastardized nation, a mixture of slavs turks phoenicians albanians bulgarians

The Greeks also known as Hellenes, are a nation and ethnic group native to.....

Read up and learn.
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Postby Paphitis » Fri May 01, 2009 5:16 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Oracle wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Oracle wrote:I'll accept that as an olive branch towards explaining the evolution of the latter-day Helleno-Cyprio specimens ... via autophagocytosis!

You can accept it as whatever you want…now if you’ll excuse me I’ve got a date with…



So how did the date go? :D

Has the last surviving Choirokitian cave dweller finally been Hellenised :lol:

... Feels good, huh! 8)

I'm still putting my little email together... must present credible evidence for two errors she made.

Would those 2 errors hint towards the fact that Cyprus was colonised by Mycenaean settlers in 1200BC as evidenced by the excavation of Mycenaean Tombs in Cyprus?

During the first half of the following century (LCIIIB: 1100-1050 BC) new
settlements were founded by a second, definitely more extensive influx of
Mycenaeans, which is basically attested by
- the introduction of a new tomb-type: chamber tombs with long dromoi and small
squarish/ rectangular chambers bearing close affinities to Mycenaean graves,
- many Mycenaean elements in the shape- and decoration-repertory of the of the
Proto-White Painted ceramic style, that appeared at the beginning of LCIIIB,
- various architectural features and artefacts of Aegean origin or inspiration and
most importantly
- the introduction of the Greek language

And what do you have to say about the fact that the only Scholar who is questioning the colonisation narrative does not reject Mycenaean migration to Cyprus at all? It is only the social and political influences he questions and the way Archaeologists derived certain theories when analysing the overwhelming weight of evidence.

Rupp does not reject the hypothesis that there was a migratory movement of
Mycenaeans to Cyprus during the 12th and 11t h centuries (Rupp 1998: 219).
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Postby Get Real! » Fri May 01, 2009 6:44 pm

Paphitis wrote:Would those 2 errors hint towards the fact that Cyprus was colonised by Mycenaean settlers in 1200BC as evidenced by the excavation of Mycenaean Tombs in Cyprus?

No. Because there's no such thing as "Mycenaean Tombs" unless you want to label them as such yourself.

And what do you have to say about the fact that the only Scholar who is questioning the colonisation narrative does not reject Mycenaean migration to Cyprus at all?

Not much, because he's not the only one.

Next idiot please...
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Postby michalis5354 » Fri May 01, 2009 7:09 pm

The main deity on the Island was the Great Goddess, Phoenician Astarte, later known under the Greek name of Aphrodite,

Why did they rename the goddess from Astarte to Aphrodite ?. The phoenician name astarte had nothing to do with Greece . Its origins were in Egypt. They have distorted the name from Astarte to Aphropdite to make the island look more hellenic.

starte (from Greek Ἀστάρτη (Astártē)) is the name of a goddess as known from Northwestern Semitic regions, cognate in name, origin and functions with the goddess Ishtar in Mesopotamian texts. Another transliteration is ‘Ashtart; other names for the goddess include Hebrew עשתרת (transliterated Ashtoreth), Ugaritic ‘ṯtrt (also ‘Aṯtart or ‘Athtart, transliterated Atirat), Akkadian DAs-tar-tú (also Astartu) and Etruscan Uni-Astre (Pyrgi Tablets).
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Postby boomerang » Sat May 02, 2009 1:44 am

Yes that's right Boom. Everyone in Australia has the free will to declare themselves any which way they desire. It just depends what box you tick in the census.

so you dismiss how others feel/think coz it doesn't suit your argument?...the figures you showed come from the government... ffs direct your problems to the government...or next time do not bring something into a discussion that you strongly disapprove if the discussion does not go the way you want it to go... :lol:

The Greeks came to Cyprus around 1200BC and by 400BC the island was completely Hellenised. That is why we Cypriots speak exactly the same language, believed in the same God/s, have the same culture and customs.

so the greeks aren’t natives but came from far far away and completed the job by 400BC...same as the brits...
Another point is what exactly do you mean it was complete? mean colonization and assimilation, coz for the life of me I can't think of anything else... :lol:

Just because there were Aboriginals in Australia for 80,000 years does not mean that we Australians are aboriginal.

I think you are missing the point and I am not sure where you getting your information...
I am saying the aboriginals, like the Cypriots, will disappear in time due to colonization and assimilation....I thought I was clear on this point in my previous post but somehow you are unwilling to get the point...please show me where I claim otherwise...

Cypriots were actually a vital link within the Hellenised world and made massive contributions to Hellenism itself. Cyprus in this respect is absolutely no different to Athens, Sparta or any other Ancient Greek State as all these combined and contributed to our Hellenic culture.

you are contradicting yourself here, because above you claim "The Greeks came to Cyprus around 1200BC and by 400BC the island was completely Hellenised."
what do you mean was completely hellenized by 400BC? mean the colonization and assimilation process was finished by then?...well as far as the brits are concerned they did the same in 100 the colonization and assimilation of the aboriginal people is well and truly over...
There were Aboriginal Peoples in much of Europe just like there is in Australia and now account for 0.58% of the population.

commonly known as the indigenous people of the land...prior to assimilation...

The same with Cyprus. The island was colonized and colonised again by various peoples starting with the Sea Peoples, then the Phoenicians, then the Mycenaeans and then the Arcadians. Others such as the Ottomans arrived much later, which is why Cyprus has a sizeable TC population who are of Turkish Ethnicity and bear no resemblance to the earlier Cypriots unless they were converts.

you can't have colonization and no assimilation....its just the greeks lasted more than others thus making the process more successful...

I said
Assimilation is not a side issue, coz that is the issue...

no need for me to prove it coz you did it for me the minute you said
The Greeks came to Cyprus around 1200BC and by 400BC the island was completely Hellenised

There were Aboriginal Peoples in much of Europe just like there is in Australia and now account for 0.58% of the population.

The same with Cyprus. The island was colonized and colonised again by various peoples

End of the day we established
1...there were people in Cyprus prior to the greeks coming out here...even helping them with the Greek Alphabet which proves beyond any doubt we were advanced and not some Neanderthals...

2...This helped in allowing the greeks to progress further by inventing democracy, which would have been next to impossible without an alphabet ...

3...Aboriginals were natives to Australia 80,000 years ago while you dismiss there were Cypriots at the same time...your history only starts 3500 years ago...

4...The cypriots were indeed colonized, your own admission, and assimilated in some 800 years...

JD is ok with me, I am not really partial in what I drink....but calling zivania crap you are insulting me... :lol:
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Postby T_C » Sat May 02, 2009 2:05 am

boomerang wrote:
Yes that's right Boom. Everyone in Australia has the free will to declare themselves any which way they desire. It just depends what box you tick in the census.

so you dismiss how others feel/think coz it doesn't suit your argument?...the figures you showed come from the government... ffs direct your problems to the government...or next time do not bring something into a discussion that you strongly disapprove if the discussion does not go the way you want it to go... :lol:

The Greeks came to Cyprus around 1200BC and by 400BC the island was completely Hellenised. That is why we Cypriots speak exactly the same language, believed in the same God/s, have the same culture and customs.

so the greeks aren’t natives but came from far far away and completed the job by 400BC...same as the brits...
Another point is what exactly do you mean it was complete? mean colonization and assimilation, coz for the life of me I can't think of anything else... :lol:

Just because there were Aboriginals in Australia for 80,000 years does not mean that we Australians are aboriginal.

I think you are missing the point and I am not sure where you getting your information...
I am saying the aboriginals, like the Cypriots, will disappear in time due to colonization and assimilation....I thought I was clear on this point in my previous post but somehow you are unwilling to get the point...please show me where I claim otherwise...

Cypriots were actually a vital link within the Hellenised world and made massive contributions to Hellenism itself. Cyprus in this respect is absolutely no different to Athens, Sparta or any other Ancient Greek State as all these combined and contributed to our Hellenic culture.

you are contradicting yourself here, because above you claim "The Greeks came to Cyprus around 1200BC and by 400BC the island was completely Hellenised."
what do you mean was completely hellenized by 400BC? mean the colonization and assimilation process was finished by then?...well as far as the brits are concerned they did the same in 100 the colonization and assimilation of the aboriginal people is well and truly over...
There were Aboriginal Peoples in much of Europe just like there is in Australia and now account for 0.58% of the population.

commonly known as the indigenous people of the land...prior to assimilation...

The same with Cyprus. The island was colonized and colonised again by various peoples starting with the Sea Peoples, then the Phoenicians, then the Mycenaeans and then the Arcadians. Others such as the Ottomans arrived much later, which is why Cyprus has a sizeable TC population who are of Turkish Ethnicity and bear no resemblance to the earlier Cypriots unless they were converts.

you can't have colonization and no assimilation....its just the greeks lasted more than others thus making the process more successful...

I said
Assimilation is not a side issue, coz that is the issue...

no need for me to prove it coz you did it for me the minute you said
The Greeks came to Cyprus around 1200BC and by 400BC the island was completely Hellenised

There were Aboriginal Peoples in much of Europe just like there is in Australia and now account for 0.58% of the population.

The same with Cyprus. The island was colonized and colonised again by various peoples

End of the day we established
1...there were people in Cyprus prior to the greeks coming out here...even helping them with the Greek Alphabet which proves beyond any doubt we were advanced and not some Neanderthals...

2...This helped in allowing the greeks to progress further by inventing democracy, which would have been next to impossible without an alphabet ...

3...Aboriginals were natives to Australia 80,000 years ago while you dismiss there were Cypriots at the same time...your history only starts 3500 years ago...

4...The cypriots were indeed colonized, your own admission, and assimilated in some 800 years...

JD is ok with me, I am not really partial in what I drink....but calling zivania crap you are insulting me... :lol:


:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Get Real! » Sat May 02, 2009 3:52 am


“this analysis has shown that political considerations and academic trends have played a major role. Furthermore the archaeological evidence, usually squeezed into preexisting historical constructions, often illuminated from very specific angles, and sometimes even completely ignored, has not always been the prime source of inspiration. That is why the colonization narrative is lately regarded by more and more researchers as an unstable house of cards.

(Page 18 ) ... /paper.pdf

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Postby Oracle » Sat May 02, 2009 9:03 am


“this analysis has shown that political considerations and academic trends have played a major role. Furthermore the archaeological evidence, usually squeezed into preexisting historical constructions, often illuminated from very specific angles, and sometimes even completely ignored, has not always been the prime source of inspiration. That is why the colonization narrative is lately regarded by more and more researchers as an unstable house of cards.

(Page 18 ) ... /paper.pdf


And because she failed to come up with any evidence that indeed the colonisation narrative/theory is flawed, she had to include a proviso for undertaking such a thesis. After seeing the overwhelming lack of evidence to support what she set out to show, she needs to defend why she 'wasted' the time. So of course, she would say, 'it's topical' ... which is all the bold statement says. And we know it's topical because the Turks (and a few xerokefalli), use the academic 'need to question' merely to destabilise our alliances with Greece ....

I agree with the 'need to question', and research. But then at some point, you have to weigh up the evidence and draw a conclusion. Like it or not GR!, the overwhelming support for the Hellenisation of Cyprus (of which I am but one piece of living proof :lol: ), would make some more universally accepted theories in other areas, seem flimsy by comparison!

(Still trying to find a way to impress her for a date? :lol: )
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