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The Hellenisation of Cyprus

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Get Real! » Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:14 pm

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Postby umit07 » Fri May 01, 2009 12:27 am

Get Real! wrote:
umit07 wrote:You wish it was, Pusht Pezevenk :lol: . Now go spray your arse with veet, I'll bring the Vaseline :lol:

You should be nice to unkie GR... I'm the one who is going to help breathe life back into your Vista-infested laptop when you come back... remember? 8)

Holy Crap, you sound like you've been offended or are you putting on a act? I won't be in Cyprus anytime soon :oops: . You ever coming back down under?
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Postby Paphitis » Fri May 01, 2009 3:43 am

boomerang wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
boomerang wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
boomerang wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
boomerang wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
boomerang wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Just because there were Aboriginal tribes in Australia does not mean that Australians are direct descendants of these people and the same applies to Modern Cypriots.

Australians are the direct descendants of European settlers as Cypriots are also mostly the descendants of predominantly Mycenaean and Arcadian settlers.

yes mate today you can say this...but here comes the but...what will history say in 3000 years?...

I like how you say mostly...whaty makes you say mostly...any figures perhaps, or you going by what someone says in the 19th century?

assimilation is assimilation either way you see it...mostly means there were others...perhaps the true cypriots...

In 3,000 years, Cyprus will be mostly Sri Lankan and Indian for all we know.

well atleast we will know what history has installed for us... :lol:

Are you denying the fact that Australia is now mostly European and Cyprus is mostly Hellenic?

no i do not deny it that both were through accept it...NO... :lol:

So are you an assimilated Aboriginal?

Only 0.54% of Australia's population claims Aboriginal Ancestry and the remaining are predominately European.

So most Australians are not Aboriginal but are from many nations and predominantly from Europe. The same thing applies to Cyprus because 80% of the population is Hellenic.

you are comparing chalk and cheese...I am talking about aboriginals being assimilated same as what the Cypriots, 3500 years are talking today with a 200 year need to get into perspective...

by your thinking, in 3500 years from today some smart ass will deny the existence of the aboriginals by looking into his crystal ball...

No not at all because no one has ever denied the existence of native persons in Cyprus, Greece, France or England for that matter.

No one is going to deny the existence of Aboriginals in 3500 years but no one could possibly claim Aboriginal Inheritance when they are probably going to be a blend of European, Asian, African and Arabic influences over this time frame. This is exactly what you are doing. You are claiming a native Cypriot inheritance in the face of massive Phoenician and even more massive Hellenic migration and influence into Cyprus which has withstood the test of time.

If noone is denying the existence of people then how come we became greeks?...could it be through assimilation perhaps?...maybe a forced one...same as to what the brits did to the aboriginlas...have you forgotten about the stolen generation?..a tactic not so long ago?...christians converting to muslims was another this begs the question what tricks did the greeks had up their sleeve when they were bearing gifts?...roses and kisses you think?...can any of those smartasses with crystal balls share some light? :lol:

Mate I don't think you are reading me properly...I am not going to claim aboriginal inheritance in 3500's the otherway around...some smartass in 3500 years from today is going to say australia is european, wiping the aboriginals out... :lol:

then you use the words migration and influence...whom exactly are you refering to?...martians or the natives of the then Cyprys?... :lol: ....again you have proven my point we got assimilated big time... :lol:

I said we have been on the other hand say we are greeks...big difference...

I am a Cypriot...I speak a cypriot {greek} dialect, I am an orthodox christian and I owe all this to this day I find this unacceptable...I am cypriot damn it...

Mate I am off to bed...goodnight buddy...

PS...when you coming to melbourne again?

Australia is European!

Ethnicities of Australia According to Australian Bureau of Statistics:
* Australian (37.13%)
* English (31.65%)
* Irish (9.08%)
* Scottish (7.56%)
* Italian (4.29%)
* German (4.09%)
* Chinese (3.37%)
* Greek (1.84%)
* Dutch (1.56%)
* Indian (1.18%)
* Lebanese (0.92%)
* Vietnamese (0.87%)
* Polish (0.82%)
* New Zealander (0.81%)
* Filipino (0.81%)
* Maltese (0.77%)
* Croatian (0.59%)
* Australian Aboriginal (0.58%)
* Welsh (0.57%)
* French (0.5%)
* Serbian (0.48%)
* Maori (0.47%)
* Spanish (0.42%)
* Macedonian (0.42%)
* South African (0.4%)
* Sinhalese (0.37%)
* Hungarian (0.3%)
* Russian (0.3%)
* Turkish (0.3%)
* American (0.28%)

Australia is over 90% European and the above is an official source.

The Aboriginals were not assimilated. Either you are an Aboriginal whose ancestors were in Australia prior to white settlement or you migrated to Australia afterwards. Less than 1% can claim Aboriginal ancestry, the remaining have predominately European ancestry.
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Postby boomerang » Fri May 01, 2009 4:04 am

not assimilated you say...and what would call the reason for the stolen generation was?...

Man in 3500 according to what you believe there will ot be any mention of aboiginals as the nativesin know how I know this?...coz it already started with your figures above...

So tell me what were the numbers 3500 years ago...coz you did mention in previous posts, migration and influence...

Also you addressed none of my points above...
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Postby Paphitis » Fri May 01, 2009 4:41 am

boomerang wrote:not assimilated you say...and what would call the reason for the stolen generation was?...

Man in 3500 according to what you believe there will ot be any mention of aboiginals as the nativesin know how I know this?...coz it already started with your figures above...

So tell me what were the numbers 3500 years ago...coz you did mention in previous posts, migration and influence...

Also you addressed none of my points above...

There is no point to address Boom.

Your argument is incoherent as you seem to ignore what I'm telling you.

Australia is predominantly European and whether the Aborigines were assimilated or not, has absolutely nothing to do with Australia's ethnic origins of today.

Both you and I are European along with the majority of other Aussies. We are not Aboriginal Australians for heaven's sake.

BTW, I will try to get to Melbourne within the next 2 months.
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Postby boomerang » Fri May 01, 2009 11:37 am

Paphitis wrote:
boomerang wrote:not assimilated you say...and what would call the reason for the stolen generation was?...

Man in 3500 according to what you believe there will ot be any mention of aboiginals as the nativesin know how I know this?...coz it already started with your figures above...

So tell me what were the numbers 3500 years ago...coz you did mention in previous posts, migration and influence...

Also you addressed none of my points above...

There is no point to address Boom.

Your argument is incoherent as you seem to ignore what I'm telling you.

Australia is predominantly European and whether the Aborigines were assimilated or not, has absolutely nothing to do with Australia's ethnic origins of today.

Both you and I are European along with the majority of other Aussies. We are not Aboriginal Australians for heaven's sake.

BTW, I will try to get to Melbourne within the next 2 months.

ok mate here it is in short...

Your words...The natives of Cyprus were overwhelmed with Phoenician and Hellenic migration just like the Australian aborigines were overwhelmed by European migration.

Point be overwhlelmed, it means people were around prior to Greeks other words cypriots...

Point be overwhemed means assimilation...

So in 3500 years through "overwhelming" we became more Cypriots but Greek Cypriots...

My point is in 3500 from today the aboriginals will disappear suffering the same fate as the Cypriots when the greeks came...they will become "european", via overwhelming...

You call it overwhelming, I call it assimilation...playing with words it just doesn't change the facts...I say I was assimilated and you were overwhemed and became a Greek...Now you get it?

I never said or even hinted the aboriginals are going to overwhelm us...but the other way who is on the piss huh?... :lol:

let me know when you come over...and we have dinner before we go on a pub crawl...zivania is on me... :lol:
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Postby Paphitis » Fri May 01, 2009 12:10 pm

boomerang wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
boomerang wrote:not assimilated you say...and what would call the reason for the stolen generation was?...

Man in 3500 according to what you believe there will ot be any mention of aboiginals as the nativesin know how I know this?...coz it already started with your figures above...

So tell me what were the numbers 3500 years ago...coz you did mention in previous posts, migration and influence...

Also you addressed none of my points above...

There is no point to address Boom.

Your argument is incoherent as you seem to ignore what I'm telling you.

Australia is predominantly European and whether the Aborigines were assimilated or not, has absolutely nothing to do with Australia's ethnic origins of today.

Both you and I are European along with the majority of other Aussies. We are not Aboriginal Australians for heaven's sake.

BTW, I will try to get to Melbourne within the next 2 months.

ok mate here it is in short...

Your words...The natives of Cyprus were overwhelmed with Phoenician and Hellenic migration just like the Australian aborigines were overwhelmed by European migration.

Point be overwhlelmed, it means people were around prior to Greeks other words cypriots...

Point be overwhemed means assimilation...

So in 3500 years through "overwhelming" we became more Cypriots but Greek Cypriots...

My point is in 3500 from today the aboriginals will disappear suffering the same fate as the Cypriots when the greeks came...they will become "european", via overwhelming...

You call it overwhelming, I call it assimilation...playing with words it just doesn't change the facts...I say I was assimilated and you were overwhemed and became a Greek...Now you get it?

I never said or even hinted the aboriginals are going to overwhelm us...but the other way who is on the piss huh?... :lol:

let me know when you come over...and we have dinner before we go on a pub crawl...zivania is on me... :lol:

Assimilation is still a side issue and it appears you are missing my point.

There were people around in Greece before the Greeks arrived. There were also people around in England before the Saxons arrived. The same applies to France, Spain, Italy, Turkey and everywhere else for that matter.

This does not mean that Cypriots are not Hellenes and Australians are not a bastardised race of over 100 ethnicities. Or are you trying to convince me that Australian is an ethnicity in itself... :lol:

I will be sure to give you a call when I come to Melbourne.

The Zivania will be on me.
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Postby Oracle » Fri May 01, 2009 3:49 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Oracle wrote:I'll accept that as an olive branch towards explaining the evolution of the latter-day Helleno-Cyprio specimens ... via autophagocytosis!

You can accept it as whatever you want…now if you’ll excuse me I’ve got a date with…



So how did the date go? :D

Has the last surviving Choirokitian cave dweller finally been Hellenised :lol:

... Feels good, huh! 8)
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Postby boomerang » Fri May 01, 2009 3:56 pm

Paphitis wrote:
boomerang wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
boomerang wrote:not assimilated you say...and what would call the reason for the stolen generation was?...

Man in 3500 according to what you believe there will ot be any mention of aboiginals as the nativesin know how I know this?...coz it already started with your figures above...

So tell me what were the numbers 3500 years ago...coz you did mention in previous posts, migration and influence...

Also you addressed none of my points above...

There is no point to address Boom.

Your argument is incoherent as you seem to ignore what I'm telling you.

Australia is predominantly European and whether the Aborigines were assimilated or not, has absolutely nothing to do with Australia's ethnic origins of today.

Both you and I are European along with the majority of other Aussies. We are not Aboriginal Australians for heaven's sake.

BTW, I will try to get to Melbourne within the next 2 months.

ok mate here it is in short...

Your words...The natives of Cyprus were overwhelmed with Phoenician and Hellenic migration just like the Australian aborigines were overwhelmed by European migration.

Point be overwhlelmed, it means people were around prior to Greeks other words cypriots...

Point be overwhemed means assimilation...

So in 3500 years through "overwhelming" we became more Cypriots but Greek Cypriots...

My point is in 3500 from today the aboriginals will disappear suffering the same fate as the Cypriots when the greeks came...they will become "european", via overwhelming...

You call it overwhelming, I call it assimilation...playing with words it just doesn't change the facts...I say I was assimilated and you were overwhemed and became a Greek...Now you get it?

I never said or even hinted the aboriginals are going to overwhelm us...but the other way who is on the piss huh?... :lol:

let me know when you come over...and we have dinner before we go on a pub crawl...zivania is on me... :lol:

Assimilation is still a side issue and it appears you are missing my point.

There were people around in Greece before the Greeks arrived. There were also people around in England before the Saxons arrived. The same applies to France, Spain, Italy, Turkey and everywhere else for that matter.

This does not mean that Cypriots are not Hellenes and Australians are not a bastardised race of over 100 ethnicities. Or are you trying to convince me that Australian is an ethnicity in itself... :lol:

I will be sure to give you a call when I come to Melbourne.

The Zivania will be on me.

well mate according to your figures

Ethnicities of Australia According to Australian Bureau of Statistics:
* Australian (37.13%)

they are... :lol:

and now I see where you are getting to...the greeks came and educated the neandathals...something similar to what the poms did to the aboriginals... :lol:

On top of that there were people living in OZ prior to the poms coming out here...but they, the poms, came out here for education and target shooting... :lol:

I see clearly the same history in 3500 years from today where in australia weren't any aboriginals but what ever will evolve by that time...

You fail to see the same history repeating itself...

I am gonna say it again and you can play with words all day...I got assimilated and you got overwhelmed... :lol:

and now you saying there was no greeks in greece, until the greeks arrive...yeah, they were extra terrestials... :lol:

Assimilation is not a side issue, coz that is the issue... :lol:

you bringing your own zivania? problem always in for zivania tasting... :lol:
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Postby SN2 » Fri May 01, 2009 4:15 pm

Paphitis wrote:
This does not mean that Cypriots are not Hellenes and Australians are not a bastardised race of over 100 ethnicities. Or are you trying to convince me that Australian is an ethnicity in itself... :lol:

I will be sure to give you a call when I come to Melbourne.

The Zivania will be on me.

spare me the bs as if the greeks are an ethnicity it self.

The greeks are a totally bastardized nation, a mixture of slavs turks phoenicians albanians bulgarians

i d say the australians are much more a nation compared to the greeks.

the greeks just live in a fantasy of somehow being connected with the long gone ancient greeks
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