Viewpoint wrote:Jerry wrote:denizaksulu wrote:iceman wrote:what a poorly chosen subject to start a thread.
Desperation comes to mind....glad i don't participate on this forum as much as i used to..
The level of discussion is rapidly decreasing on CF!
Hi Iceman. I agree with you. I am in semi retirement, and enjoy just reading peoples opinions and debating skills. With this thread things are not looking good. What a shame.
ve de selamlar.
Agreed, but at least the forum is alive and kicking. Things will settle down once the initial euphoria has died away. It must be better to let off steam here than resort to more physical forms of abuse. I have learned a lot since I joined CF, my views have been changed by it. Perhaps we can all find a little common ground by contributing to CF. A lot of the ya-booing on here is tongue in cheek I'm sure. This thread is, as you say, Deniz not good although I am intrigued by the allegation that British Secret Service blackmailed Makarios, it adds a new dimension to the claim that he signed the 1960 agreement under duress.
Could you tell us how your opinion as changed and why?
Jerry wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Jerry wrote:denizaksulu wrote:iceman wrote:what a poorly chosen subject to start a thread.
Desperation comes to mind....glad i don't participate on this forum as much as i used to..
The level of discussion is rapidly decreasing on CF!
Hi Iceman. I agree with you. I am in semi retirement, and enjoy just reading peoples opinions and debating skills. With this thread things are not looking good. What a shame.
ve de selamlar.
Agreed, but at least the forum is alive and kicking. Things will settle down once the initial euphoria has died away. It must be better to let off steam here than resort to more physical forms of abuse. I have learned a lot since I joined CF, my views have been changed by it. Perhaps we can all find a little common ground by contributing to CF. A lot of the ya-booing on here is tongue in cheek I'm sure. This thread is, as you say, Deniz not good although I am intrigued by the allegation that British Secret Service blackmailed Makarios, it adds a new dimension to the claim that he signed the 1960 agreement under duress.
Could you tell us how your opinion as changed and why?
I can see both sides of the story VP but on balance my sympathy is with the disenfranchised majority. I have never believed that "might is right" even in the 1960s, although I can see some justification for what happened. Unlike you I know the difference between right and wrong, do you honestly believe that what you have done to GC property in the north is right?
Viewpoint wrote:Jerry wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Jerry wrote:denizaksulu wrote:iceman wrote:what a poorly chosen subject to start a thread.
Desperation comes to mind....glad i don't participate on this forum as much as i used to..
The level of discussion is rapidly decreasing on CF!
Hi Iceman. I agree with you. I am in semi retirement, and enjoy just reading peoples opinions and debating skills. With this thread things are not looking good. What a shame.
ve de selamlar.
Agreed, but at least the forum is alive and kicking. Things will settle down once the initial euphoria has died away. It must be better to let off steam here than resort to more physical forms of abuse. I have learned a lot since I joined CF, my views have been changed by it. Perhaps we can all find a little common ground by contributing to CF. A lot of the ya-booing on here is tongue in cheek I'm sure. This thread is, as you say, Deniz not good although I am intrigued by the allegation that British Secret Service blackmailed Makarios, it adds a new dimension to the claim that he signed the 1960 agreement under duress.
Could you tell us how your opinion as changed and why?
I can see both sides of the story VP but on balance my sympathy is with the disenfranchised majority. I have never believed that "might is right" even in the 1960s, although I can see some justification for what happened. Unlike you I know the difference between right and wrong, do you honestly believe that what you have done to GC property in the north is right?
Do you live in the TRNC Jerry? the situation we find ourselves in today was created by the dream for enosis, you cannot just take the issue of GC property on its own that would be to simplistic. Faced with inhumane isolation the economy develops into areas which are available and property development was one of them, so the GCs really didn't help this situation because if we were free to trade and develop normally we would have the luxury of not touching GC land.
Paphitis wrote:bigOz wrote:I do not understand why people react so vilely to facts when it hurts them. Is this GCs version of a civilised discussion (and some TCs I dare say)? The use of vile language to make a point is nothing more than a show of great weakness and incompetence. It does nothing but prove that the orator knows F-all about the subject!
As for Makarios, about 2 years ago, I did prove in a post by providing a link to a BBC TVs program about the work of old British intelligence that has become public after the 50 year confidentiality period had expired. THERE WAS IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE IN THE HANDS OF BRITISH SECRET SERVICE PROVING MAKARIOS TO BE A PEADOPHILE! Makarios who was a co-founder of EOKA at the time had always refused the idea of a Republic with TCs and demanded union with Greece from the departing British - UNTIL he was confronted with the evidence and blackmailed into accepting a Cyprus Republic!
If people still persist on these foolish arguments, and have no skills on searchiung the internet for some factual information then I shall try and find the URL for this compelling program - so that they can watch the video footing for themselves!
Why don't you release this "irrefutable" evidence from the British Secret Service.
Please note that most of us have heard about the rumors and innuendos emanating from the British, but how is this "irrefutable" evidence that Makarios was a Pedophile?
I want to see the declassified British Document that claims Makarios was a Pedophile. Go on Big Oz - where is this irrefutable evidence?
bigOz wrote:As for Oracle's comments on Muslim religion and young boys, I shall endevour to embarass her too, by providing the activities within the Christian Church over the past decades. They biast the biggest bunch of peadophiles in history ranging from South Africa to North, into Europe and Middle East - Not leaving out the Vatican itself!
miltiades wrote:I spoke to a relation of mine from Stroumbi who served as a trusted bodyguard for Makarios from 1961 to 1974 .
He was shot and injured during the coup against Makarios.
The last time I saw him was sadly at the funeral of his older brother .
He is also aware of these fallacious innuendos and dismisses them as nonsense , he would have known of any such
"squalid" events taking place. The ex- bodyguard's initials are HA .Some G/Cs might work out who he was .
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