Piratis wrote: Cyprus (and Greece and many other countries) have recognized the jurisdiction of the ICJ as Compulsory.
From 1960 to 2002 the RoC accepted the Jursidiction of the ICJ on a case by case basis, as Turkey does.
In 2002 they chose to accept the jurisdiction of the ICJ on any case PROVIDED the other party State ALSO does so. I believe they made this change as a requirment for EU accession.
They could also choose, but have not doen so to accept the ICJ jurisdiction on any case REGARDLESS of the way the other party state treats such cases. They have not chosen to do this.
Piratis wrote:Turkey did not recognize the jurisdiction of the ICJ as compulsory.
Turkey chooses to accept ICJ jurisdiction on a case by case bais, as it is is sovreign right to do so and in the same way the RoC used to until 2002 when it changed it position as an EU accession requirment.
Piratis wrote:They would not accept to take the Cyprus case in the ICJ because they know they have no chance of winning this case because they know very well they are the guilty party.
Just as the RoC would never had accpted its jurisdiction pre 74 on the issue of the illegal removal of the TC communal rights.
Piratis wrote:On the other hand, Cyprus who is acting legally and has nothing to fear, accepted the jurisdiction of the court as compulsory.
To be precise it has accepted its jusridiction on any matter only if the other party state has also done this.
Ignoring the Consitutional courts rulings was not legal.
Removing or ammending unilaterly the TC communities rights under the 60's agreements was not legal.
Piratis wrote:All Turkey has to do is to also accept the jurisdiction of the ICJ as compulsory (like we did) and then it can take Cyprus to the court on any issue she wants (and similarly we can take Turkey to the court for any issue we want).
From 2002 this has been possible. From 1965 when the RoC formaly and illegaly stole the TC communites rights to 2002 this was not possible.
Piratis wrote:You can lie and convince some people like the Orams in order to cheat them from their money and have profits from the sale of the properties you stole from us, but when it comes to real courts, your lies and excuses can not win for you any case. This is why you are so afraid of courts and you peed your pants when you realized that justice can get you even when you are hiding behind the Turkish tanks.
And you can continue to call me a lier and anything else you wish as I will continue to try and present my views an opinions in a clear and reason way as when I see fit.
My fear is not from court actions. My fear is what the consequences of the possibility that GC decide to abandon the pursuit of an negotiated comphrehensive settlement of comproimise from both sides that both people can vote yes to in favour of sustained and persistent indivdual legal actions, following this latest ECJ ruling. A fear shared by more than just myself. In short I fear not for myself but for Cyprus as a whole.