polis wrote:Get Real! wrote:EPSILON wrote:What these days are? the days when Neo Cypriots and "Cyprus Ethnicity start to be created" There is not a signature of surrentr- even after 400years there is always a Kolokotronis!!!1
The Cypriot ethnicity existed thousands of years before anything Greek appeared on the horizon because I AS A CYPRIOT SAY SO just as YOU AS A GREEK SAY SO about your Greek inheritance.
Now, if you want us to have a screaming competition to see who can yell it out the loudest, name a time and place and I’ll bring my loudspeaker…
Now now, GR, no need to get worked up. There is a Cypriot Ethnicity and you are the only one seeing it.
Now take your pills and back to your bed berfore the nurse comes looking for you.
You are either blind or don’t want to see it… but is it MY problem? I don’t think so…