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British Couple Must Demolish Cyprus Home, EU Top Court Says

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby EPSILON » Wed Apr 29, 2009 7:21 pm

Raymanoff wrote:Cypriots tze Cypriots... oi apparo. Eminan mono i Pushtoturchi... akuo ta idia skata kathe mera. Sto dialo na pane trellogamimeni kinonia...

Lathos-big error!!Meltiadis and his fellows will never succeed in Cyprus-We are Greeks and we will remain Greeks.Despite what trators D Makogianni/G Papantreou and pupet Cypriot leaders (for 50 years) are saying!!1
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Postby EPSILON » Wed Apr 29, 2009 7:27 pm

TCTRNC wrote:You will get NOTHING from the TRNC/North Cyprus. NEVER. Not a cm of land. LOL. You lost it in a war that had to be fought to save Turkish Cypriots from mudering Greeks and Greek Cypriots. That's where your greed gets you NOWHERE on North Cyprus. You will NEVER have all of Cyprus. This ruling is giving you all false hope and short lived euphoria. Dibodez, ellah nah to all of you, that's what you'll get. LOL.

My friend.

AA. If you are a T/c:

1.You was always a slave of someone.
2.You have never feld the feeling of freedom and you have never understand what freedom is
3.You was and you still are with the big Turkish complex against the Greeks.
4.G/cs leadesrship is not our best-we have much better solution to protect our intererests-coming soon!!!
5.You,if you are T/c- more bastard race than NEO CYPRIOTS in Greek side of the Island.
6.History is not created in 50-100 years but in centuries- now we have more serious target to fight with than You and occupation forces- We must fight the Neo Cypriots (Greek side) propaganta and stupiness!

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Postby Get Real! » Wed Apr 29, 2009 7:27 pm

EPSILON wrote:What these days are? the days when Neo Cypriots and "Cyprus Ethnicity start to be created" There is not a signature of surrentr- even after 400years there is always a Kolokotronis!!!1

The Cypriot ethnicity existed thousands of years before anything Greek appeared on the horizon because I AS A CYPRIOT SAY SO just as YOU AS A GREEK SAY SO about your Greek inheritance.

Now, if you want us to have a screaming competition to see who can yell it out the loudest, name a time and place and I’ll bring my loudspeaker…
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Postby EPSILON » Wed Apr 29, 2009 7:32 pm

Get Real! wrote:
EPSILON wrote:What these days are? the days when Neo Cypriots and "Cyprus Ethnicity start to be created" There is not a signature of surrentr- even after 400years there is always a Kolokotronis!!!1

The Cypriot ethnicity existed thousands of years before anything Greek appeared on the horizon because I AS A CYPRIOT SAY SO just as YOU AS A GREEK SAY SO about your Greek inheritance.

Now, if you want us to have a screaming competition to see who can yell it out the loudest, name a time and place and I’ll bring my loudspeaker…

You are your selve and 1200 NEO CYPRIOTS-We are 790000 Greeks in Cyprus-Take your fellows T/cs and take the ferry to mainland Turkey
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Postby polis » Wed Apr 29, 2009 7:33 pm

Get Real! wrote:
EPSILON wrote:What these days are? the days when Neo Cypriots and "Cyprus Ethnicity start to be created" There is not a signature of surrentr- even after 400years there is always a Kolokotronis!!!1

The Cypriot ethnicity existed thousands of years before anything Greek appeared on the horizon because I AS A CYPRIOT SAY SO just as YOU AS A GREEK SAY SO about your Greek inheritance.

Now, if you want us to have a screaming competition to see who can yell it out the loudest, name a time and place and I’ll bring my loudspeaker…

Now now, GR, no need to get worked up. There is a Cypriot Ethnicity and you are the only one seeing it.

Now take your pills and back to your bed berfore the nurse comes looking for you.
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Postby TCTRNC » Wed Apr 29, 2009 7:34 pm

LOL. All this arguing between Greek and Greek Cypriot. Ha ha! You lot should be so thankful to the Turkish Cypriots and the Turkish army. We are saving you lot from yourselves. Just think without the Turkish army there to protect you Greek Cypriots, you'd have the pro ENOSIS GCs and the Greeks wanting once again to slaughter the anti ENOSIS lot and vice versa. Turkey is inadvertently protecting your little selves!

Get Real! wrote:
EPSILON wrote:What these days are? the days when Neo Cypriots and "Cyprus Ethnicity start to be created" There is not a signature of surrentr- even after 400years there is always a Kolokotronis!!!1

The Cypriot ethnicity existed thousands of years before anything Greek appeared on the horizon because I AS A CYPRIOT SAY SO just as YOU AS A GREEK SAY SO about your Greek inheritance.

Now, if you want us to have a screaming competition to see who can yell it out the loudest, name a time and place and I’ll bring my loudspeaker…
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Apr 29, 2009 7:35 pm

EPSILON wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
EPSILON wrote:What these days are? the days when Neo Cypriots and "Cyprus Ethnicity start to be created" There is not a signature of surrentr- even after 400years there is always a Kolokotronis!!!1

The Cypriot ethnicity existed thousands of years before anything Greek appeared on the horizon because I AS A CYPRIOT SAY SO just as YOU AS A GREEK SAY SO about your Greek inheritance.

Now, if you want us to have a screaming competition to see who can yell it out the loudest, name a time and place and I’ll bring my loudspeaker…

You are your selve and 1200 NEO CYPRIOTS-We are 790000 Greeks in Cyprus-Take your fellows T/cs and take the ferry to mainland Turkey

Do you really think that there’s a scientific formula to calculate “ethnicity”?

Of course there isn’t… it’s the one who screams the loudest who is right so here goes...


Happy? :D
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Postby The Cypriot » Wed Apr 29, 2009 7:36 pm

EPSILON wrote:
The Cypriot wrote:
EPSILON wrote:the difficulty for G/cs to come to an agreement for a solution is simple and clear. They are Greeks!!!!they can never sign an agreement of "surrender" to the winner of a war.They never-as Nation- did this and will never do it.!!

What happened in 146 BC then? Or 21 April 1941?

What these days are? the days when Neo Cypriots and "Cyprus Ethnicity start to be created" There is not a signature of surrentr- even after 400years there is always a Kolokotronis!!!1

You don't know? Call yourself a Greek?
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Postby polis » Wed Apr 29, 2009 7:36 pm

TCTRNC wrote:LOL. All this arguing between Greek and Greek Cypriot. Ha ha! You lot should be so thankful to the Turkish Cypriots and the Turkish army. We are saving you lot from yourselves. Just think without the Turkish army there to protect you Greek Cypriots, you'd have the pro ENOSIS GCs and the Greeks wanting once again to slaughter the anti ENOSIS lot and vice versa. Turkey is inadvertently protecting your little selves!

Get Real! wrote:
EPSILON wrote:What these days are? the days when Neo Cypriots and "Cyprus Ethnicity start to be created" There is not a signature of surrentr- even after 400years there is always a Kolokotronis!!!1

The Cypriot ethnicity existed thousands of years before anything Greek appeared on the horizon because I AS A CYPRIOT SAY SO just as YOU AS A GREEK SAY SO about your Greek inheritance.

Now, if you want us to have a screaming competition to see who can yell it out the loudest, name a time and place and I’ll bring my loudspeaker…

Can you read? GR is not Greek! In fact he feels he belongs to the same race as you. Why are you dissappointing him?
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Postby The Cypriot » Wed Apr 29, 2009 7:37 pm

EPSILON wrote:
Lathos-big error!!Meltiadis and his fellows will never succeed in Cyprus-We are Greeks and we will remain Greeks.Despite what trators D Makogianni/G Papantreou and pupet Cypriot leaders (for 50 years) are saying!!1

So says the Athenian... Careful Epsilon, or I'll set the Spartans on you.
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