EPSILON wrote:bill cobbett wrote:Raymanoff wrote:Limassol/Piraeus by ferry??? Since when???
I do so look forward to this route being reinstated. Given the number of times this subject of the Pir-Lim ferry crops up on the Forum, there does seem to be good demand for its return, but as I understand things the situation in Gaza makes it dodgy (the ferry used to go on to Israel).
(One of the Italian lines does run a cargo service from Salerno ( I think it was) and will take a limited number of passengers and cars, but it's a ten day sea journey, that stops at various places with cargo schedule taking priority. )
Greek and Cyprus governments supporting stupid projects around. Lets hope that they will discover some under the table money for them (ministers) in order to support financially a ferry line Limassol/Piraeus
One "project" that springs (

In any event given the interest here in this service, I would imagine a car ferry/passenger service during the Summer months might be commercially viable.