denizaksulu wrote:offlimits2 wrote:Believing means , if you deny completly that God didn't send Old testement (torah) New testemant (Bible)... then you are not muslim.
muslims must believe that Those books were Inspiration of God.
now, it is very obvious that books got corrupted by people for their personal benefits. for eg Power.. etc
In Islam.. You dont' need to follow any moula, imam or priest..
you have to follow Quran and how Mohammad Peace be upon him explained Quran..
not like christians...... you give money to Priest to pray for you.. imagining Priest is near to God.
You say, 'you have to follow Quran and how Mohammad Peace be upon him explained Quran..
How can Mohammed explain the Koran, if the Koran was put to paper after his death?
Can you explain please?
1- it was writein on skins ..
2- it was memorized by thousands of his companions at that time..
and it is still memorized like it was at that time. but not numbers are in millions.
3- Quran it self is a mircale.. Quran challenges whole man kind. asking them to generate similar to it 10 verses.
and yet 1400 years past no one could come with such prefection...
beside the fact,,, before Quran.. humanity was treating women like sexual object .. again today women is being used as sexual object..
no advertsment, no sale is done with out women being exposed ..
women was being blamed 1400 years bfore for giving birth to a girl. men use to hate women. and yet today in cyprus and other countries also poeple blame wives for giving birth to female
Quran 1400 years before told us.. gender of child depends on Man, not female. this is just one example
Quran is mathimetical miracle also,.. ifu want to learn.. i can tell.. but are u willing to learn ????
there no errors at all...
listen. even for the sake of argument if i agree that i was written on paper afterwards..
why don't u find me one error..
i m asking SINGLE .. errror..
can u?