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Fighting for Cypriot Unity: Ayhan Hikmet & Ahmet Gurkhan

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Fighting for Cypriot Unity: Ayhan Hikmet & Ahmet Gurkhan

Postby Omer Seyhan » Sun Apr 26, 2009 7:39 pm

Insan and Halil believe the TMT was good and the Cyprus problem was caused only by the G/Cs, well they should watch this video and I recommend everybody else to watch it also.

Below are some very interesting videos regarding the assassination of lawyers Ayhan Hikmet & Ahmet Gurkhan by TMT.
Aydin Hikmet was one of the few highly educated Cypriots at the time. He graduated early from the English School before going on to Lincoln's Inn, London, where he graduated as a lawyer. To his friends he was highly intelligent and believed strongly in a united Cyprus. The two men formed a newspaper in Turkish that supported continued power sharing between Greek and Turkish Cypriots to try to make the Republic work.
But they received warnings from TMT who later killed them and harassed their surviving families for decades. (Part one) ... re=related (Part two) ... re=related (Part three)
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Omer Seyhan
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