insan wrote:boomerang wrote:insan wrote:boomerang wrote:insan wrote:boomerang wrote:insan wrote:boomerang wrote:Azerbaijan Increases Natural Gas Prices to Turkey
In a protest to Turkey's movement to open its borders and normalize it's relations with Armenia, Azerbaijan has decided to increase the price of natural gas it has been selling to Turkey.
In the last few weeks, especially after Obama's visit to Turkey, the Turkish government has been pushing forward to re-open its borders to Armenia, which had been closed in the early 90s. They have also sent a delegate to Yerevan to engage in diplomacy so that the two nations can normalize their shaky relations. This had drawn large protests from Azerbaijan. The people of Azerbaijan and the Azeri government believe that Turkey should not open its borders to Armenia until the Nagorno-Karabakh issue is resolved. Nagorno-Karabakh was a territory in Azerbaijan which Armenia wanted to claim in the early 90s. This led to a war between Armenia and Azerbaijan with Armenia gaining the upper hand after their control of former USSR weapons. Now the Nagorno-Karabakh region is a semi-autonomous state that only Armenia recognizes. This has created a "nation question" issue if you may, such as Cyprus, Tibet, and Northern Iraq. In a response to Turkey's actions before solving this issue, the Azeri government has upped prices of natural gas transfer to Turkey.
Personally I understand Azerbaijan's concerns. I think UN, Russia, and Turkey must do more to resolve this issue. But in this conflict and untrust that has gone for decades, I think making a compromise is the first step in a long term solution. I think Turkey moving to normalize relations with Armenia and opening borders will make the Armenian government more motivated to solve the issue in a proper way. If in over 10 years, facing off and never giving any compromise has not solved the solution, then maybe this time compromise can help both sides.
I reckon very shortly the tcs will be sold out from their bros...As I said before the day of reckoning is approaching at lightning speed...
Karabag Problem between Armenia and Azerbaycan, Normalization of relations between Turkey and Armenia and Cyprus problem r not directly related with each other.
Sooner or later Turkey and Armenia should normalize their relations. On the other hand efforts to solve the Karabagh and Cyprus problem still being carried out by the concerned parties.
It is very normal for Azerbaycanis to feel resented abt the latest developments between Turkey and Armenia. However, their resentment does not help the solution of Karabagh dispute, neither it helps reconciliation of Armenia and Turkey. Actually, how better the relations between Turkey and Armenia that sooner a solution might be found for Karabagh dispute.
It has nothing to do with Cyprus problem and ur day dreams.
you missed the point titty man....
here it is in a nut shell...
In order for Obama not to declare a genocide the turks, knowing which side of the bread is buttered, started making moves...contrary to what they believe...
the same will happen with Cyprus, coz once again the turks know exactly which side of the bread is you get titty man?...
It has everything to do with globalization and capitalization and turkey ain't gonna be left out of the gravy train for the sake of 70k dissapoint me titty man in not putting 2 and 2 together and coming with a 4...
Now what we need is input from the knucklehead and what we will have is the abbott and costello show...
Contrary to what they believe?They have always believed in their interests, lamer boomer. Finally Obama found out the right definition for the events and called it "catastrophe". Turkey and Armenia, now should look to the future to maximize their mutual interests as 2 neighbouring countries. Azeris should join too.
So titty man you are confirming that one day according to their interests is to sell you out...
what Turkey and armenia should do is of no interest...actions speak louder than words...the azeris are pissed of...
And on top of that the azeris should be talking not with the Armenians but with the administration of the azeri occupied areas...why should the Armenians be talking with the Azeris...don't you agree titty man?...
Yes, lamer boomer. There's a possibility for every political group and country to be sold out for the interests of BIG bros. That possibility includes the so-called RoC, too.
Unlike you titty man the motherland tried to sell us out with the anan plan but we told them to bugger off...any idea as to why titty man?...
The so called RoC you say...the same so called RoC that is a member of the EU and keeps Turkey frothing at the mouth...titty man you are a lost cause......titty man you are a lame duck and ready for pl{f}ucking chinese style...
Is there anybody not knowing how double faced ur motherland politicians?They talk one way, act other way. Their deep state was in full action, collaborating with the known political groups of so-called RoC to secure a loud no vote to Annan Plan.
Yes, so-called RoC is in EU and we well know why... once Greece was in Asia Minor for example...
And I suppose titty man you can back your allegations with facts...

anyway this is not about Greece's actions but the actions of your motherland selling you short down the track for the interest of 70 odd million people...