... 72095.html
Self-serving egotist or visionary?
Talisker wrote:This is sick - we have enough healthy humans in the world today without resurrecting dead children through bizarre chimaera experiments. Cloning of animals has shown a worrying high frequency of medical problems in the experimental 'progeny', and I have no doubt this will be replicated in human cloning experiments.
Proper scientists obtain ethical approval for their experiments, and take into account potential problems indicated from similar animal experiments. This guy is attempting to satisfy his own ego............... ... 72701.html
Sotos wrote:I think they should get good and persistent results with animals before they try it on humans! I think it will be done eventually and I can see some way that it can be helpful but I think it is unethical to try to create humans before the technique is perfected because of the much higher chance that those people will be born with problems.
Talisker wrote:Sotos wrote:I think they should get good and persistent results with animals before they try it on humans! I think it will be done eventually and I can see some way that it can be helpful but I think it is unethical to try to create humans before the technique is perfected because of the much higher chance that those people will be born with problems.
Agree with you completely Sotos - one day this will be achieved safely, but my understanding is that we are not yet at this stage. The race to be the 'first' should be controlled by consideration for the wellbeing of chidren resulting from such experiments.
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