Marian wrote:Is it hard to get a permision/license to posses a handgun in CY.
Is it more like Texas that any sound man without criminal record can buy a gun. Or it's like in France that it's almost impossible to get a license and you have to have good reason. And most of man doesn't have one at home.
If you are a citizen there, it is very easy to get a firearm in France, and if it is not in one of the certain categories, it is easy to get a handgun in France and if it is a cap and ball six shot revolver or an actual antique, then it is "free" meaning free from limitation/registration/licenses/etc. as long as you are over 18. You do not even have to be a citizen to be able to buy and own a cap and ball revolver there. ... A62463.JPG
It is however nearly impossible to get a licesne to carry a handgun for self protection in France. I do think it is possible to hunt with a handgun with a hunting license in France though.
In France even semi auto AR 15 rifle with a short barrel and large capacity magazine is legal. Silencers are available basically over the counter from what I have read.
Cyprus has more restrictive gun laws on what you can own than in England believe it or not. No handguns and only single or double barreled shotguns over a certain barrel length (I think it is over 20 some inches) are alowed and Flobert guns which after some research is basically a 9mm shotgun which is barely good enough for pest control.
The diffrence between England and CY seems to be that there is little to no requirements needed fo get a "license" for each firearm or air rifle except a fee.
If you are bringing your own shotgun or air rifle and you are an EU member, then you need an EU transport licence or European Firearms Pass. If you are not an EU citizen visiting Cyprus, then they can issue you a temporary permit for three months max to bring it in and use it. Someone told me once that all you do is show up with it at the airport and take it to customs to get the permit, but that was a long time ago and things may have changed and you might need prior approval maybe. But in any case, you need to them register it at the local police station in addition to having tghe temporary permit.
The difference between England and Cyprus is that in England you are also like France allowed to have cap and ball revolver handguns and other muzzloading handguns, but you need an FAC (Firearms Certificate) and they are treated the same as rifles and such where in France you can buy one over the counter without a license and walk out of the store. Also, in England they allow bolt action rifles of military caliber with an FAC whereas in CY no rifles are allowed.