boomerang wrote:Viewpoint wrote:boomerang wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Get Real! wrote:Viewpoint wrote:The clock is tiking and there will be another 150 meetings and still no solution is that what everyone wants?
surely there should be a timetable and reasonable deadlines otherwise it will be 2025 and we will still have not agreed anything.
That's the whole point... by 2025 you won't exist.
Thats where you are so wrong there will probably be more than 1.500.000 Turks in the north (we would returned to our roots) are you ready for that? You will be begging for partition mark my words.
and your history books will classify you as an ottoman remnant...happy reading...
so boomer why do you care?, we made our choice back in 1974 and in retrospect it was the right thing to do. GC mentality even today has not changed one iota the packaging maybe different but it still contains the same shit.
Did you read "care" anywhere in my post?...
But on the package/mentality certaintly you are wrong...Even Turkey requires a "YES" from the RoC...The RoC has moved beyond your wildest dreams...
You dont have to write the word care to show you do, as you are more concerned about whats going on in the TRNC than anyting else the fact that you keep running it down means nothing becuase even of the TRNC was 1000 times worse it would still be preferred to uniting with hostile GCs hell bent on forcng us into minority status in our own country.
You can have all the riches you wish for and more but what you really want is out of reach and thats whats eating away at you and will continue to do so unless you shake yourself to the roots accepting that we are your
partners in a BBF with political equality not just minority you can push around and manipulate.