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Happy and proud Talat

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Happy and proud Talat

Postby halil » Tue Apr 21, 2009 9:35 am


Ozcan Ozcanhan
TRNC President Talat’s spectacular climb in his political career came to a climax on Wednesday when he met with the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Washington.
Less than a decade ago when he took the office of Prime Minister he had sent out signals of a promising statesman. He declared his willingness and strong desire to build confidence between the two communities of the island and to work hard for a final, amicable solution of the long procrastinated Cyprus problem. He enjoyed the full backing of Turkey and walked to the Presidential palace with a single mission - to secure a better future for his community and to resolve the Cyprus dispute peacefully through UN commissioned Cyprus negotiations.
The election of AKEL’s leader Demetris Christofias, to replace the hardliner, anti-solution Tassos Papadopoulos, was welcomed by the UN, the EU and international public opinion. After all, he came from the grass roots of the communist left wing, like Talat. Hopes ran wild. The former Turkish Cypriot leader, allegedly the main obstacle on the way to a settlement - Mr. ‘NO man’ Denktas - and the Greek Cypriot Mr ‘NO man’ Papadopoulos, had been ousted. The avenues to peace and settlement in Cyprus had been cleared. The two comrades Christofias and Talat would certainly be more compromising and with the assistance of UN advisers, coordinators and mediators would accomplish miracles.
Cyprus negotiations were resumed, almost a year ago. Progress has been slow. But, the two leaders have been cooperative and understanding. UN officials, EU leaders, the British and Turkish governments were all satisfied and maintained their positive approach and support for a bizonal, bicommunal Federation based on the political equality of the two communities.
This was confirmed, once more, by the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s support on Wednesday. President Talat was happy and satisfied with the outcome of his endeavours following hard days and serious bargaining at the table.
For the first time in Turkish Cypriot history, a Turkish Cypriot political leader has had the experience and honour of meeting Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, Hillary Clinton, the UN Secretary-General, EU commissioners and leaders, Swedish, French, British Ministers and dignitaries. His search and work for peace and a final solution of the Cyprus problem have won him favourable reputation and pride.
Mehmet Ali Talat in an exclusive interview told the Cyprus Observer, “So long as the chance of a solution prevails I will work hard and try to accomplish my mission - a peaceful settlement. If and when that chance vanishes I will end my political career, I will not be a candidate for another term. We see 2009 or early 2010 suitable for a settlement.”
He said that although progress was slow at the talks, “The issues we have agreed on are more than the ones we have not reached agreement and are pending.” He supported the idea of a time limit and arbitration at the talks with Christofias. Unfortunately, his counterpart opposed both. Not only that, but also, was annoyed by the remarks of UN Special Adviser, Alexander Downer, that there was appropriate momentum and that there had been real progress. More had been agreed and written. US President Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the UN Secretary-General, the EU and Russia to China have expressed their strong support for the process.
Of course, while all of this is encouraging the attitude of the Greek Cypriot leader is discouraging. We know that he and the Greek Cypriot National Council have not spared their efforts to torpedo the successful policies and international recognition of Mehmet Ali Talat. The Greek-Greek Cypriot lobbies have attempted to prevent meetings by Talat with the EU, the Swedish, the French, the British and the American top people. However, Talat has continued his positive approach and understanding as a real statesman on the climb. He has every right to be proud. Well done Talat. Keep up the good work.
I wish I could say the same for old pal Demetris Christofias.
I have requested his sincere views through his Spokesman Stephanou and am still waiting. I hope he will soon respond and send friendly, realistic messages to the Turkish Cypriot people. Months have passed since I put in a formal request for an exclusive interview and have sent a questionnaire. All I received was a message from Doxa Spillourou that she had passed on my request. I will wait with my fingers crossed for a positive response from His Excellency and from Foreign Minister Marcos Kyprianou, to whom I also sent a similar questionnaire.
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Postby Tim Drayton » Tue Apr 21, 2009 9:43 am

I see that this article was dated on Friday. I wonder if such an upbeat tone is appropriate any more given the strength of the nationalists' victory in Sunday's elections.
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Postby halil » Tue Apr 21, 2009 10:11 am

Tim Drayton wrote:I see that this article was dated on Friday. I wonder if such an upbeat tone is appropriate any more given the strength of the nationalists' victory in Sunday's elections.

Tim ,

there is a lots of things that bring the UBP again . I guess u are following our press and u have opportunities to talk with the people face to face .
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