YFred wrote:insan wrote:I too believe that the negotiations will fail once again and partition will be officially put in agenda to be discussed. Do u think any power on planet earth could force TCs and Turkey to accept Greek-GC solution thesis under the cu rent or future circumstances? I don't even give just 0.1% chance for that.
How will it fail? Will they reach an agreement? and which side is likely to vote against it?
Fred the T/Cs will never willingly become a part of Turkey and absorbed , or rather racially annihilated. The population of the occupied part is no longer one of T/Cs but one of mainland Turks.
The indigenous T/Cs feel just as threatened by the huge influx of the mountain settlers as the rest of the Cypriots do. The truth of the matter is that Turkey illegally introduced the settlers in order to alter the demographics of the occupied part. As far as the International community and the EU in particular recognising the Turkish majority in the occupied areas as a Cypriot one . forget it because they are not fed the propaganda that the settlers are. The occupied part of Cyprus is administered and totally controlled by the occupying power, the T/Cs tell me this and I'm certain you too hear the same.