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Who is intransigent regarding a solution

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby insan » Mon Apr 20, 2009 9:59 pm

The Cypriot wrote:
insan wrote:
The Cypriot wrote:
insan wrote:
National Guard Emblem - The Two-headed Eagle was established as the emblem of the National Guard since its founding in 1964. It symbolizes the ecumenical character of the Greek spirit. The two-headed eagle was a mystical symbol of Hellenism since the ancient times. In ancient mythology, it was the par-excellence godly and heavenly bird, helper and protector of Zeus. It was first used as a symbol of power during the Byzantine years. It symbolized the dual sovereignty of the Byzantine Emperors in Europe and Asia.
R u happy with it?

Not really, no.

insan wrote:Or disturbs, and u wish it would be changed into something symbolizes "Cypriot" spirit?

I do wish. Do you?

Yes. :D

Then why are we arguing?

We r talking as 2 individuals, The Cypriot. I'm not arguing with u. :D
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Postby Sotos » Mon Apr 20, 2009 10:20 pm

Sotos wrote:Easy to answer. GCs want a united one state solution and TCs want a partition and two states. The GCs will not accept partition and the TCs will not accept a unitary state.

Bananiot wrote:Who are the GC's who want a united, one state solution? It is the first time I hear this but sotos probably means his fascist friends in Chrysi Avgi who as always line their fascism with a thick smear of patriotic jargon that may appeal to the ears of the smallest of people and the bigots, of course.

Piratis wrote:According to the poll, 80 per cent of Greek Cypriots want a unified state with a central government, while 71 per cent of Turkish Cypriots are in favour of two separate states with international recognition.

I said the truth. Bananiot was yet again lying. Fascist is you Bananiot and your invader friends. I don't associate with Fascists and Invaders like you do.
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Postby The Cypriot » Mon Apr 20, 2009 10:55 pm

insan wrote:
I'm not trying to justify anything, The Cypriot. I'm trying to show u that overwhelming majority of ur democratically elected leaders and Greek leaders(and even many GC and Greek politicians) were considering the inhabitants of South Cyprus as Greeks of Cyprus. For decades, GCs governed and guided by right wing Greek nationalists of Cyprus and Greece.

That's true. But now Cyprus is safely in the EU and part of something bigger; there's less fear; less need to focus on ethnic connections with Hellenism. You can understand why they did, with 40,000 troops in the north, breathing down their neck. It was the only antedote they had to the Turkification of the land in the north.

insan wrote:GC history text-books still reflect their perspective of the events of the past that Chris and his political party as left-wingers having a different perspective, attempted to revise the GC history text-books of the GCs but failed bcz of strong opposition of right wingers.

I guarantee you they have not failed.

insan wrote:In my opinion, in the next general elections besides presidential elections Chris and AKEL will loose and everything in South will return it's old right wing days.

Certainly if there's no progress towards reunification that's possible. But is that what you want? More and more stalemate? For ever and ever, amen?

insan wrote:From the right-wing nationalist perspective of GCs and Greeks the overwhelming majority of the citizens of South Cyprus r Greeks of Cyprus and the inhabitants of North Cyprus r Turks of Cyprus.

Nationalists, exploited by foreign powers, caused these problems... caused the population of Cyprus to be split artifically in this way. A foreign power in the north continues to keep the island's inhabitants apart to this day.

insan wrote:In the end, the opinions and the "struggle" of a few "Cypriots" don't change the facts abt the masses of Cyprus.

No one's making you be part of the masses, insan. You too can be a Cypriot.

And seeing as the whole world insists quite strongly on a solution BY Cypriots FOR Cypriots seems like the few "Cypriots" have no choice. They have been doomed to succeed.

But if they do fail, I will remain free and continue to be what I have always been: a Cypriot. And you will remain in your prison and continue to be what they want you to be: a "Turk" of the north.
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Postby insan » Mon Apr 20, 2009 11:57 pm

The Cypriot wrote:
insan wrote:
I'm not trying to justify anything, The Cypriot. I'm trying to show u that overwhelming majority of ur democratically elected leaders and Greek leaders(and even many GC and Greek politicians) were considering the inhabitants of South Cyprus as Greeks of Cyprus. For decades, GCs governed and guided by right wing Greek nationalists of Cyprus and Greece.

That's true. But now Cyprus is safely in the EU and part of something bigger; there's less fear; less need to focus on ethnic connections with Hellenism. You can understand why they did, with 40,000 troops in the north, breathing down their neck. It was the only antedote they had to the Turkification of the land in the north.

insan wrote:GC history text-books still reflect their perspective of the events of the past that Chris and his political party as left-wingers having a different perspective, attempted to revise the GC history text-books of the GCs but failed bcz of strong opposition of right wingers.

I guarantee you they have not failed.

insan wrote:In my opinion, in the next general elections besides presidential elections Chris and AKEL will loose and everything in South will return it's old right wing days.

Certainly if there's no progress towards reunification that's possible. But is that what you want? More and more stalemate? For ever and ever, amen?

insan wrote:From the right-wing nationalist perspective of GCs and Greeks the overwhelming majority of the citizens of South Cyprus r Greeks of Cyprus and the inhabitants of North Cyprus r Turks of Cyprus.

Nationalists, exploited by foreign powers, caused these problems... caused the population of Cyprus to be split artifically in this way. A foreign power in the north continues to keep the island's inhabitants apart to this day.

insan wrote:In the end, the opinions and the "struggle" of a few "Cypriots" don't change the facts abt the masses of Cyprus.

No one's making you be part of the masses, insan. You too can be a Cypriot.

And seeing as the whole world insists quite strongly on a solution BY Cypriots FOR Cypriots seems like the few "Cypriots" have know choice. They have been doomed to succeed.

But if they do fail, I will remain free and continue to be what I have always been: a Cypriot. And you will remain in your prison and continue to be what they want you to be: a "Turk" of the north.

Ofc I don't want leftists to loose power in South. I many times stated that I've always considered leftist more peaceful and more humane when compared with right wingers. However, in a place like Cyprus which geo-politically bears a great significance for western alliance; left wing ideals have no chance to survive. It wasn't a coincidence of leftists came into power on both sides of Cyprus. It was orchestrated by Americans and pro-Americans. Why? To give leftist the chance to experience the difficulties in front of reunification and face with the realities. Talat and CTP have experienced it and practically knowledged abt it. Chris as a member of long-established AKEL, on one hand, using the advantegous of being the "legitimate" representative of Cyprus play towards EU and on the other hand play towards ex-socialist countries. When AKEL and Chris pressurized by US backed, pro-Americans and Pro-Nato political groups of EU and Cyprus; he fearlessly imply that he is able to go behind Russia, China and a few other countries. How long more he will be let to play this game and where it would lead South Cyprus, I wonder.

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I hope u r proven right abt the revision of GC text-books.

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I don't agree with u that nationalists exploited by foreign powers and they caused these problems. Let's look from a non-political perspective. Every political group have their own interests and consider themselves free to engage any kind of relations with other national and international political interest groups according to their own ideaology and beliefs. That was what happened in the past and what's happening now. Still all around the world there r pro-Americans, anti-Americans, socialists and anti-socialists, globalists and anti-globalists and so on... Different political groups get into alliance and/or collaborate/cooperate for various common interests. Sometimes, these various political interest groups get on well with one issue but clashes on other issue. For example, US collaborated with right wingers of all western countries in order to prevent the spread of communism but on the other hand, in our region, encouraged the Greek-Turkish rapprochment in order to stabilize the NATO power it needed for globalization of the world. Failure of US to satisfy the nationalistic demands of Greeks and Turks cannot be considered as the fault or exploitaion of US or pro-Americans, Pro-Nato powers.

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I'm not a part of the masses and I have never been. I hope I will never be. "Cypriotism" still sounds to me a so-called notion. It could only be materialized by natural evolution and strongly depends on genuine reconciliation of Greeks and Turks.

Time and mutual realtions will show us who is who and what is what. Circumstances determine the course of history, the roles of people, stance of political parties, peace, wars etc.

Let's see where will the time and changing circumstances lead to ur so-called free areas and our "prison".

I wish everyone good luck, little sufferings, lots of joys and non-prejudiced minds. :D

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