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Olympics Games 2012

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Who do you believe will be chosen by the IOC to host the Olympics Games of 2012?

New York City
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Total votes : 14

Postby magikthrill » Wed Jul 06, 2005 5:22 pm

London Prevails In Rollercoaster Vote
Posted 9:09 am ET (

London defeated Paris on the final ballot of the 2012 Olympic bid vote, but on the second ballot it appeared Madrid was about to secure victory in the very tight race.

On the first ballot London took a slim lead with 22 votes followed by Paris with 21, Madrid 20, New York 19 and Moscow 15. Moscow was eliminated.

But on the second ballot Madrid made strong gains gathering 32 votes followed by London with 27, Paris 25 and New York 16. New York was eliminated.

On the third ballot London regained the lead with 39 votes. Paris followed with 33 and Madrid was eliminated with only 31 votes.

On the final ballot London won with a narrow margin, 54 to 50 over Paris.

While it appears that New York received some courtesy votes on the first ballot to stave off early elimination, it's not immediately understood what caused Madrid's topsy-turvy performance.

More on this story as it develops.

interesting turnout in madrid's performance. i guess paris never topped london.
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Postby petethegreek » Wed Jul 06, 2005 5:54 pm

cannedmoose wrote:
brother wrote:
I'm sure he will, I've got the guest bedroom, I've heard that Bro' is sharing Source's bed already...

Yep with my wife while sourcey sleeps on the sofa down stairs, its really good of him to do that but he told me that petethegreek has offered to share his bed with sourcey and he has accepted the offer. :wink: :lol: :lol:

Well done Pete, what a selfless gesture... I'm sure source will show you his appreciation

Why r u moving Source from his kennel to the sofa?
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Postby cannedmoose » Wed Jul 06, 2005 6:51 pm

magikthrill wrote:before the vote i didnt care as much but now i am absolutely pissed. this actually hit me when i saw british flag waving around trafalgar square. how nasty.

tis a shame. enjoy the crap athens had to go through to create an infrastructure london. in the end it might be worth it.

Thrill, why are you pissed at people waving British flags in Trafalgar Square? Why is it more nasty than Greeks waving their flags after Paparizou won Eurovision, or the Greek team won Euro2004? I saw both of those events and joined in the flag waving, in no way did it offend me because I saw a people genuinely happy at having achieved something. Today, you should feel the same for us.

The country has just won the right to stage an Olympic games for God's sake man, we're certainly not like the Americans who wave their flag at any given opportunity, so you should allow us to wave it with pride this time and share in the joy that it represents. I don't know if you associate the Union flag with colonialism or whatever, but when British people wave that flag in celebration, it has nothing to do with xenophobia or nationalism, nor has it got anything to do with the lager louts who rampage abroad at football matches. I'm the last person you could accuse of being nationalist or super-patriotic, but I'm over the moon about this and if I possessed a Union flag or St. George's Cross, I would today fly it from my window in happiness. In fact, I'll do it on here instead...


"How nasty"... I'm quite frankly surprised that it's you who wrote that to be honest, I would have expected it from someone of NickTheGreek's ilk. I know you preferred Paris, but that comment about the flags is indicative of something quite different and disturbing. I don't mean to be personal as you are one of the select group of people on here that I have respect for, but I think that comment was out of order and offensive.

As for the Athens experience, the problems in Athens were accentuated by working to elliniki ora... i.e. they left everything late. Building work has already started in London, the train tunnel to Stratford is already complete and work begins tomorrow on the facilities. I don't know if you've visited London, but that part of the city is the most deprived part of this whole country and sits in the shadow of some of the richest areas on the planet. This project is the best thing to happen to that area ever. Yes, it might cost tax money, but for once the tax money will be going into something that will transform a poor area, rather than for resurfacing roads in Chelsea or Notting Hill. The amount of investment that will flood in there will transform the lives of people living there and make it a far more beautiful place to live than it is today. I can see no downsides to this, I really can't.

Therefore, I hope you'll reflect on your feelings and realise that a London Olympics will be amazing. I hope you'll be there to share it with us. If I'm in Cyprus by then, I'm certainly coming back for it.
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Postby petethegreek » Wed Jul 06, 2005 11:10 pm

So they waved a British flag in Trafalger Square! Off to the Tower and off with their heads! How dare they!

Is this muppet 4 real?

I went past Trafalger Square and everyone was having a good time. I saw many people of different races and no body had a problem with any flag waving.

Just voted in this post for London. :lol: :lol:
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Postby magikthrill » Thu Jul 07, 2005 3:24 am

british flags remind me of US flags. lets not forget the bending over relationship between the two countries.

i do however apologize if i offended anyone :lol: .

im sure london will do a great job. although i cant think what their opening ceremony will be like? maybe a revision of their colonization and the misfortune they've brought throughout the globe? hehe j/k. im guessing they will avoid history.

at least your subway stations dont smell like urine, right?

of course it will be sad that all the buses where you could jump on wont exist by then.
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Postby cannedmoose » Thu Jul 07, 2005 10:35 am

magikthrill wrote:i do however apologize if i offended anyone :lol:

Apology accepted re

magikthrill wrote:im sure london will do a great job. although i cant think what their opening ceremony will be like? maybe a revision of their colonization and the misfortune they've brought throughout the globe? hehe j/k. im guessing they will avoid history. [/qupte]

I'm guessing it will be focussed on everything but history, probably some sort of schmaltzy celebration of London's ethnic diversity, so I doubt you'll realise from the opening ceremony that it's a London games at all... expect lots of children to be involved, that seems to be the theme that the organisers want to highlight. I somehow doubt that it'll involve lions or red-coated soldiers playing trombones anyway.

magikthrill wrote: at least your subway stations dont smell like urine, right?

Depends which ones you go to... in my experience Victoria and Kings Cross can be quite bad for urine smells, whereas Westminster and other stations tend to be much better. Depends where the winos hang out... obviously in Westminster, they move them on more rapidly.

magikthrill wrote:of course it will be sad that all the buses where you could jump on wont exist by then.

It's the far nicer bendy-buses being phased in now. Plus, to get to the venues from central London, you'll just take the new line direct, should take about 7 minutes.
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Postby cannedmoose » Fri Jul 08, 2005 12:27 am

All this doesn't quite seem so important today... :( :(
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Postby Marina2005 » Fri Jul 08, 2005 1:21 pm

I agree Moosey but this brought a smile to my face and I hope it does the same for you guys. :wink:

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Postby Liza » Fri Jul 08, 2005 1:24 pm

Can't see it Marina Mou
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Postby Marina2005 » Fri Jul 08, 2005 1:27 pm

Liza wrote:Can't see it Marina Mou

Thats strange cos I can???!!!

Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?? :?:
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