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enclaves as a bizonal (bicommunal) expression of hope

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

enclaves or partition, which can unify?

enclaves; and National Assemblies having a Jurisdiction over their territory
No votes
"two founding states", with a weak Central government to protecting Individual Rights.
Total votes : 3

enclaves as a bizonal (bicommunal) expression of hope

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Apr 10, 2009 7:22 pm


The partnership will comprise a Federal Government with a single international personality, along with a Turkish Cypriot Constituent State and a Greek Cypriot Constituent State, which will be of equal status. much we know, so far.

Dearest President,

My hope is that you will consider how "bizonal" can be defined so that the repopulation of the island will include the return of communities (, as well as individuals).

It is possible to secure our freedom of movement, and association with the addition to our geography of enclaves.

Militarily it will not be possible for two opposing forces to escalate their interests behind a defended position where their power is exclusive because with enclaves there will be no "Border" as a frontier (but rather, many frontiers).

It will be possible for every citizen, of whatever ethnicity to identify themselves with Cyprus as a whole, given a map much like as it is today, but spotted.

Addressing the issue of the displaced, from the 60's and 70's is the most important issue in terms of a need for Justice to be seen. In any solution there will be tens of thousands who will also need some consideration in their displacement. Enclaves will provide for good planning and for the development of the island with the future in mind.This Problem cannot be solved with monetary compensation alone. And the Patrimony which will be lost forever by tearing the island in two has no measurable cost, the loss to Mankind would be tragic.

Since two National Assemblies will define themselves by a territory overwhich their Jurisdiction will be to serve one community as a majority, it is possible to de-link the occupation of the land by the Turkish Army, in a manner where territory is lost and gained reciprocally by both parties, and the exchange provides for them a satisfaction in that what is "Turkish" is sustained and in the change there is a chance for it to prosper.

We need a State which is strong and is credible to represent our interests as this island's dwellers within the Global sphere. As individuals we need this State to be our defender and our representative in bettering these Rights as partners within the larger Family of Man. Yet our identity as Persons needs its nurturing, too; I think Mr. Talat will agree as well.

Enclaves provide a change in tact which will end the impasse, as a 'fait accompli'.

A euphructory right may solve many issues with the movement of so many people...

...In cases where families have suffered missing and murder, their Rights to retake possession of what is their's, deserves immediate redress (and in the manner they choose), but in most (many) cases, (inside and) outside of the enclaves, I would guess, "ownership", rather than use, will be the primary concern.

Humbly, I hope this is of service to our cause.

I remain steadfast, warmly.

Respectfully Yours,


are enclaves a good solution, if we must choose, between them, and the island divided in two?
Last edited by repulsewarrior on Fri Apr 10, 2009 7:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Apr 10, 2009 7:24 pm

What a lovely selection... Auschwitz or Dachau? :roll:
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Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Apr 10, 2009 7:31 pm

Indeed doctor, welcome to Paradise the Modern Age.
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Postby insan » Fri Apr 10, 2009 7:35 pm

We need a strong central government which it's priority is to serve the interests of the bosses of trade and military alliances we r a member of... The secondary duty of strong central government should be serving the national interests of Hellenes.(culturally, economically and internationally). The 3rd duty of the strong central government should be satisfying the basic human rights and demands of TC minority as long as their demands r not detrimental for Hellenism. :lol:
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Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Apr 10, 2009 7:54 pm

...on the other hand, what do i know, i come from a "mixed" village.
so as a "mixed", i speak...

...on the other hand, imagine a population of 12 million, will
they be just "Greeks" and "Turks"?...

...on the other hand, our fear drives the resistance which keeps things the same, but
we must change ourselves, to demonstrate our Humanity as a People
embracing this future, because each Community strong enough has as an aspiration an equal right
in a manner where as Cypriots our diversity may act as counter-vailing forces
protecting us as equals, where as National Assemblies, having majorities would provide
a right to their minorities.
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Postby Raymanoff » Fri Apr 10, 2009 8:12 pm

What an idiotic poll...
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Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Apr 10, 2009 8:13 pm

insan, if Hellenism is to be protected, why not the Romes, Armenian, Maronite, Jew, and Turk, that have this identity with the island as well?

...what is important is that there is diversity in these cultures, so that they sustain themselves and remain vital.

we don't need a strong Central Government to protect the interests of big business...

TC's and GC's can live as minorities if they choose to, with the
Right to Free Association
Right to Free Movement
Right to Expression of Thought
...and as Majorities, we can express our Goodwill
toward the Minorities which live among us
and who have their own special needs as well.

so too in the future where both TC's and GC's are amongst the minorities

...a strong State which is Sovereign, protects us
but only if our taxdollars remain in our hands, or at least
as close as possible to them. Municipalities are where
it's at, enclaves adds to this possibility
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Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Apr 10, 2009 8:22 pm

Mr. Ray,

it may not be a shame

think beyond Cyprus it not possible in the middle east?

if there existed a Captial like Nicosia
where there is the State along with
National Assemblies which claim it as
their seat, our representation of Bicommunal
and Bi Zonal, would be emulated.
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