I was recently asked a purely hypothetical question by Piratis:
"If the majority of Cypriots, in an open and fair election, were able to express their democratic will for enosis with modern Greece, would I respect their wishes?
It was a good question, and I replied in the affirmative, though, if able, I would vote against, as I didn't believe it to be in the interests of the Cypriot people, taken as a whole.
I have another, purely hypothetical question, which I'd like to put to Cypriots of all persuasions, those living north, south and throughout the world, as well as those good people of the world with affinities to Cyprus. I apologise if this has already been put forward before.
There is no 'hidden agenda'; just a curiosity to see how the land really lies at this point in history in 2009. And let's not argue about the terms, or percentages, just imagine that this is what's on the table:
If the people of Cyprus were offered the following choice, which would you campaign for:
One new, reunited Cyprus where all citizens are equal, are Cypriot without distinction, and have to swear allegiance to a new single Cypriot nation within the EU.
An agreed partition where 82% of Cyprus is ceded to Greece (Greek Cyprus) and all the citizens live subject to Greek (and hence EU) law; and 18% of Cyprus is ceded to Turkey (Turkish Cyprus), and its citizens are subject to Turkish law, and who will join the EU at the same time as Turkey, following which the border between Greek Cyprus and Turkish Cyprus becomes like the border between France and Germany.