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Real unity or agreed partition?

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Real unity or agreed partition?

a. Real unity?
b. Agreed partition?
Total votes : 35

Postby Kikapu » Fri Apr 10, 2009 10:54 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
The Cypriot wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Then I will refrain from voting as neither options are what I want.

Now you know, how most Cypriots feel (I suspect) about your options.

What about the people like me who do not want either of the 2 options? You have only the voters who want the options you have placed on the table, this may only represent 20%? So your poll does not reveal anything worth while than satisfying your own ego.

Don't worry, VP, because you would fall into the Ultra NeoPartitonist who would end up with only 5% of land where the settlers will be your keepers until Turkey hands over the remaining 5% land to the south just to get into the EU.!

Are you satisfied now.!
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Postby The Cypriot » Fri Apr 10, 2009 11:12 pm

Viewpoint wrote: Of those on this forum, so those that did not vote represent a far larger proportion which means eg 70% dont care for your options.

So far 20 people have voted. I've just checked and the last major poll had 32 voters. Let's see how close we get to that number. We're currently 63% there after only a few hours. How many do you think we need for the poll to be reflective of the forum?

I do believe you're clutching at straws, VP.

Viewpoint wrote: Your ego relates to getting support for your own ideology rather than a real feel of what Cypriots on both sides of the divide want or think.

My ideology is about unity for my parents' homeland. Naturally I want support for this. What's so wrong with that?

Yours is about dismembering it. Do you honestly believe most Cypriots want to dismember their country forever? Can you provide examples of countries where this is what people want?

Viewpoint wrote: What if you want unity but not under the terms you are trying to force down our throats?

It's a hypothetical poll, VP. What are you getting so uppity about? And how many "non-unity" solutions have been rammed down the Cypriot people's throats by foreigners – under their terms – down the years?

I hope I'm wrong but I'm beginning to believe the drivel your producing is motivated, in some way, by financial gain. No logical mind – with the powers of articulation you clearly possess – could possibly use some of the arguments you're using.

Viewpoint wrote: Can you provide examples of countries that were split by using population ratios?

No. How many times have you rehearsed this particular argument? I refer you to my previous answer.

And meanwhile, can you provide me with examples of any other tiny island where 40,000 overseas foreign soldiers continue to keep its people, the majority of whom clearly want to be reunited, apart?
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Apr 11, 2009 12:11 am

The Cypriot wrote:But how can Cypriot nationalism be any more acceptable than any other form of nationalism?

Nationalism : “Devotion to the interests or culture of one's nation.” ... ationalism

I now ask you…

1. Why are so many people seemingly clueless of the meaning of this simple word?

2. If Cypriot nationalism is unacceptable in Cyprus what do you suggest we adopt? That of an alien planet?

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Re: Real unity or agreed partition?

Postby Kikapu » Sat Apr 11, 2009 12:11 am

The Cypriot wrote:
Kikapu wrote:I would like to modify your above option TWO if I may, in the event that is the only option available.

The land percentages should reflect the percentage of total Cypriots wanting to live in the north or the south. This percentage is only for the True Cypriots and does not include any settlers who have been given fake "TC citizenships". Given the option where TC's will become full equal citizens with the GC's as a EU members in the south and the north will become part of the middle east with no hope for a EU, I would bet my bottom dollar, that more than 50% of True TC's would choose to live in the south as True Cypriots in the RoC. This will make the land distribution somewhere around 90% for the south and 10% for the north. This should be acceptable to all the NeoPartitionist, since their concerns are, that they want to have control of their own destiny on the island. Well, this will give it to them, until they realise of course, that their future will be in the hands of the settlers and Turkey, in which case, you better change the land percentages one more time to 95% for the south and 5% for the north as more TC's will want to live in the south.! Ultimately, Turkey will be glad to give back the remaining 5% of the north to the south in exchange for not using her EU veto when the time comes for Turkey to enter the EU. The south will then become one country again at 100% as a True Democracy, same as all the other EU nations. No more Cyprus problems.!

Don't forget Kikapu, under the partition scenario, TCs would not be moving to the south to live with and as 'True Cypriots', they would be moving to become Greek citizens, as Cyprus would no longer exist as a republic. They would, in effect, be moving to a part of Greece, like, say, moving to Crete.

Would they still come under these conditions? And what percentage?

Also Cyprus, on its own, would no longer have its own veto against Turkey. That veto would only apply if Greece (with Cyprus in it) chose to play it. And it may not be in Greece's wider geo-strategic interests to play it (even though Greek citizens in Cyprus might well be clambering for it).

And also, the reducing percentage of land in the north (eventually to 0) would not mean Cyprus becoming one EU nation; it would mean Cyprus becoming another Greek island, like Crete, but with a Muslim minority.

I'm actually struggling a little to get my head round all this, but hope you can see the logic.


Why do you assume, that the south will become Greece and that all it's citizens would then become Greek.?

Also, why do you assume, that the RoC would give up it's independent sovereignty and lose her EU veto powers by simply agreeing to have a partition.?

Why don't you run another poll and see how many GC's would like to become part of Greece.!

There are other countries where there are more than one ethnic groups and languages spoken regardless of the percentages of each group which no one sees themselves as a majority or a minority. Cyprus can become a country just as Switzerland where the above ethnic groups live all as Swiss.

I'm a TC by the way.!

BTW, VP is the worst enemy of the True TC's for a better future. VP likes the idea of "Animal Farm" scenario for the TC's, just because he is one of the "PIGS".!
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Postby The Cypriot » Sat Apr 11, 2009 12:31 am

Get Real! wrote:
Devotion to the interests or culture of one's nation. ... ationalism

I now ask you…

1. Why are so many people seemingly clueless of the meaning of this simple word?

2. If Cypriot nationalism is unacceptable in Cyprus what do you suggest we adopt? That of an alien planet?


If that's your definition of nationalism, then I'd go along with it, GR, as it's no different to pride.

But according to my trusted Concise Oxford dictionary:

nationalism can also mean an extreme form of the above definition and also chauvinism, ie. exaggerated or aggressive patriotism, excessive or prejudiced support or loyalty to one's group.

I concede, I'd rather people were as above to Cyprus than to overseas nations. But extremism of any form is ugly and counter-productive, in my view.

And we have now entered the realm of semantics.
Last edited by The Cypriot on Sat Apr 11, 2009 12:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Real unity or agreed partition?

Postby The Cypriot » Sat Apr 11, 2009 12:53 am

Kikapu wrote:

Why do you assume, that the south will become Greece and that all it's citizens would then become Greek.?

If the majority choose option 2, that's what they'd have opted for: Union with Greece. (Within this hypothetical scenario).

Kikapu wrote: Also, why do you assume, that the RoC would give up it's independent sovereignty and lose her EU veto powers by simply agreeing to have a partition.?

Again, it's just hypothetical. If people vote for 2, in our hypothetical world, they'd be voting for the dismantling of the RoC and the ceding of 82% of Cyprus's territory to Greece (and losing their right of veto).

Kikapu wrote: Why don't you run another poll and see how many GC's would like to become part of Greece.!

Not sure we'd get an honest result. What would be to stop non GC's (like VP) from voting to skew results? We already can see from this poll that few if any would want to become part of Greece. I suspect most (if not all) who have voted for 2, are actually TC's.

Kikapu wrote: There are other countries where there are more than one ethnic groups and languages spoken regardless of the percentages of each group which no one sees themselves as a majority or a minority. Cyprus can become a country just as Switzerland where the above ethnic groups live all as Swiss.

Kikapu, if Cypriots want that in our hypothetical world, they'd vote 1. And as you can see the vast majority (and their friends) want just that.

Kikapu wrote:
I'm a TC by the way.!

I know you are. And I have a huge amount of respect for your contributions, which are always incredibly intelligent and incisive.

Kikapu wrote:
BTW, VP is the worst enemy of the True TC's for a better future. VP likes the idea of "Animal Farm" scenario for the TC's, just because he is one of the "PIGS".!

We all know that most TC's (perhaps for religious reasons) prefer lamb to the porkies he has to offer.
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Postby Simon » Sat Apr 11, 2009 1:42 am

miltiades wrote:
Simon wrote:Miltiades,

What DT and others are trying to say is that we are Greeks of Cyprus, not Greece. So our allegiance first and foremost is to Cyprus. But this does not stop us being Greek. Being ethnically "Greek" does not only belong to Greece, it belongs to Cyprus also and the diaspora around the world. Greece does not have the monopoly on this. In fact, Greek Cypriots are probably closer to the ancient Greeks than what mainland Greeks are. Your grandchildren aren't going to have a connection with the mainland because you don't. Your connection is to Cyprus and therefore so is hers. This doesn't stop her being Greek.

So our nationality is Cypriot and Cyprus is our home, and we are ethnically Greek. Now can we stop going over the same thing and start focusing on issues that may actually help reunification please!

Simon you have been on the forum for a long time now. You must know I have always referred to G/Cs and T/Cs , have never instigated that either the G/Cs or T/Cs should be referred to as some people do Greek or Turkish speaking Cypriots.
What binds us together is our motherland Cyprus. Denis , Kikapu Bir and so many other T/Cs feel predominantly as I do , Cypriot.That is what matters that the people of Cyprus give their allegiance to their true motherland.
I would never in a million years look at Deniz or any other of my Cypriot compatriots and think of them as part of a minority. I group them all as Cypriots , if they are a minority then so am I .
I fully comprehend the complex definitions of what constitutes ethnicity and nationality , frankly I dont give a damn , if you are a Cypriot then you are of the same ethnicity as I'm , a Cypriot.

Miltiades, I understand your views quite well, however, there is one thing that confuses me. You call yourself a Cypriot above all else, but when pressed specifically, you refer to yourself as a Greek Cypriot. This I understand well and believe it is a perfectly fair view. But then at the same time, you argue that you are an "ethnic Cypriot". This is where I become confused.

If this is the case, then why do you call yourself a Greek Cypriot at all? Where does the Greek come into it? If your nationality and ethnicity is Cypriot, where is the Greek? My point is, we are Greek Cypriots because our ethnicity, culture, religion etc is Greek; and our country is Cyprus, so we are Cypriots. Hence Greek Cypriot. But I'm not sure how your views are compatible.

It seems to me that you (and not just you but many others) seem to think that because we call ourselves Greek, we declare our allegiance to Greece and not Cyprus. That you are Greek OR Cypriot. This is nonsense. Like I said, Greeks are not just indigenious to Greece, but Cyprus as well. Being Greek does not make us any less Cypriot. They are not mutually exclusive but perfectly compatible. Cyprus' welfare will always come first for us, and being Greek at the same time is no contradiction. This is why we are Greek CYPRIOTS and not just Greeks.

Take this example. Say if Crete became independent from Greece, would Cretans suddenly not be ethnic Greeks? Of course not. But they would become Greek Cretans. Crete would be its citizens first priority, and being Greek would be no contradiction to this. This is how it is in Cyprus.

By the way, I would not class the TCs you mentioned as a minority either, because they are not claiming special minority rights like other TCs. They are happy with the 1 Cypriot 1 vote system. Therefore, they are Cypriot nationals like the rest of us.
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Postby DT. » Sat Apr 11, 2009 9:44 am

Get Real! wrote:
The Cypriot wrote:But how can Cypriot nationalism be any more acceptable than any other form of nationalism?

Nationalism : “Devotion to the interests or culture of one's nation.” ... ationalism

I now ask you…

1. Why are so many people seemingly clueless of the meaning of this simple word?

2. If Cypriot nationalism is unacceptable in Cyprus what do you suggest we adopt? That of an alien planet?


Nothing wrong with Cypriot nationalism. Next time you call me a Greek nationalist remind me to punch you in the nuts. You're not getting it. Just because you're aware and proud that you have an ethnic Greek background does

1) make you a nationalist Greek who's on the lookout for the best interests of Greece the country.
2) Stop you from being a Cypriot nationalist and/or patriot thats ONLY looking out for the interests of Cyprus even if they conflict with those of Greece. (its your nation FFS)

P.S Cypriot, this is the one case in the world where a country can do with some nationalists.
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Postby The Cypriot » Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:02 am

DT. wrote:[
Nothing wrong with Cypriot nationalism. Next time you call me a Greek nationalist remind me to punch you in the nuts. You're not getting it. Just because you're aware and proud that you have an ethnic Greek background does

1) make you a nationalist Greek who's on the lookout for the best interests of Greece the country.
2) Stop you from being a Cypriot nationalist and/or patriot thats ONLY looking out for the interests of Cyprus even if they conflict with those of Greece. (its your nation FFS)

P.S Cypriot, this is the one case in the world where a country can do with some nationalists.

Count me in then. :wink: (But not in the extreme sense).

BTW, only one forum member, insan, has admitted to voting for partition.

What is it with the rest? Afraid they'd get a rollocking?

Perhaps this should have been a public plebiscite! (like the one in 1950).

Explain yourselves... or the nationalists will assume you're cowards as well as traitors.
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Postby Byron » Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:43 am

Piratis wrote:I fully agree with DT.

Also I fully agree with "option a".

What I don't like however is for the Cypriot people to be "offered options" by foreigners. Cyprus is our island and we should be allowed to have our self-determination, and not just to be offered options, which always serve the interests of those foreigners who make the options, and not the interests of the Cypriot people. (and I am talking about the options actually being offered, not the theoretical options in this thread)

And since DT. talked about Austria, here are some interesting facts:

Austria, with its modern borders, was created out of the main German speaking areas. On November 12, 1918, Austria became a republic called German Austria. The newly formed Austrian parliament asked for union with Germany. Article 2 of its provisional constitution stated: Deutschösterreich ist ein Bestandteil der Deutschen Republik (German Austria is part of the German Republic). Plebiscites in the countries of Tyrol and Salzburg 1919–21 yielded majorities of 98 and 99% in favour of a unification with Germany. It was feared that small Austria was not economically viable. In the end France and Italy prevented the merger, and demanded the construction of an independent Austria that had to remain autonomous for at least 20 years. The Treaty of Saint Germain included a provision that prohibited political or economic union with Germany and forced the country to change its name from the "Republic of German Austria" to the "Republic of Austria," i.e. the First Republic. The German-speaking bordering areas of Bohemia and Moravia (later called the "Sudetenland") were allocated to the newly founded Czechoslovakia. Many Austrians and Germans regarded this as hypocrisy since U.S. president Woodrow Wilson had proclaimed in his famous "Fourteen Points" the "right of self-determination" for all nations.

And in the end the Italians tookover Sud Tyrol !!!! Cyprus beware !
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