I too am a little confused. I tend to read most things on this site connected to animals as I am an animal lover, but I am not quite sure how political type issues get into a thread regarding cats and a bird....!!!!! And tho it be narrow minded of me, am not interested in reading about Grivas or Turks or whatever....!!!!
Am also sad to say that no one has really answered your original questions. I can't help too much as I have bought dogs in and out of Cyprus and that was before we joined the EU and things have changed since then. I believe you still have to have the government vet check the cats on arrival. But, if this is anything like it was for the dogs, the vet never even checked the crates or that they were still alive, just sat in his office counting the hundreds of pounds I gave him (in cash - no cheques accepted). It is cheaper now. Believe you still have to have import licence for all animals to come to cyprus and by obtaining that the government vet knows when to be there (but is always late!!!!). Contact DEFRA in UK (Something like department of Agriculture). GOOD LUCK