Tall Ships Adventure: a European Voyage of Understanding.
A ten-day voyage on a 600-ton square-rigged sailing ship, the Stavros S
Niarchos, from 13th to 23rd July 2005.
Starting and ending in Naples, Italy. Escorted return flights from
Larnaca are included in the arrangements for Cypriot participants.
The voyage is for 48 young people, aged 16 to 25, with special
participation from young Greek and Turkish Cypriots. The aim is to attract an
international crew from several European countries who will live and
work together to sail the ship. English will be the common language on
board the ship. Free places are being offered to eight Turkish-Cypriot
and eight Greek-Cypriot boys and girls. For details of how to apply,
see below.
The underlying theme is a Voyage of Understanding between people from
several backgrounds, but especially from the Greek and Turkish Cypriot
communities. Sailing on a traditional square-rigger is a challenging
experience, encouraging team-work and mutual support in what is sometimes
a physically-demanding environment. It is also great fun! The Stavros
S Niarchos is owned and run by the Tall Ships Youth Trust, a registered
charity founded in 1956 and based in Portsmouth, UK. Experience has
shown that young people benefit in many ways from a tall ships adventure:
increased self-confidence, understanding the role and value of
leadership, and ability to relate to people from differing backgrounds - to
name but three. In 2004, 15 Turkish- and Greek Cypriots joined the same
ship for a very successful nine-day voyage from Limassol to Crete.
Last year, about half the cost of the project was provided by a grant from
the Bi-communal Development Programme, which is funded by USAID and
UNDP and is executed by UNOPS in Nicosia. Individual donors in Cyprus and
the UK covered the remaining costs.
Where will the money come from this year?
A bi-communal project team, with participation throughout the Island of
Cyprus, has been working for several months to make this voyage
possible. Grants have been secured from Bi-communal Development Programme, the
Tall Ships Youth Trust, and from a number of individuals.
Want to come? Need more information?
For further details, contact: Corina at [email protected] as soon
as possible, as places are very limited.