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Obama visit to Turkey

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby insan » Sun Apr 05, 2009 9:15 pm

eracles wrote:I know I'm not a moderator and hell, shoot me down in flames, but can we keep this -on topic- without shit-throwing, because there's currently over 4000 topics that end in the same way on this forum.
Let's discuss whether Obama will sell Cyprus to the Turks or not with a cool head without accusations, just looking at the geopolitics - maybe make a prediction and we'll see if it comes true!

My prediction: Thanks Turks for help in Cyprus problem, supports current peace process, removes certain 'isolations' on TCs to scare GCs to accept Turkey's red lines.

It's not abt whether Obama would sell Cyprus to Turks or not. Afterwards the events of 1964; it wasn't right to recognize so-called RoC as the only legitimate representative of Cyprus. There were many reasons behind of why US controlled western alliance, kept recognizing so-called RoC as the only legitimate representative of Cyprus. The main reason was keeping Greece in Nato and using her for the interests of Western Alliance over Balkans. Neither it was right nor it was fair to recognizing the so-called RoC as the only legitimate representative of Cyprus. U have never got aware of that ur victory over TCs was temporary till the circumstances change.

The mission almost completed in Balkans. Now it's time for middle-east and far east. Time for justice to prevail. Time to end the 36 years lasted injustice. End of isolations does not mean we won't want unification. As long as u insist on majority rule, it won't happen. We r well aware of globalization of the world and our responsibilities in Western Alliance. We will keep exerting for reconciliation and cooperation with Hellenes, either for a united Cyprus based on political equality of 2 communities; if fails 2 seperate states.
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Re: Obama visit to Turkey

Postby insan » Sun Apr 05, 2009 9:18 pm

Lit wrote:
eracles wrote:What do you guys think?

I'll tell you whats up. Its a major upgrade for Turkey. Why? Because the US wants more from Turkey and Turkey is giving it. On issues from Afghanistan to Iraq, You will here all about what they agreed when Obama visits Turkey.

Now why wouldn't president Obama help those who made his fist major trip abroad a successful one? Thats a no brainer. So what does Turkey want in return? Thats also a no brainer.

New thinking is required from our politicians but i aint seeing it. The cold war is over. One side has won, are our politicians aware of it?

eracles wrote:The Greek lobby have filed their objections

You cant always request miracles and that lobby isnt powerful as some make it out to be. So dont always run to it. And some in that lobby are disappointed that karamanlis couldnt offer more during his recent Obama meeting.

Not all is lost. Karamanlis has been invited to Washington.
Christofias may have a change of mind with regard to the Partnership for peace program. Oh and the Turks may actually come to their senses and negotiate in good faith. You know because i have been reading some of these TC facebook pages and oh wait, I think i have been reading too much of "The Cypriot's" comments in another thread. :wink: Hey, Wishful thinking is sometimes good.

We call it being aware of our resposibilities in western alliance. :wink:
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Postby YFred » Sun Apr 05, 2009 9:20 pm

How can it be exclusively Turkish when the subject of how many GC will settle in the north is being discussed? The real question is are you willing to accept that there will be exchange of land and some of the GCs will not be able to come back to their properties and will be compensated for it.

The 50:50 power shaing is the only way for the upper house, as it will be a very weak government anyway.

People having lived in Cyprus for 35 years and more can hardly be called settlers. There is plenty of TC land for them, as there has been such a large migration of TCs from Cyprus, direct consequence of the RoC government from 63 onwards.

The the whole point of the power share is that one side will not be able to impose their will on the other. That is the TC's nightmare, how can you have same worries?
Last edited by YFred on Sun Apr 05, 2009 9:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Apr 05, 2009 9:20 pm

Insan , what is all these nonsense with " so called " Grow up man , the whole world knows and recognises the RoC .
As far as the "trnc" , it is not only an illegal and corrupt regime it is also occupied by Turkey .
The nonsense concerning "so called" is pure mainland Turkish shit .
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Postby Oracle » Sun Apr 05, 2009 9:24 pm

President Obama is on a Crusade to rid the world of Human Rights abusers ..... such as are the Turks!

His visit to these notorious HR violators can only be a good thing for Humanity, and a long-awaited retribution against the terrible Turks!
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Postby turkkan » Sun Apr 05, 2009 9:26 pm

I dont see what the big fuss is about, aside from a few promotional gestures to make talat a bit more popular nothing will really change on the ground in Cyprus. What turkey is interested at this moment in time is Iraq and Iran, especially issues such as the status of mosul, how many american soldiers will stay in iraq, will the US provide more intel on the PKK within N.iraq and if the states will continue hindering trade between Iran and syria with turkey,a issue that costs turkey billions ever year.
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Postby YFred » Sun Apr 05, 2009 9:27 pm

Old Girl, please can you tell us which nation has been abusing HR more recently? Abu Graib, Gontanamo, Extraordinary rendition?
How can the yanks lecture anybody about HR, please dear god, help us, and I am not religious.
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Postby insan » Sun Apr 05, 2009 9:30 pm

miltiades wrote:Insan , what is all these nonsense with " so called " Grow up man , the whole world knows and recognises the RoC .
As far as the "trnc" , it is not only an illegal and corrupt regime it is also occupied by Turkey .
The nonsense concerning "so called" is pure mainland Turkish shit .

Afterwards 1964, overwhelming majority of TCs have called it as so-called RoC, Miltiades. Not only me and u will realize it soon, too.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Apr 05, 2009 9:48 pm

insan wrote:
miltiades wrote:Insan , what is all these nonsense with " so called " Grow up man , the whole world knows and recognises the RoC .
As far as the "trnc" , it is not only an illegal and corrupt regime it is also occupied by Turkey .
The nonsense concerning "so called" is pure mainland Turkish shit .

Afterwards 1964, overwhelming majority of TCs have called it as so-called RoC, Miltiades. Not only me and u will realize it soon, too.

But you agree that the entire world knows the RoC as the only legit government of Cyprus. Our passports , our IDs our currency as it then was before the introduction of the Euro are all solid and unquestionable criteria of the legitimacy of the RoC. Turkey in her efforts to justify her invasion and occupation of a part of Cyprus naturally had to invent these nonsense concerning the legality of the RoC. I expect the overwhelming majority of T/Cs that possess a RoC Passport / ID do know well enough that their prized document is not referred to as the "so called " .

You are aware of the fact that Cyprus is one of the 26 EU member nations and as such can not possibly be intelligently referred to by any brain processing individual as the " so called" , Turkey does it but then Turkey is after all a third world nation occupying a part of Cyprus .
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Postby DT. » Sun Apr 05, 2009 9:52 pm

miltiades wrote:
insan wrote:
miltiades wrote:Insan , what is all these nonsense with " so called " Grow up man , the whole world knows and recognises the RoC .
As far as the "trnc" , it is not only an illegal and corrupt regime it is also occupied by Turkey .
The nonsense concerning "so called" is pure mainland Turkish shit .

Afterwards 1964, overwhelming majority of TCs have called it as so-called RoC, Miltiades. Not only me and u will realize it soon, too.

But you agree that the entire world knows the RoC as the only legit government of Cyprus. Our passports , our IDs our currency as it then was before the introduction of the Euro are all solid and unquestionable criteria of the legitimacy of the RoC. Turkey in her efforts to justify her invasion and occupation of a part of Cyprus naturally had to invent these nonsense concerning the legality of the RoC. I expect the overwhelming majority of T/Cs that possess a RoC Passport / ID do know well enough that their prized document is not referred to as the "so called " .

You are aware of the fact that Cyprus is one of the 26 EU member nations and as such can not possibly be intelligently referred to by any brain processing individual as the " so called" , Turkey does it but then Turkey is after all a third world nation occupying a part of Cyprus .

You've answered your question Milt....
be intelligently referred to by any brain processing individual as the " so called
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