Viewpoint wrote: You are living in wonderland the 2 main communities have been divided for 35 years and have no inclinaiton or demand to live and work together as you put it. The "Cypriot" people dont exists and any promotion of this underdeveloped notion will only be seen as camaflouge to allow GCs to use their numerical advantage to take control of the whole of Cyprus and dominate reducing TCs to a minority in their own country.
Viewpoint, I've yet to lock horns with you before but welcome the opportunity to do so now. I may be living in wonderland but your thinking means you will forever be living in Never-Never Land.
Why are you so worried about the concept of this "underdeveloped notion" of a "Cypriot" people? Are you concerned that if the people of the island did start demanding justice and freedom for all Cypriots - and did so with one voice, Turkey's ill-gotten gains would be seriously threatened? Because they could no longer hoodwink Cypriots living in the north into believing the Cyprus issue was simply a Greek/Turk thing, which meant Turkey had to have a slice to protect their co-religionists?
You see, Pirati? It is a proponent of Turkish interests in Cyprus who claims the concept of "Cypriotness" doesn't exist. So it isn't true what you said, that by propogating this idea we fall into Turkey's trap. Quite the opposite it seems!
The "underdeveloped notion" you speak of Viewpoint, is being developed by Cypriots with many and varied backgrounds, mainly young people, students, and certainly including those now living in the north and/or originally of Muslim extraction. So your contention that it's a "GC" trap is entirely without foundation.
How can it be both a Greek and a Turkish trap? It's neither, it's a Cypriot trap!
As for numerical advantage, the concept of majority and minority ceases to be an issue if people were to think, act and speak as Cypriots. And isn't that what you want, Viewpoint? Not to be a minority?
If Viewpoint is so dead against the idea, I really do believe we're on to something, guys.