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How much have we changed from last century?

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How much have we changed from last century’s catastrophic mindsets?

I’m a GC who denounces both Greece & Turkey and supports the sovereignty of Cyprus.
I’m a GC who insists that the whole of Cyprus is Greek!
I’m a GC against the sovereignty of Cyprus and in favor of “Greek” and “Turkish” sections.
No votes
I’m a TC who denounces both Turkey & Greece and supports the sovereignty of Cyprus.
I’m a TC who insists that the whole of Cyprus is Turkish!
I’m a TC against the sovereignty of Cyprus and in favor of “Turkish” and “Greek” sections.
I’m a Greek who supports the sovereignty of Cyprus.
No votes
I’m a Greek who insists that the whole of Cyprus is Greek!
I’m a Greek against the sovereignty of Cyprus and in favor of “Greek” and “Turkish” sections.
No votes
I’m a Turk who supports the sovereignty of Cyprus.
I’m a Turk who insists that the whole of Cyprus is Turkish!
I’m a Turk against the sovereignty of Cyprus and in favor of “Turkish” and “Greek” sections.
Total votes : 32

Postby YFred » Sat Apr 04, 2009 10:27 am

Z4 wrote:I can't answer that question!

only because one of the questions did not include a playstation three game
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Re: How much have we changed from last century?

Postby YFred » Sat Apr 04, 2009 10:32 am

Get Real! wrote:How much have we changed from last century’s catastrophic mindsets?

If none of the above applies then please do not vote!

Regards, GR.

The one choice which is being negotiated right now is not included, where is the choice that includes two federal communities? I would like to vote for 4th choice but I can't if it means back to 1960 geographically.
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Postby Lit » Sat Apr 04, 2009 1:19 pm

Simon wrote:GR wrote:

Only a true Cypriot could possibly denounce the nuisance countries.

Only an ignoramus could possibly call a close ally a "nuisance".

GR only has love for the TCs and well that love, according to the poll, isnt being reciprocated.

He cant see today's realities. Can somebody tell him that Enosis is not on the table, it hasnt been for a very long time. That is why Greece recognizes the RoC. We dont even have a say about the British bases. The majority of the GCs do not approve of the bases so why do they exist? Because that is the reality!

Here is another reality: Cyprus is being dragged towards Turkey's sphere of influence. One of Turkey's red lines that they say can not be crossed is that any future agreement must give Turkey expanded intervention rights through ALL of Cyprus. Can GR see the "reality"? No, he cant, he is still fighting the phantom menace of Enosis.

Speaking of a close ally....Karamanlis is due to hold talks with US President Barack Obama on the sidelines of a NATO summit being held in France. Much of the talk by Karamanlis will be on Cyprus. President Obama on the other hand will be pressing the Greek PM to increase Greek contribution to the operation in Afghanistan. I hope Karamanlis is more intelligent than our leader Christofias who is dismissing any idea of joining the Partnership for Peace program. By not joining the PFP, Cypriots are seen as being unreliable by other western nations. Are we the only EU member country who is currently not part of the PFP?

Karamanlis needs to agree to the Afghan increase. What i am saying may not go down well with people in this forum or the anarchist in Greece but it certainly will strengthen our negotiating hand. Its time for new thinking and i hope Karamanlis understands the "reality" for Cyprus sake.
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Postby YFred » Sat Apr 04, 2009 1:28 pm

Lit wrote:
Simon wrote:GR wrote:

Only a true Cypriot could possibly denounce the nuisance countries.

Only an ignoramus could possibly call a close ally a "nuisance".

GR only has love for the TCs and well, that love according to the poll, isnt being reciprocated.

He cant see today's realities. Can somebody tell him that Enosis is not on the table, it hasnt been for a very long time. That is why Greece recognizes the RoC. We dont even have a say about the British bases. The majority of the GCs do not approve of the bases so why do they exist? Because that is the reality!

Here is another reality: Cyprus is being dragged towards Turkey's sphere of influence. One of Turkey's red lines that they say can not be crossed is that any future agreement must give Turkey expanded intervention rights through ALL of Cyprus. Can GR see the "reality"? No, he cant, he is still fighting the phantom menace of Enosis.

Speaking of a close ally....Karamanlis is due to hold talks with US President Barack Obama on the sidelines of a NATO summit being held in France. Much of the talk by Karamanlis will be on Cyprus. President Obama on the other hand will be pressing the Greek PM to increase Greek contribution to the operation in Afghanistan. I hope Karamanlis is more intelligent than our leader Christofias who is dismissing any idea of joining the Partnership for Peace program. By not joining the PFP, Cypriots are seen as being unreliable by other western nations. Are we the only EU member country who is currently not part of the PFP?

Karamanlis needs to agree to the Afghan increase. What i am saying may not go down well with people in this forum or the anarchist in Greece but it certainly will strengthen our negotiating hand. Its time for new thinking and i hope Karamanlis understands the "reality" for Cyprus sake.

So long as GCs do not attack TRNC, they have nothing to fear against Turkey, how ever if you start drilling on the Turkish oilfields that’s another matter. Learn from Greece's experience, unless you share the wealth around these shores fairly, you aint gona benefit from it nohow. Make a deal so everyone can benefit. Live and let live. How else can I put it?
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Apr 04, 2009 1:55 pm

Lit wrote:GR only has love for the TCs and well that love, according to the poll, isnt being reciprocated.

He cant see today's realities. Can somebody tell him that Enosis is not on the table, it hasnt been for a very long time. That is why Greece recognizes the RoC. We dont even have a say about the British bases. The majority of the GCs do not approve of the bases so why do they exist? Because that is the reality!

Here is another reality: Cyprus is being dragged towards Turkey's sphere of influence. One of Turkey's red lines that they say can not be crossed is that any future agreement must give Turkey expanded intervention rights through ALL of Cyprus. Can GR see the "reality"? No, he cant, he is still fighting the phantom menace of Enosis.

You seem to understand as much about Cyprus as queen Nefertiti understood about the microprocessor… :roll:

Turkey has physically invaded & occupied Cyprus whereas Greece has mentally invaded & occupied Cyprus!

What difference does it make when both these foreigners have setup a factory on this island producing an endless supply of traitors?

Where else on this planet has such a bizarre situation been allowed to exist? Nowhere!, because such stupidities are violently SUPPRESSED early on before they flourish…

Greece and Turkey ARE the Cyprus problem because they are BEING ALLOWED by significant proportions of the Cypriot population to be so. The problem is, if this is the way “forward” then there can either be a war between THEM to decide who is to be the “master” of Cyprus or PARTITION!

The question is…


Makarios achieved the UNACHIEVABLE way back in 1960, yet, here we are today 50 years later even more primitive than before! Right back to ZERO!

What have we learned? Not much it seems…
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Re: How much have we changed from last century?

Postby Get Real! » Sat Apr 04, 2009 2:03 pm

Piratis wrote:Get Real!, what determines what is a "catastrophic mindset"?

Any DEVIATION from 100% allegiance to one’s country is a catastrophic mindset.
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Postby paliometoxo » Sat Apr 04, 2009 2:05 pm

i cant believe two voted cyprus is greek and two say cyprus is turkey... them people should go back home to greece and turkey where its actually greece and turkey... this is CYPRUS
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Postby The Cypriot » Sat Apr 04, 2009 2:10 pm

I am a Cypriot, no prefix required, because when my parents emigrated the only dividing line was natural, went around the whole island and was turquoise-blue rather than green.

I am a Cypriot who denounces the two misguided, divisive and ultimately disastrous opposing nationalisms in Cyprus, nurtured and exploited by foreign powers for their own nefarious ends.

I am a Cypriot who denounces the neglect and rejection (or gifting to others) of the island's rich and distinct cultural elements; elements that ultimately bind all its people together.

I am a Cypriot who denounces the constant focus on overseas influences, going back centuries if not millennia, which however historically valid, serve only to drive Cypriots apart, perpetuate division, and give overseas powers the excuse they've always used to control the island's destiny.

I am a Cypriot who is sad for – while understanding fully why – some Cypriots choose to focus on and be preoccupied by a mythological sense of self, when their strategically located island has been forever dominated by foreign powers.

I am reminded of football fanatics, living their lives vicariously through the glories of a chosen team, and whose sense of self is given extra meaning by hatred for the teams bitter rivals. Fanatics whose lives – otherwise characterised by struggle and lack of control – are given meaning.

I am a Cypriot who can see the benefit of looking to each other, Europe and the world.
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Postby paliometoxo » Sat Apr 04, 2009 2:13 pm

i was born on the year turkey annnounced the trnc as a seperate state... but my perants where alive way before they invaded in the 50's i think not that they know how to turn a pc on let alone use forums
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Postby YFred » Sat Apr 04, 2009 2:19 pm

I whole heartedly agree with you sentiments The Cypriot, now how do we move forward with all the prejudices and fears we have pent up since 1963? Isn't that what Talat is trying to do?
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