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Ottomans' or modern Turks' contribution to humanity

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Ottomans' or modern Turks' contribution to humanity

Postby Hatter » Thu Apr 02, 2009 12:26 am

From a separate thread:

Hatter wrote:
Hatter wrote:
insan wrote:
wyoming cowboy wrote:The list is endless no matter if its modern or ancient Greek discoveries. What can our Turkish amigos bring to the table? What contributions have ottomans or modern turks done for the world? I want to hear their voices in this discussion too

There's no doubt Turks throughout their history contributed a lot to humanity ...

Can you give us some examples, of these contributions?

In your own time, Insan. You might want to start another topic thread on this, so that we avoid a splice to this thread, out of courtesy to the participants. Up to you.

@ Insan: Saved you the trouble, here is another thread. So could you give us some examples to illustrate your comment that "Turks throughout their history contributed a lot to humanity" ?
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Apr 02, 2009 12:38 am

Big deal! :roll: ... cience.pdf ... &haber=360

It’s a stupid thread! Some of you seem to think that by constantly humiliating Turkey you’ll find justice for Cyprus! I don’t know how you figured that out… :roll:

The problem with Cyprus is all the treason going on from both sides because Greek nationalism in Cyprus is just as catastrophic as Turkish nationalism!

Unless all Cypriots rise up and demand that both Greece and Turkey get the fuck out of our lives, Cyprus will NEVER see the light of day. Do you understand that? :?

If you’re not fighting for Cypriot Nationalism you’re just a traitor end of story!
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Postby Hatter » Thu Apr 02, 2009 12:55 am

Get Real! wrote:Big deal! :roll: ... cience.pdf ... &haber=360

It’s a stupid thread! Some of you seem to think that by constantly humiliating Turkey you’ll find justice for Cyprus! I don’t know how you figured that out… :roll:

The problem with Cyprus is all the treason going on from both sides because Greek nationalism in Cyprus is just as catastrophic as Turkish nationalism!

Unless all Cypriots rise up and demand that both Greece and Turkey get the fuck out of our lives, Cyprus will NEVER see the light of day. Do you understand that? :?

If you’re not fighting for Cypriot Nationalism you’re just a traitor end of story!

GR, this thread is not about "the problem with Cyprus", kindly stick to the subject of the thread, and post your dogmatic views elsewhere. BTW, why do you jump to the conclusion that the initial post is an attempt to rubbish or demean? Thou protest too much, me thinks.

If you think this is a stupid thread, you don't have to participate. Since you did bother to respond, your response refers to either pages that carry a warning about the advertising nature of the page or requesting the backing up by independent sources. Sorry GR, your response doesn't carry much weight.
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Postby Simon » Thu Apr 02, 2009 1:05 am

Since GR was humiliated in his own stupid thread, he has taken it upon himself to attack the Greeks in almost every single one of his posts since, no matter how irrelevant to the thread. He even turned an April Fools thread into an attack on Greece. Clearly bruised pride. :lol: He would have never jumped to Turkey's defence before, just shows you what a battering he took from us. :lol:

I used to think of GR as a credible forumer who sticks to common sense, even though he was slightly eccentric in some of his views. However, I now see what Miltiades is talking about. His reputation has been damaged irreparably in my eyes; and the more he continues posting the same rubbish about the Greeks, the more I just see him as the forum clown not to be taken seriously. :lol:
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Postby Hatter » Thu Apr 02, 2009 1:16 am

Simon wrote:Since GR was humiliated in his own stupid thread, he has taken it upon himself to attack the Greeks in almost every single one of his posts since, no matter how irrelevant to the thread. He even turned an April Fools thread into an attack on Greece. Clearly bruised pride. :lol: He would have never jumped to Turkey's defence before, just shows you what a battering he took from us. :lol:

I used to think of GR as a credible forumer who sticks to common sense, even though he was slightly eccentric in some of his views. However, I now see what Miltiades is talking about. His reputation has been damaged irreparably in my eyes; and the more he continues posting the same rubbish about the Greeks, the more I just see him as the forum clown not to be taken seriously. :lol:

Yes, I couldn't help noticing that there was no corresponding alacrity (no pun intended) from GR in the other thread when some people jumped in with questions about the Greeks' contributions.
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Apr 02, 2009 1:36 am

Simon wrote:Since GR was humiliated in his own stupid thread, he has taken it upon himself to attack the Greeks in almost every single one of his posts since, no matter how irrelevant to the thread. He even turned an April Fools thread into an attack on Greece. Clearly bruised pride. :lol: He would have never jumped to Turkey's defence before, just shows you what a battering he took from us. :lol:

I used to think of GR as a credible forumer who sticks to common sense, even though he was slightly eccentric in some of his views. However, I now see what Miltiades is talking about. His reputation has been damaged irreparably in my eyes; and the more he continues posting the same rubbish about the Greeks, the more I just see him as the forum clown not to be taken seriously. :lol:

Some of you Greeks seem to think that the Cyprus Problem is all about hammering Turkey all the time so that you can all sit back and enjoy it all drunken in your mythological bollocks, while Cyprus bleeds with 37% of her territory fucked under foreign occupation!

The truth of the matter is that Greece is 100% responsible for initiating the Turkish invasion, yet all you Greeks have managed is to put your tails up your arses and darted off to safety so you can poke your tongue out at Turkey from a safe distance while Cyprus remains enslaved!

Understand this Simon… Greece is as much a NUISANCE to Cyprus as Turkey is. Same cockroach… different sewer!

I said it before and I’ll say it again…

If you’re not fighting for Cypriot Nationalism you’re just a traitor end of story!

Henceforth, I will extend my attacks to include ALL enemies of Cyprus and that includes Greece, and call upon all the true Cypriots to join me.
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Re: Ottomans' or modern Turks' contribution to humanity

Postby insan » Thu Apr 02, 2009 1:39 am

Hatter wrote:From a separate thread:

Hatter wrote:
Hatter wrote:
insan wrote:
wyoming cowboy wrote:The list is endless no matter if its modern or ancient Greek discoveries. What can our Turkish amigos bring to the table? What contributions have ottomans or modern turks done for the world? I want to hear their voices in this discussion too

There's no doubt Turks throughout their history contributed a lot to humanity ...

Can you give us some examples, of these contributions?

In your own time, Insan. You might want to start another topic thread on this, so that we avoid a splice to this thread, out of courtesy to the participants. Up to you.

@ Insan: Saved you the trouble, here is another thread. So could you give us some examples to illustrate your comment that "Turks throughout their history contributed a lot to humanity" ?

I will Hatter. :wink:

Though u could do ur research urself by putting the proper keywords into google search bar. However I feel like u r very sure about there isn't much contribution of Turks to humanity.

Let's start with The early Türk Empire and the Uighurs ... ... /turk.html

Ancient Uygur Lexicographer's Birthday Marked

A seminar was held to mark the millenarian anniversary of the birth of Uygur pundit Mahmud Kashghari on Tuesday in Kashi, a city in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

The Turkish dictionary compiled by the linguist, Diwanu Lughat at-Turk, is regarded as a key document for the research of history, geography, art and tradition in Xinjiang and central Asian nations.

The scholar, born to a royal family of Qarakhanids, a Turkic dynasty that rolled in Transoxania in Central Asia in 999-1211, completed the lexicon 930 years ago.

Researchers attending the seminar said that Mahmud Kashghari spent 15 years touring

In the explanation to the word "Qin," or the Qin Dynasty (221-206BC), China's first united feudal regime, the lexicon pointed out that the China's central regions and its western territory were inseparable parts, and both the people in China's central regions and Qarakhanids were members of the big family of the Chinese nation.

Researchers said that studies on the lexicon is of great significance to the research of Mahmud Kashghari, as few other documents kept record about the Uygur scholar.

The tomb of the royal scholar is now open to researchers and tourists after a refit.
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Postby insan » Thu Apr 02, 2009 1:44 am

One of the greatest Turkish civilization of Central Asia; Uygur Turks, now suffer under oppression of Chinese government. :(

The Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,located in Northwest China,is a pivotal area on the ancient Silk Road.It used to be the place where Eastern and Wetern civilization exchanged and converged,and therefore,the unique"Ancient Culture of Western Regions"came into being.The magnificent classic series"Mukamu"(Muqam),which integrate songs,dances and music,have became the main art form for the people to express their feEling and aspiration handed down over the ages.The features of large-scale coverage,rigorous composition,complex rhythm and beats as well as plentiful tune changes of Muqam are rarely seen in other countires in the world.In 2005,Xinjiang Uygur Muqam Art of China was named one of the "Masterpieces of Oral and Intanginble Heritage of Humanity"by UNESCO. ... 553698.htm
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Postby Simon » Thu Apr 02, 2009 1:44 am

Get Real wrote:

[quote]Understand this Simon… Greece is as much a NUISANCE to Cyprus as Turkey is. Same cockroach… different sewer![/quote]

Absolute, complete and utter bollocks! I'm not even going to say why because anybody with half a functioning brain cell will already know why.

[quote]The truth of the matter is that Greece is 100% responsible for initiating the Turkish invasion[/quote]

More garbage, and you're actually showing your distinct lack of knowledge of Cyprus' history with this one. In fact, I think you could apply for a job at Ankara with those views, because you're in complete agreement with the occupier. And you want to call us traitors! You are the traitor to Cyprus and its history but your too much of an idiot to see it. Turkey would think all of its Ramadans have come at once if your view became of majority in Cyprus. But like I said with my previous post, you're just the forum clown so I'm not even going to take you seriously anymore.

I bet if Greece had gone to war in 1974, you would be more Greek than any of us. :roll: Because that's what this is all about, all your other baseless arguments are just by-products of this resentment. You need to let it go and move on, because what you're doing certainly won't help Cyprus get rid of Turkey. :roll:
Last edited by Simon on Thu Apr 02, 2009 1:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby insan » Thu Apr 02, 2009 1:48 am

This volume is about the long-neglected, but decisive influence of Uygur patrons on Dunhuang art in the tenth and eleventh centuries. Through an insightful introduction to the hitherto little-known early history and art of the Uygurs, the author explains the social and political forces that shaped the taste of Uygur patrons. The cultural and political effects of Sino-Uygur political marriages are examined in the larger context of the role of high-ranking women in medieval art patronage.
Careful study of the iconography, technique and style sheds new light on important paintings in the collection of the British Museum in London, and the Musée national des Arts asiatiques-Guimet, in Paris, and through comparative analysis the importance of regional art centres in medieval China and Central Asia is explored. Richly illustrated with line drawings, as well as colour and black-and-white plates.
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