Paphos-Eating has teamed up with some of its supporting restaurants to offer you the chance to eat out for free - yes thats FREE !!!! Each month a meal for two people will be awarded to a lucky Paphos-Eating contributor byway of a 'prize draw'. To enter yourself into the prize draw just write two Paphos-Eating reviews during the calender month - thats it, easy huh ? 5-10 minutes a month and you are in the prize draw !

At the end of the month the Paphos-Eating editor will press the proverbial magic button and the system will give him a random review from the calender period, the author of will be the lucky winner.
To start of this fantastic season of 'Eat Out For Free' we have a complimentary meal for two* from the popular Kato Paphos Tex-Mex 'The Rib Shack'

To enter the draw for the 'The Rib Shack' complimentary meal for two people, just submit two reviews during the calender month of April 2009 for any restaurant/eatery listed on Paphos-Eating . Needless to say, the more reviews you write, the more chance you will have to win this 'Eat Out For Free' prize.
Terms and conditions apply - read here