We are having a clearout for the summer so we have the following items for sale.
1. Silver Matsui Nicam Stereo Colour television 21inch with remote control 70 euros
2. 14inch Televison 30 euros
3. Lexmark Colour Printer 30 euros
4. Pedicure Kit which includes Babybliss Foot Spa with 3 programs and all of the following Gena products
Pedi Soak, Pedi Scrub, Pedi Sloughing Solution, Pedi Foot Cream, Pedi Deep Cooling Gel, Pedi Foot + Leg Lotion, Pedi Foot Spray, Foot Rasp, Pumice Sponge, Top Coat Enamel, Cuticle Remover, Product reference Guide and including travelling case. 100 euros.
5. Cream/Beige 3 seater Sofa Bed ( barely used) 120 euros
6. Wooden Slated Sunlounger (extra pull out piece for feet and also drinks on both sides) with with hard mattress 120 euros
7. 2no Directors Chairs Wooden with Cream Cloth 30 euros each
In Paphos area