As I've stated before I don't place much value on single-gene comparisons.
This study was done to show the influence of Greek genes amongst Sicilians and it proves definitively the migrations patterns of Greeks as recorded by Greeks/Romans and later people.
So here are some of the latest gene-merged data ....
Principal component analysis (Figure 3) is performed on a database resulting from merging our present data with data from Pericic et al 200531 and with the more recent ones by Zalloua et al30 specifically devoted to Lebanon. Figure 3 displays a synthetic picture of the genetic distances between all the samples (WSI and ESI are compared with 28 other regions from Europe and the Mediterranean) according to the first and the second principal components of the frequencies of Hgs R1-M173, R1a1-M17, I1b-xM26-P37, E3b1a-M78 and J2b1-M102. The final result is that WSI and ESI are compared with 28 other regions from Europe and the Mediterranean. The general pattern in the graph is a separation between Balkan populations in the upper left corner (mainly due to I1b-xM26-P37), northern African and Mid-Eastern populations in the lower left corner and other European population on a branch extending to the right. ESI and WSI fall at the intersection of the latter clusters and are well separated from the Balkan populations.
ESI is closer to Greece and Cyprus and it is discriminated by the first PC (66% total variance) from WSI (which is similar to Calabria and other western Europeans, mainly due to R1b1c-M269).
Figure 3.Plot of the two first principal coordinates (Principal Component Analysis, PCA). PCA is performed on a database resulting from merging our present data (ESI and WSI) with data from Pericic et al31 and with data from Zalloua et al30 regarding Lebanon. Population codes: AEI=Aegean islands; ALB=Albanian; ALG=Algerian (Arab); AND=Andalusian; BAS=Basque (French and Spanish); BEL=Belgian; BOS=Bosnian; CAT=Catalan; CRO=Croatian; CYP=Cypriot; DUT=Dutch; ESI=eastern Sicilian; FRE=French; GRE=Greek; HER=Herzegovinian; HUN=Hungarian; I-APU=Italian (Apulia); I-CAL=Italian (Calabria); I-SAR=Italian (Sardinia); LEB=Lebanese; MAL=Malta; MOR=Moroccan (Arab); ROM=Romanian; SER=Serbian; SLO=Slovenian; SPA=Spanish; TUN=Tunisian; TUR=Turkish (Istanbul); WSI=western Sicilian.
As can be seen from gene-merged data .... the Greeks and Cypriots cluster the closest to one of the two main markers (ESI).
European Journal of Human Genetics (2009) 17, 91–99; doi:10.1038/ejhg.2008.120; published online 6 August 2008