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“Hellenism” - the greatest mythology of them all!

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Get Real! » Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:11 pm

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Postby kurupetos » Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:11 pm

Simon wrote:Kurupetos,

No nation, Turks or Greeks are going to come through thousands of years of history and remain "ethnically pure" whatever that means.

Agree 100%. I was joking.

Simon wrote:Kurupetos,

I don't really see what GR's point is.

I told u the reason. :wink:

Simon wrote:Kurupetos,

Hellenism was always about culture, language and ideology, rather than purely ethnicity anyway.

I agree again. That's why is so great in all aspects! because it was always open to foreigners (Egypt, Europe, Asia, India, etc.)

Just sit back and have a laugh at GR's comedy! Very funny! :lol: I wonder if Bananiot will come in his aid! :lol:
Last edited by kurupetos on Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:13 pm

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Postby Simon » Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:13 pm

Will do

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Lit » Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:15 pm

yialousa1971 wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Phase #2:

Look you ...., post some inderpendent work not some Skopian Bulgar Turk Gypsie. You've not posted anything worth of my precious time!

Sadly it's people like Risto Stefov (a.k.a Christos Stefou), Gandeto (birth name Grezlovski), Donski, Ilyev, Tentov, Bosevski and others that propagate a false ideology that is totally flawed historically. GR is clueless to the Macedonian name dispute. He like quoting books published by FYRoM Slavs and finds them to be accurate. LOL what a doofus.
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Postby yialousa1971 » Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:17 pm

I see this as a waste of time as GR is just doing his usual crap of posting lots and acting like a mute. Why didn't you just deal with one thing at time instead of posting loads of crap, you're just acting like someone who just wants more posts than anyone else.
Last edited by yialousa1971 on Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby The Cypriot » Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:18 pm

I think Zionism is a greater and more dangerous mythology than Hellenism, GR. That Jews – after thousands of years of being scattered around the world – were able, in the 20th century, to turn Palestine into the modern Jewish state of Israel – simply because of a few religious stories in the Torah – is the reason why the Middle East is in the mess it's in.

Israel, like all nation states (including Greece) is a modern construct. But unlike most other modern states, it's largely constructed on land belonging to others (just like the 'TRNC').

But aside from the Israelis, and maybe the Egyptians, it's certainly true that only the modern Greeks's sense of self is so wrapped up in the myths and legends of thousands of years ago.

Perhaps if they and their Cypriot cousins spent more time living in the present and looking to the future, instead of convincing themselves ('cos no one else gives a flying fig) that Alexander was really "Greek" rather than "Macedonian"; perhaps if they spent less time resting on their laurels simply because their forefathers supposedly conquered everything, thought of everything and invented everything, we wouldn't need modern-day bins next to our modern-day toilets for our modern-day toilet paper.

Your average modern Brit doesn't spend time arguing that the ancient warrior Queen Boudicca was an ancient Brit, rather than a Celt or an Angle, to prove his sense of self. Your average Brit doesn't try and convince himself, let alone anyone else, that he is a direct (or even just cultural) descendant of the victorious Vikings, or the magnificent Normans or the superior Saxons. A lot has happened since then after all.

Most Brits think even the Battle of Britain – their country's "finest hour"– is ancient history. I expect they'd rather admire the contribution their nation makes to today's world of design, engineering, literature, music or film (I won't mention banking and financial services) for their sense of self.

Your average modern Italian doesn't spend time trying to convince himself that Julius Caeser was "Italian" rather than "Roman"; or both; to prove his sense of self. Nor is he filled with a huge sense of pride because of how dominant the Roman empire of 2,000 years ago was. Nor does he spend endless hours convincing himself that Archimedes was "Italian" rather than "Sicilian"; or get annoyed because those sad-old modern Greeks want to claim him too. He'd rather dream of owning a Lamborghini or staying in a Bvlgari hotel to feel good about himself.
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Postby Lit » Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:18 pm

Get Real! wrote:Phase #3:

Ohh you like to post from Peter Green. What do you say about this quote from him below: ... des%2C+he+[Alexander]+had+the+whole+body+of+Greek+civilized+opinion%E2%80%9D%E2%80%99&btnG=Search+Books

*””’Besides, he [Alexander] had the whole body of Greek civilized opinion behind him”’. ”’Euripides held that it was proper (eikos) for ‘barbarians; to be subject to Greeks. Plato and Isocrates both thought of all non-Hellenes as natural enemies who could be enslaved or exterminated at will”’.
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Postby Simon » Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:19 pm

As we are on Macedonia again. I will post this again.

If Macedonia was not Greek, please answer the following:

Why was King Philip given a Greek name, along with his ancestors?
Why was Alexander's mother, Olympias, given a Greek name? (She was originally from Epirus, another northern Greek kingdom).
Why was Alexander given a Greek name?
Why did King Philip believe he descended from Heracles, a mythical Greek hero?
Why did Olympias believe she descended from Achilles, another mythical Greek hero?
Why was Alexander taught by Aristotle, a Greek thinker?
Why does almost every leading independent expert in this field regard Alexander as Greek?
Why did Alexander spread Greek culture and language, rather than that of his home, Macedonia?
Why did the Macedonian Royal Family, known as the Argead dynasty, claim Greek descent from Argos in the Peloponnese?
Why was his Father, King Philip, amongst many other Macedonians, allowed to participate in the Olympic games, when only Greeks were allowed to participate?

Macedonians, who participated in the Olympics at Olympia, were as follows:

• King Alexander I, in the 80th Olympics, in 460 BCE. He run the “Stadion” and was placed very close second.

• King Arhelaos Perdikas, competed in the 93rd Olympics, in 408 BCE and won at Delphi the race of the four-horse chariot.

• King Philip II was an Olympic champion three times. In the 106th Olympics, in 356 BCE, he won the race, riding his horse. In the 107th Olympics, in 352 BCE, he won the four-horse chariot race. In the 108th Olympics, in 348 BCE, he was the winner of the two colt chariot.

• Cliton run the Stadion in the 113rd Olympics, in 328 BCE.

• Damasias from Amphipolis won in the Stadion in the 115th Olympics, in 320 BCE.

• Lampos from Philippi, was proclaimed a winner in the four-horse chariot race in the 119th Olympics, in 304 BCE.

• Antigonos won in the Stadion race, in the 122nd Olympics, in 292 BCE and in the 123rd Olympics in 288 BCE.

• Seleucos won in the field-sports competition in the 128th Olympics in 268 BCE.

• During the 128th Olympics, in 268 BCE and in the 129th Olympics, in 264 BCE, a woman from Macedonia won the competition. Pausanias mentions that: “…it is said that the race of the two-colt chariot was won by a woman, named Velestihi from the seashores of Macedonia”.


Macedonians had the same language, as all other Greeks

• Macedonians had the same religion, as all other Greeks

• Macedonians used the same architecture, as all other Greeks

• Macedonians served the same arts, as all other Greeks

• Macedonians used the same names, as all other Greeks

• Macedonians had the same traditions, as all other Greeks

• Macedonians had the same myths, as all other Greeks

• Macedonians had the same heroes, as all other Greeks

• Macedonians had the same rituals, as all other Greeks

• Macedonians had the same customs, as all other Greeks

• Macedonians were Greeks.
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Postby Lit » Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:20 pm

yialousa1971 wrote:I see this as a waste of time as GR is just doing his usual crap of posting lots and acting like a mute. Why didn't you just deal with one thing at time instead of posting loads of crap, you're just acting like someone who just wants more posts than anyone else.


Directed at me hon?
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