insan wrote:Kikapu wrote:insan wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Kifeas wrote:turkkan wrote:just like turkey is trying to join eu... if turkey does not allow cyprus to join nato why should cyporus allow turkey to join eu ? both can use their veto until a solution is found
This is very simplistic. I would agree that the ROC would have massive leverage over turkey if the rest of the EU was dying to take turkey overnight and the ROC was the only reason it couldnt join. TUrkey would probably conceed to a lot of your demands during negotiations if that was the case. But given the vast majority of the EU public is wary to turkey entering, france and austria as well as the netherlands being openly against it and have now put a public referendum in place for any such possibility turkeys gates into the EU have long been shut and turkey understands this full well. ANy EU talk by AKP is for public consumption only and most editorial comments in the major newspapers aside from idiots like mehmet ali birand also recognise this. Even those optimistic are giving dates such as 2020-2025 before any eventual accession. Your veto with all these constraints for membership is worthless. If anything cyprus will be used as a tool for when 2020 or 2025 does come for negotiations. At that point in time we will be discussing an event that happened 51 years ago since 74 and approximately 60 years since 63. You will be begging for the annan plan then. Unless of course getreal starts using proteinmax with his workouts and then singlehandedly takes back the north before that date. In that case you still wont need your veto.
Insan- for the new voting scheme to pass every member has to accept that canadian proposal. Turkey and greece aint accepting that mate.
Beg for the Annan plan for what reason? Just to have gotten only 7% of the scrappiest land you currently occupy, and which would have been of no much use to us; and in exchange to have given you the ownership and the status of a co-founding state on 30% of the best part of Cyprus (55% of the coastlines,) as well as EU access and a 50% sharing of all the privileges that we now control and enjoy alone, as the RoC? Don't you think we are a bit smarter than that?
Maraş scrappy??? Güzelyurt scrappy?? you talk as it suits.
I second viewpoint besides he forgot that up to 20% of TC state would have consisted by GCs.
As foreigners in their own country without any political rights in the TC state which Turkish must be spoken to get any government jobs, and only after paying allegiance to Ataturk, of course.! Oh, almost forgot. They could not sell their land to another GC or leave it in their inheritance to their families, but the Brits and any other foreign national could. Those damn 30,000 GC's missed out on a good thing by saying OXI to the AP.!
Had TPAP genuinely negotiated they could have got political rights just like how TCs would have got political rights in federal government. Where did u invent that Turkis must have been spoken to get any government jobs? Why any GC or TC should pay allegiance to Ataturk in order to get any government jobs? Selling their land or leaving it in their inheritence could also have been solved by genuinely negotiating. It's irrational to deprive them from those rights. What crucial is keeping the political equality of 2 constituent states based on 2 communities until we manage to fully and safely get mixed island wide.
I did not think one had to negotiate to get their basic fundamental rights in a Democracy, such as Democratic and Human Rights. Perhaps PapaD thought such details were given and were not meant to be negotiated. Why is it, that several undemocratic and Human Rights violations on the GC's were so easily accepted by the TC's rather than refuse to accept them as being unfair. Do you really need to be told Insan, the difference between RIGHT and WRONG, or do you want to blame it on others, for not asking for those rights. So, no political equality in the TC state, GC properties cannot be sold to other GC's or left for their families in a will, Turkish needed to be spoken along giving allegiance to Attaturk to get a job in the TC state government (ask VP to confirm this if you don't believe me), and many more violations of ones basic Human Rights and you want to blame all these racist Human Rights violations on the GC's to PapaD for not negotiating in good faith. Lets just say that he did not negotiate in good faith because he thought the whole AP was stacked up against his people, which it was, but what is your excuse for the TC's in having all these racist Human Rights violations against the GC's in the AP in first place. It is almost like every time a husband beats the crap out of his wife, he blames her for making him do it to her. Is this your understanding also, Insan, because judging from your above excuses as to why so many Racist proposals were in the final AP, you would take the battering husbands side over the wife's, just because the wife did not say to the husband "please don't beat me up", therefore it gave him the right to beat her up.! Nice going, Insan.!