Hope this helps.
Svetlana wrote:The Venus Beach Hotel is about 7 minutes away; the St George is rather closer - maybe a couple of minutes.
Are you aware why the Azia is full? It is a transitional R&R stop for Canadian soldiers who have been serving in various war zones - I trust you have no young female relatives staying there
They are only allowed to eat in two local restaurants - so that the MPs can keep an eye on them!
Svetlana wrote:I was glad you had a good time; what really upsets Canadians, is that everyone always assume they are Americans, when they speak!
orokliniservices wrote:so NOT the same place Z4!! If you were from either countries you'd be sure to make that very clear!
But yes Lana, I do agree on the accent thing. Coming from Canada myself I can obviously tell the difference between the two, and my british partner now can as well.. but most people do get them mixed up. Worst slap in the face is the Azia hotel pulled down all of their international flags in the front of the hotel and put up one lonely American flag.. I mean it's a hotel filled with Canadians wearing canada tops and maple leaf symbols everywhere.. you think they would have been able to get the flag right¬!
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