I did check the link, that is why I confirmed for anyone who may have been misled, that this is your concoction and not the title of the article.
The Pope hasn't condemned millions of people to anything. He is simply expressing his belief (which has always been the view of the Church) that if sex was kept inside marriage in these AIDS stricken countries, then this would be a far better way of dealing with the disease. I agree with him. Unfortunately, as I have said, this is not pragmatic, because of the urges, rapings, the dishonesty, ignorance and promiscuity of people not just in Africa, but all over the world. Condoms are not a panacea anyway, they often malfunction and can therefore spread disease.
Hunger is a separate issue, the Pope was talking about AIDS, not hunger. But since you bring it up; hunger is a problem that needs to be solved, and you will certainly not solve it by telling people to stop having children. What do you want, the African population to cease reproducing? Well if nothing else, that would mean there would be no one left starving.
Oracle, it is noble for people not to sleep around when they are aware of serious AIDS problems, is it not? It is noble because you are showing self-restraint and going against your natural urges for the greater good, is it not? Condoms can give a false sense of security, and are not always effective in preventing the transmission of the virus. Note below, especially the part about HIV:
[quote]For starters, condoms do not protect against human papillomavirus (HPV), which can be passed by body parts left uncovered by a condom. There are over 100 strains of HPV, which can cause a number of things, from genital warts to prostate cancer in men and cervical cancer in women. (Over 12,000 women develop invasive cervical cancer a year and over 4,000 women die from it.) HPV is most common among men and women who have multiple sex partners. (HPV can be detected in woman by a Pap test but there are no HPV tests for men.)
Additionally, a particular spermicide used in some condoms can actually make people more likely to contract HIV! Nonoxynol-9 (N9) is a spermicide used in many condoms (and most diaphragm jellies). N9 makes tiny scratches in the vaginal walls, which makes the transmission of disease more likely. A four-year study found that people who used N9 had a 50% higher rate of infection than those who used a placebo. (Use of N9 can also lead to vaginal lesions and urinary tract infections.)[/quote]
This is why I say, in an ideal world, the Pope is right, but we do not live in an ideal world, hence the need for condoms.