yialousa1971 wrote:So how are you posting on this forum then?miltiades wrote:I hate browsing so I dont use any !!
his turkish mates do it for him.

kurupetos wrote:IE8 is perfect; I use it for 6 months now, in beta mode, and didn't have any problems. By the way, I just downloaded the finalized official version. Mozila Firefox, opera, chrome are all garbage.
...and Win98?Get Real! wrote:kurupetos wrote:IE8 is perfect; I use it for 6 months now, in beta mode, and didn't have any problems. By the way, I just downloaded the finalized official version. Mozila Firefox, opera, chrome are all garbage.
Should I be ashamed to admit that I'm still using IE6.0 ?
CyprusF1Club wrote:IE8 looks promissing, thats how vista looked...paliometoxo wrote:CyprusF1Club wrote:its a fact that firefox is much faster than IE, its a fact that firefox is much safer than IE.
Have you ever thought one great thing that microsoft made lately? Windows vista? IE7? no and no
firefox half the sites dont work with it and internet explorer 8 is released itas official version even though ive had rc installed, its very good, i wouldent use firefox again.. safari the new one is very good to, but will take some getting used to. and even though its a beta version its very stable
Now about firefox not working on half websites, well tell me one major website that doesnt work with it? Any small site that doesnt work with firefox is simply cause the xhtml programming was done a long long time ago and the admins dont care to update it. Personaly I only know ONE website that doesnt work with firefox and i dont wonna mention it cause its nothing special.
Anyway anyone can have any broswer they like. I respect that. What I dont understand why would you wonna use an old technology with less features instead of new technology with so many addons.
Anyway thats my personal opinion.
kurupetos wrote:IE8 is perfect; I use it for 6 months now, in beta mode, and didn't have any problems. By the way, I just downloaded the finalized official version. Mozila Firefox, opera, chrome are all garbage.
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