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Dehellenising Cyprus, Clinton on Turk minority

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Get Real! » Sat Mar 28, 2009 1:36 am

Simon wrote:OK GR, you keep on speculating with hardly any evidence for your theories, whilst I'll remain in the real world.

Greek innovations in drama, architecture, mathematics, science, literature, history, warfare, medicine etc etc were all attributed to Greeks by mistake. :roll: Whatever helps you sleep at night GR.... :lol: :lol:

Now that you’ve started to climb off your high Greek horse perhaps we can start again…

On what do you base your previous conclusion that “Cyprus being Greek for thousands of years” ?
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Postby Oracle » Sat Mar 28, 2009 1:37 am

Actually correct that to the worst of the "Peasant" ... with none of the saving graces!

Of course, your Choirokitian 'evidence' is untouchable ....
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Postby Simon » Sat Mar 28, 2009 1:46 am

Ask yourself this question GR, did Greek Cypriots just wake up one day and decide they were Greek? If so, when did this day occur and why?

Since the settlement of the Greeks on Cyprus in ancient times, can you point to a time when Cyprus has not been culturally Greek?
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Mar 28, 2009 1:50 am

Oracle wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Simon wrote:You are right GR, the thousands of pieces of evidence and magnificient architecture etc, testifying to the magnificent ancient Greek civilisation is all just a figment of everyone's imagination. :roll:

Five or ten thousand years from now, archeologists will be uncovering fragments of F22-Raptors buried all over Afghanistan and will be forgiven for surmising that the ancient Afghanis of the 21st century were at the forefront of technology!

What you find under ground doesn’t always tell the true story…

No one uses one piece of "credible evidence" to draw up thousands of years of history!

The limits of your inability to grasp the holistics of history and anthropology are breathless in their inanity ...

Admit it GR! ... you are a merely a militant and not an academic.

When we take into consideration (1) who writes the history of any given place, (2) how much of it is convenient speculation, and (3) how much more was lost as a result of successive rulers removing traces of their beaten enemies… you start to realize that what we’ve got in our history books today is a nice Greek salad! (pun intended)
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Postby Simon » Sat Mar 28, 2009 1:54 am

GR, just because there may be gaps in historical records, it does not give you a license to start inventing your own history with hardly any evidence as you seem to do. :lol:
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Postby Oracle » Sat Mar 28, 2009 1:59 am

Get Real! wrote:
Oracle wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Simon wrote:You are right GR, the thousands of pieces of evidence and magnificient architecture etc, testifying to the magnificent ancient Greek civilisation is all just a figment of everyone's imagination. :roll:

Five or ten thousand years from now, archeologists will be uncovering fragments of F22-Raptors buried all over Afghanistan and will be forgiven for surmising that the ancient Afghanis of the 21st century were at the forefront of technology!

What you find under ground doesn’t always tell the true story…

No one uses one piece of "credible evidence" to draw up thousands of years of history!

The limits of your inability to grasp the holistics of history and anthropology are breathless in their inanity ...

Admit it GR! ... you are a merely a militant and not an academic.

When we take into consideration (1) who writes the history of any given place, (2) how much of it is convenient speculation, and (3) how much more was lost as a result of successive rulers removing traces of their beaten enemies… you start to realize that what we’ve got in our history books today is a nice Greek salad! (pun intended)

So what evidence do you have that the Greeks build their Greek civilisation in Greece and around Greece, on some unknown predecessors whom they beat up, eradicated completely, and set themselves up in their place?

Yes reputations of warriors and such like are prone to interpretation, like the Romans' attempts to nullify Cleopatra's Greek descendancy to justify their attack ... but whole civilisations, completely made, up as you are suggesting! :roll:

I would buy it ... if there was an ounce of evidence, instead of you just behaving like Bananiot to re-write history, because you are too afraid to face the Turks any longer!
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Mar 28, 2009 2:01 am

Simon wrote:Ask yourself this question GR, did Greek Cypriots just wake up one day and decide they were Greek? If so, when did this day occur and why?

Since the settlement of the Greeks on Cyprus in ancient times, can you point to a time when Cyprus has not been culturally Greek?

So all we need to do to become American is start eating McDonalds burgers, talk slang American English, listen & dance to Rap music, and cook American recipes and lo and behold… we will be American! Yahoo!

And how long does this CULTURAL process take to become “official” Simon?
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Postby yialousa1971 » Sat Mar 28, 2009 2:06 am

Get Real! wrote:
Oracle wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Simon wrote:You are right GR, the thousands of pieces of evidence and magnificient architecture etc, testifying to the magnificent ancient Greek civilisation is all just a figment of everyone's imagination. :roll:

Five or ten thousand years from now, archeologists will be uncovering fragments of F22-Raptors buried all over Afghanistan and will be forgiven for surmising that the ancient Afghanis of the 21st century were at the forefront of technology!

What you find under ground doesn’t always tell the true story…

No one uses one piece of "credible evidence" to draw up thousands of years of history!

The limits of your inability to grasp the holistics of history and anthropology are breathless in their inanity ...

Admit it GR! ... you are a merely a militant and not an academic.

When we take into consideration (1) who writes the history of any given place, (2) how much of it is convenient speculation, and (3) how much more was lost as a result of successive rulers removing traces of their beaten enemies… you start to realize that what we’ve got in our history books today is a nice Greek salad! (pun intended)

You really are full of it you little fool. You have proved today you know nothing about anything. The Macedonians were Hellenic, spoke Greek/wrote in Greek. Prove me wrong, come on fool show me. Your no Greek Cypriot, more like a Turk in disguise! Why don't you go and have a relationship with Banerlot or what ever that idiots called. Your a product of Zionist propaganda, Kissinger/Soros must be your heroes.
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Mar 28, 2009 2:17 am

Oracle wrote:So what evidence do you have that the Greeks build their Greek civilisation in Greece and around Greece, on some unknown predecessors whom they beat up, eradicated completely, and set themselves up in their place?

Yes reputations of warriors and such like are prone to interpretation, like the Romans' attempts to nullify Cleopatra's Greek descendancy to justify their attack ... but whole civilisations, completely made, up as you are suggesting! :roll:

As an example, the Kingdom of Macedonia was a distinct kingdom from Greece yet later when Alexander the Great amalgamated them, it was the Greeks who claimed ancestry to Alexander because Greece grew stronger over the centuries, retained some of the former Macedonian land, and were able to dig up and present artifacts as their own! Such border shifting was very common in the past and proved very convenient for some who later found themselves in a position and at the right time to officially write history.
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Mar 28, 2009 2:18 am

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