You have just posted links from the propaganda machine of the FYROM. When clicking on the link, click on "Who are we". It tells you who they are and their motives. I asked you if you have fallen for the FYROM propaganda and the answer is quite clearly YES. I used independent sources such as the BBC.
[quote]The “Byzantines” was a more contemporary name for the eastern Roman Empire not Greeks![/quote]
What is your point? "Byzantine" doesn't mean Greek anyway. The eastern Roman Empire had always been profoundly influenced and dominated by Greeks even before the Byzantine Empire. Type into a search engine "Greek empire" or "Empire of the Greeks" and the Byzantine Empire will be one of those listed.
[quote]As for Alexander, he was a King of the Kingdom of Macedonia, just as his father was before him and certainly not a king of Greece! [/quote]
Macedonia was a kingdom in northern Greece, and Alexander did become the King of Greece when he unified the Greek city-states. He fought Persia on behalf of Greece!

If Macedonia was so different from Greece, why didn't he spread the "Macedonian language and culture"? It is quite STUPID GR to label a whole ethnic group as stupid, and it is also racist.

You have not dealt with any of the points that I raised in my previous post, showing that Alexander regarded himself as Greek. But you know better than experts who have studied this area for years, such as Robin Lane Foxe.
You are right GR, the thousands of pieces of evidence and magnificient architecture etc, testifying to the magnificent ancient Greek civilisation is all just a figment of everyone's imagination.