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Dehellenising Cyprus, Clinton on Turk minority

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Simon » Fri Mar 27, 2009 12:21 am

Cyprus is not a Greek island politically; but it is a Greek island culturally, linguistically and demographically. It would almost certainly be a part of Greece today if it was not for foreign interference (i.e. Britain and Turkey). Even though Greece has not YET gone to war over Cyprus, it is still, easily, Cyprus' closest ally. Therefore, it is really quite foolish trying to purge the 'Greekness' from Cyprus. It will not solve anything, and will only be a treacherous denial of our heritage.
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Re: Dehellenising Cyprus, Clinton on Turk minority

Postby Byron » Fri Mar 27, 2009 12:37 am

Get Real! wrote:
Byron wrote:If Cyprus is independent, why doesn't it resolve the cyprus problem directly. Why does it need foreign assistance ?


I guess Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and many more can't possibly be sovereign countries then! :lol:

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Postby Byron » Fri Mar 27, 2009 12:40 am

Simon wrote:Cyprus is not a Greek island politically; but it is a Greek island culturally, linguistically and demographically. It would almost certainly be a part of Greece today if it was not for foreign interference (i.e. Britain and Turkey). Even though Greece has not YET gone to war over Cyprus, it is still, easily, Cyprus' closest ally. Therefore, it is really quite foolish trying to purge the 'Greekness' from Cyprus. It will not solve anything, and will only be a treacherous denial of our heritage.

Only fools like GR will disagree !
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Postby insan » Fri Mar 27, 2009 1:12 am

Byron wrote:
DT. wrote:
If Cyprus is independent, why doesn't it resolve the cyprus problem directly. Why does it need foreign assistance ?

That must be one of the most peculiar lines I've ever seen on this forum.

What does having international assistance in solving a crisis have to do wiith a country's independence?

Is Israel not independent when it uses a US road map for peace with the Palestinians? :roll:

Why do the British have Tony Blair as a permanent envoy for the Israel-Palestinian conflict?

I think the peculiarity lies with you.

Isreal cannot resolve its problems directly with the Palestinians hence foreign intervention. Cyprus on the other hand is Independent, doesn't need Greece, EU, Un etc to solve its problem because according to GR and others the cypriots can do it themselves, so allez-y !!

GCs owe most of the things they have to Greece. Most of the Greek speaking Cypriots define themselves as Greeks of Cyprus. Even TPap proved this by calling them Greeks of Cyprus.

Why do some GCs feel embarassed of being a Greek living in Cyprus? :lol:
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Mar 27, 2009 1:17 am

Simon wrote:Cyprus is not a Greek island politically; but it is a Greek island culturally, linguistically and demographically. It would almost certainly be a part of Greece today if it was not for foreign interference (i.e. Britain and Turkey). Even though Greece has not YET gone to war over Cyprus, it is still, easily, Cyprus' closest ally. Therefore, it is really quite foolish trying to purge the 'Greekness' from Cyprus. It will not solve anything, and will only be a treacherous denial of our heritage.

The Cypriot Alphabet is the very foundation of the Greek language and you want to come and tell Cypriots 3,000 years later that you gave them a language or a culture? Image

You need to rewrite your history books to reflect the truth and forget about mythologies…

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Postby Simon » Fri Mar 27, 2009 1:59 am


Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't this ancient Cypriot syllabic script derive from the Minoans, the Minoan civilisation based in Crete?

It existed alongside the Greek alphabet when Cyprus was colonised by the Greeks, and then was replaced by it. The Greek alphabet has endured ever since. If anything, it proves the link between Cyprus and Greece even further.

I did not say that the Cypriots had no culture or language before the Greeks arrived. You are manipulating my point. What I'm saying is that today, and for thousands of years, Cyprus has been culturally Greek.
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Mar 27, 2009 2:09 am

Simon wrote:GR,

Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't this ancient Cypriot syllabic script derive from the Minoans, the Minoan civilisation based in Crete?

It existed alongside the Greek alphabet when Cyprus was colonised by the Greeks, and then was replaced by it. The Greek alphabet has endured ever since. If anything, it proves the link between Cyprus and Greece even further.

I did not say that the Cypriots had no culture or language before the Greeks arrived. You are manipulating my point. What I'm saying is that today, and for thousands of years, Cyprus has been culturally Greek.

The Alphabet evolved as follows…

1. Egyptian writing
2. Phoenician writing
3. The Cypriot style of writing
4. The Greek alphabet

And btw, the Minoan civilization was not Greek or had anything to do with Greeks, and existed way before anything "Greek" began.

That Greece has stolen the credit for many things Cypriot is a well known fact… the oldest known civilization in the entire region is that of the Choirokitians yet the Greeks want to come and tell us that we originated from them! Go figure... :roll:
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Postby Simon » Fri Mar 27, 2009 2:24 am


The link you provided does not tell you where the Cypriot style of writing emerged from. It's a simplified summary. I know Wikipedia isn't the best source, but it gives more detail.

Also try this:

It was not an alphabet, but a syllabic script. The script is Cypro-Minoan. It has its roots in the Minoan Civilisation. I am aware they were not Greek, but they were based in Crete, which shows the links Cyprus had with the region even back then. Crete is still Greek even though it had this great civilisation beforehand. The Greek culture became so rich and dominant in the region that the Cypriots adopted it as did others. Many parts of Cyprus were colonised by Greeks, who founded new settlements all over Cyprus. I do not believe that an ancient pre-Greek script detracts anything from the fact that Cyprus became Greek (at least culturally) and has been since Classical times.
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Postby yialousa1971 » Fri Mar 27, 2009 6:51 pm

Byron wrote:
Simon wrote:Cyprus is not a Greek island politically; but it is a Greek island culturally, linguistically and demographically. It would almost certainly be a part of Greece today if it was not for foreign interference (i.e. Britain and Turkey). Even though Greece has not YET gone to war over Cyprus, it is still, easily, Cyprus' closest ally. Therefore, it is really quite foolish trying to purge the 'Greekness' from Cyprus. It will not solve anything, and will only be a treacherous denial of our heritage.

Only fools like GR will disagree !

GR is now demoted to the forum fool, Miltiades has now been promoted to the forum clown!
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Postby yialousa1971 » Fri Mar 27, 2009 7:09 pm

Simon wrote:GR,

Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't this ancient Cypriot syllabic script derive from the Minoans, the Minoan civilisation based in Crete?

It existed alongside the Greek alphabet when Cyprus was colonised by the Greeks, and then was replaced by it. The Greek alphabet has endured ever since. If anything, it proves the link between Cyprus and Greece even further.

I did not say that the Cypriots had no culture or language before the Greeks arrived. You are manipulating my point. What I'm saying is that today, and for thousands of years, Cyprus has been culturally Greek.

Simon, ignore anything GR posts. When the Linear B writing was discovered there were idiots like GR who said it wasn't Greek but Michael Ventris proved otherwise. As to the Linear A writing (Minoan) some say it's language is Greek, which of course I believe.
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