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Cyprus Forum Gets Fitter!

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Postby insan » Wed Mar 18, 2009 1:20 am

I wish all dieters; may their dreams and intentions come true for a healthier life. I haven't decided yet whether to get into a strict diet or not. In the last 3 years I'm on a semi-diet, I mostly trying to eat and drink sensibly. All types of chicken meals(boiled too)(lots of fresh lemon juice on it), seasonal fresh vegetables and vegetable meals with or withhout red meat, seasonal fresh fruits, rice once a week, very little bread, almost no alcohol, 1 and half packs of very light cigarette... Besides, I drink 5-6 cups of herbal teas everyday. :D

I believe I follow of healthy nourishment. :D

Ahh! Forgot to tell. :D Everyday before I sleep and after i wake up i do some basic gymnastic excersises in my bed at least for 15-20 minutes. :D
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Postby bill cobbett » Wed Mar 18, 2009 4:03 am

insan wrote:I wish all dieters; may their dreams and intentions come true for a healthier life. I haven't decided yet whether to get into a strict diet or not. In the last 3 years I'm on a semi-diet, I mostly trying to eat and drink sensibly. All types of chicken meals(boiled too)(lots of fresh lemon juice on it), seasonal fresh vegetables and vegetable meals with or withhout red meat, seasonal fresh fruits, rice once a week, very little bread, almost no alcohol, 1 and half packs of very light cigarette... Besides, I drink 5-6 cups of herbal teas everyday. :D

I believe I follow of healthy nourishment. :D

Ahh! Forgot to tell. :D Everyday before I sleep and after i wake up i do some basic gymnastic excersises in my bed at least for 15-20 minutes. :D

Well really! I've heard it called many things but never "basic gymnastics". :shock:
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Postby insan » Wed Mar 18, 2009 5:04 am

bill cobbett wrote:
insan wrote:I wish all dieters; may their dreams and intentions come true for a healthier life. I haven't decided yet whether to get into a strict diet or not. In the last 3 years I'm on a semi-diet, I mostly trying to eat and drink sensibly. All types of chicken meals(boiled too)(lots of fresh lemon juice on it), seasonal fresh vegetables and vegetable meals with or withhout red meat, seasonal fresh fruits, rice once a week, very little bread, almost no alcohol, 1 and half packs of very light cigarette... Besides, I drink 5-6 cups of herbal teas everyday. :D

I believe I follow of healthy nourishment. :D

Ahh! Forgot to tell. :D Everyday before I sleep and after i wake up i do some basic gymnastic excersises in my bed at least for 15-20 minutes. :D

Well really! I've heard it called many things but never "basic gymnastics". :shock:

It might have been excersises. :lol:

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Re: Cyprus Forum Gets Fitter!

Postby SSBubbles » Wed Mar 18, 2009 8:58 am

Oracle wrote:
SSBubbles wrote:That's right O - encourage me why don't you? :roll: Jealousy does not become you! :roll: :roll:

You will be ecouraged? when you are honest!
We are not here pretending! :lol:
Face the nasty truth or forever face the fat!
Just because Milty says you are voluptuous ... doesn't mean we can't read between the lines.
Men are cowards for telling women the truth and therein lies our greatest enemy ... The Compliment!

Please do not tar all others with your warped brush! :roll: Your jealousy is growing worse sister!

Schedule for today:

30 minutes aerobic exercise (already done)
Black coffee x 2, water x 1 (already drank)
Bowl cereal with milk and added sultanas (already eaten)
90 - 120 minutes walk - with the dog in tow (mid morning)
Lunch - light salad (already prepared) - maybe accompanied with bread or Ryvita - undecided! Water and black coffee usually follow
Thinking of having grilled fish, with mushrooms and tomatoes (lots of!) for dinner - but only after more exercise! (get your minds out of the sewers! :roll: ) again accompanied with water
Serious aside to self - YOU DO NOT NEED WINE WITH DINNER! :(
I may have a piece of fruit late afternoon as dinner will be quite late this evening - but that is it for today - apart from water!

Anything else you need to know - just ask! :roll:
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Re: Cyprus Forum Gets Fitter!

Postby SSBubbles » Wed Mar 18, 2009 8:59 am

DT. wrote:now...i may only be 33...but I know that when a man starts talking about natural charm and charisma of a woman ...II'm thinking....hmmm whats wrong with her? :?

:twisted: Cheers! Another one who pre-judges! :roll:
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Re: Cyprus Forum Gets Fitter!

Postby miltiades » Wed Mar 18, 2009 9:21 am

Oracle wrote:
SSBubbles wrote:That's right O - encourage me why don't you? :roll: Jealousy does not become you! :roll: :roll:

You will be ecouraged when you are honest!

We are not here pretending! :lol:

Face the nasty truth or forever face the fat!

Just because Milty says you are voluptuous ... doesn't mean we can't read between the lines.

Men are cowards for telling women the truth and therein lies our greatest enemy ... The Compliment!

Miltiades's description counts having met bubbles a few times. I'm known for being forthright and to the point . Your jealousy has clearly got the better of you , the fact that a sophisticated , good looking , perfect gentleman has passed on a genuine compliment to a female that deserved it has got you ruffled. Don't worry when you proudly lose the fat you are trying to lose , got your hair done and had a shave post your photo right here , I shall use my indiscriminate sense of assessing your voluptousness and confer upon you the appropriate compliment !! :lol:
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Re: Cyprus Forum Gets Fitter!

Postby denizaksulu » Wed Mar 18, 2009 10:01 am

SSBubbles wrote:
Oracle wrote:Are you starting to panic about baring you legs in last year's shorts, squeezing into that bikini (from last decade :lol: ), or simply surviving the Summer heat without a coronary?

Well I am about to embark on a diet and fitness regime, and I want some inspiration from anybody out there who wants to do the same. 8)

Obviously we need a little planning :D ( not stalling!). Feel free to modify any suggestions so that we can make a happy concerted group effort.

I propose we aim to Start next Monday, giving us long enough to clear the cupboards and switch to healthier food; as well as allowing forumers time to make their minds up about joining.

Focus on how much weight you'd like to lose; which you must declare in advance.

Then every day, we post, honestly, what and how much we ate, and the amount of exercise we took. This way we share healthy eating/exercise tips. :D

Then once a week we declare how much weight we have lost (or gained ... for those who want to just muscle up!).

Are you with me? :D Who is brave enough to get fitter on the forum?

I have already started and I have lost 5 kgs so far. My goal is to lose another 3-4 kgs by Easter (the first one - April 12th pleeeeeeeeeeeease!)

Mind boggles; where did you lose those Kg'sfrom? Please tell. :lol:
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Re: Cyprus Forum Gets Fitter!

Postby Oracle » Wed Mar 18, 2009 10:59 am

SSBubbles wrote:
Oracle wrote:
SSBubbles wrote:That's right O - encourage me why don't you? :roll: Jealousy does not become you! :roll: :roll:

You will be ecouraged? when you are honest!
We are not here pretending! :lol:
Face the nasty truth or forever face the fat!
Just because Milty says you are voluptuous ... doesn't mean we can't read between the lines.
Men are cowards for telling women the truth and therein lies our greatest enemy ... The Compliment!

Please do not tar all others with your warped brush! :roll: Your jealousy is growing worse sister!

Schedule for today:

30 minutes aerobic exercise (already done)
Black coffee x 2, water x 1 (already drank)
Bowl cereal with milk and added sultanas (already eaten)
90 - 120 minutes walk - with the dog in tow (mid morning)
Lunch - light salad (already prepared) - maybe accompanied with bread or Ryvita - undecided! Water and black coffee usually follow
Thinking of having grilled fish, with mushrooms and tomatoes (lots of!) for dinner - but only after more exercise! (get your minds out of the sewers! :roll: ) again accompanied with water
Serious aside to self - YOU DO NOT NEED WINE WITH DINNER! :(
I may have a piece of fruit late afternoon as dinner will be quite late this evening - but that is it for today - apart from water!

Anything else you need to know - just ask! :roll:

:shock: Now wonder you're so grumpy!

Lighten up a little :lol: .... maybe cut down on the coffee and replace with a soothing mint or chamomile tea.

... Oh and don't forget to smile :D
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Re: Cyprus Forum Gets Fitter!

Postby DT. » Wed Mar 18, 2009 11:12 am

SSBubbles wrote:
DT. wrote:now...i may only be 33...but I know that when a man starts talking about natural charm and charisma of a woman ...II'm thinking....hmmm whats wrong with her? :?

:twisted: Cheers! Another one who pre-judges! :roll:

That wasn't a pre-judge. It was a post-judgement of Milt's comments.
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Re: Cyprus Forum Gets Fitter!

Postby SSBubbles » Wed Mar 18, 2009 12:39 pm

Oracle wrote: :shock: Now wonder you're so grumpy!
Lighten up a little :lol: .... maybe cut down on the coffee and replace with a soothing mint or chamomile tea.
... Oh and don't forget to smile :D

Having trouble with your words today? :lol:
Decaffeinated coffee - naturally! :roll:
Correct - to 'lighten' up is my goal!

Always smiling - but just for you....................................................................................................... :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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