Oracle wrote:denizaksulu wrote:kafenes wrote:Goodnight O and take a couple of extra blankets in case you do dream of being there.

If her dreams do come true!!.............I wonder if it would be a better world for ALL - if all her dreams came true.
And congratulations on your successes Kaf.
An ideal world would be better for all. Only wrongdoers need fear otherwise!
Which side are you on Deniz? .... The good, law-abiding, fair, egalitarian utopia of my dreams ..... or the "dark" side?

Thats a very tough choice O.
I consider myself good. Sometimes I am told I am bad.
Always law abiding. I did get a speeding ticket - once.
Always fair. Too fair for my liking.
Egalitarian Utopia of your dreams? I need to kow more of these dreams.
I think you have a twitch. I have the perfect remedy for that.
Damn. Its catching.