insan wrote:boomerang wrote:insan wrote:boomerang wrote:insan wrote:The land belongs to her in your dreams.
Tell me why would turkey pay her if the land didn't belong to her...titty man..
Can anyone make a claim on Turkey?...I wouldn't mind a million myself come to think of it...
Fucking hell why do the tcs allow these illeterate fools make monkeys out of them?...
How illiterate r u, Boomy Bumbsy Dumbazzy man?
It was clearly stated in the judgement of ECHR.
Turkey was ordered to pay Arestis €850,000 in compensation for [b]denying her access to her property[/b]
Her property is the building on Evkaf land. Land belongs to Evkaf, the property built on it belongs to Aresti.
Is that too hard to understand? U r really too illiterate and boring but still my favorite waste of time.
Is this the way you interpreted it? wonder you are in deep shit titty man...
Now show me the paper that evkaf contract that says she is allowed to build on the property...
You mean to say the orams have permission to build on someone elses land with no problem?
Judgememt understanding ottoboy style at its best...fucking hell titty man...
The judgement is very clear...look at paragraph 2...
It talks about her right to enjoy her property...her property includes land and dwelling you moron...fucking learn how to read and comprehend you imbecille...
The judgement never refered to dwelling and land as 2 separate issues...
Bloody hell when are you gonna join us in the 21st century ha, titty man?...
Soon Talat will show u all. Be patient. What is ur hurry for? U loose ur sleeps at night? What nightmares do u see? Ur boomerang turns round and round and hits ur own head?
We will never join u until u become an educated modern society, reconciled with Turks, accepting TC community as an equal state partner, acknowledging that u occupy 2/3 of my country and converted RoC into a GC state in full cooperation with Greece.
Typical when proven wrong change the argument hey titty man?
I can't wait for knucklehead to show us up titty man...and showing up you mean, showing the whole world how to win with ethnic cleansing and colonization?...
Accepting you as a human you need to demonstrate to us titty man, how civilised you really are...which I am afraid to say to this very day you are showing everyone the opposite...It's all in this thread...
...mentality of peanuts...
And if anyone needs education in the 21st century I am aftraid is you...your actions speak louder than words...
Now get off the Cyprus problem because you are doing an injustice to the true tcs out there... you imbecille...
...not mentioning everyone got a taste of what you really are all about...and what we would have expected in the future if we had accepted the Anal plan...
and for ffs sake start using fingers for typing titty man...