YFred wrote:boomerang wrote:YFred wrote:christos1 wrote:boomerang wrote:christos1 wrote:repulsewarrior wrote:We exist in communities as Persons which we seek to sustain as vital societies. It does not make us Greeks or Turks. Rather, we are Grecophone or Turcophone. As Individuals on the other hand, we are Cypriots, this island's dwellers, and as such its geography is neither "Greek" of "Turkish".
...so insan agree with me or admit you are representing a bigotry not unlike the one you rail which serves an interest that seeks our subjugation.
Our aim is to support a Bicommunal Principal for our own governance. I might add that a Bizonal nature does not imply the island torn in two as well...
may i suggest to all of you again to read my manifesto.
You just dont get it. At all. Zan is a true representative of the overwhelming Turkish Cypriot community. Look at how your friend Halil supports Zan's every post. I want Zan to keep posting the stuff that he does so that hippies like you who are a dime a dozen on our side get slapped with reality. Your so called friends hate your very existence. Isnt it time to grow a pair of balls or if you like, i can show you what a real man's balls look like.
The backwardness of this island is unreal. I am surrounded by hippies and commies. At every opportunity i get, i like to remind you suckas who i am. When EVER you guys come out in numbers with your green and white flags you can best be sure that you will see me with the blue and white...making my presence known. Furk, ill even scream out that i am an Americano just to get it going. I smell nothing but estrogen in this forum.
surrounded by hippies and commies you say...well don't let the back of the door hit you at the back of the head on the way out I say...
Okay, i wont. Dont let the kangaroo hit you in the back of the head on your way home.....
It's not the kangaroo's tail nor his head that he needs to worry about!
bad experience with roos blind freddy?...care to talk about it?...I am listening...go ahead...
Never been to Ausie land. I am going by the experince of your fellow GC in the outbaaaaaaaaaack called Bafitis
so telling porkies again...I bet your trademark is telling porkies...