“Ouranio Toxo v. Greece” - application no. 74989/01 [thereafter “OT”]
http://cmiskp.echr.coe.int////tkp197/vi ... hment=true
GHM and MRG-G consider the judgments of great importance in view of the fact that Bulgaria and Greece do not recognize the presence of Macedonian minorities on their territory. The two countries moreover harass, persecute and prosecute Macedonian activists and organizations. Finally, Bulgaria and Greece also consider the Macedonians’ activities contrary to public order and national security, and often call them provocative or separatists. The importance of the three judgments stems also from the fact that the Court defined the extent to which provocative action and even separatist aims are acceptable in democracies. GHM and MRG-G finally consider the Court’s decision to publish the three judgments on the same day an important message to Bulgaria and Greece to finally conform themselves with the prevailing international democratic norms. The main points of the judgments are highlighted below.
There are also two previous cases on Macedonians in Bulgaria and Greece, referred to in the recent judgments, where Bulgaria and Greece had again been found to have violated the freedom of association and assembly of Macedonians: