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Cuba on thin ice!

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Postby saravakos » Sat Mar 14, 2009 8:40 pm

Did the US station their missiles in eastern europe in the end?
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Postby Paphitis » Sun Mar 15, 2009 3:48 am

saravakos wrote:Did the US station their missiles in eastern europe in the end?

It is because of Russia's LEGAL right to invade Eastern Europe, that the US is planning to deploy a missile DEFENSE shield in the region...

We have already been through this. We came to the conclusion that Russia would be fully justified in invading Eastern Europe and Turkey :wink:, because the US is playing nasty little games at her doorstep.... :lol:

Likewise, the US would also be fully justified in invading Cuba for exactly the same reason..:wink:

GR! Wrote:
That the US will henceforth respect Russia and cease to play games at her doorstep by agitating her neighbors?

Even GR! has not questioned but has supported America's LEGAL right to invade Cuba:

GR! Wrote:
Up until 1991 Georgia was part of the USSR so inviting the US military to Georgia was as intelligent as Canada or Cuba accepting Russian military bases on their soil.

It all makes sense now, and the Unkie Sam is grateful to Unkie GR!

Unkie Sam wants Unkie GR!:


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Re: Cuba on thin ice!

Postby Free Spirit » Mon Mar 16, 2009 1:51 am

Paphitis wrote:PAPHITIS now predicts the LEGAL invasion of Cuba and Venezuela as being imminent due to plans to permanently base Russian Strategic Bombers on America's doorstep![/size]

They need to park them there as they can't afford the fuel to fly from Russia.
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Postby CopperLine » Mon Mar 16, 2009 7:04 pm

NATO has had borders with Russia/USSR (Turkey, Norway, USA, Canada) since its inception, and it has had nuclear-armed bombers or missiles based in each of these countries. I take it that, through its alliances, the USA has a right to locate these bombers and missiles in these countries ? If so, on what grounds can you object to Russia, through its alliances, locating bombers and missiles in Cuba or Venezuela ? Or is it one rule for the USA but a different rule for Russia (and/or other states) ?
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Postby Paphitis » Tue Mar 17, 2009 2:05 pm

CopperLine wrote:Paphitis,
NATO has had borders with Russia/USSR (Turkey, Norway, USA, Canada) since its inception, and it has had nuclear-armed bombers or missiles based in each of these countries. I take it that, through its alliances, the USA has a right to locate these bombers and missiles in these countries ? If so, on what grounds can you object to Russia, through its alliances, locating bombers and missiles in Cuba or Venezuela ? Or is it one rule for the USA but a different rule for Russia (and/or other states) ?


GR! has convinced me that Russia's invasion of Georgia was fully justified and legal as Georgia had the audacity to seek an alliance with the US and NATO.

So in accordance with this sensible logic, the US would also be justified to legally invade Cuba as Russia is about to base Strategic Bombers on America's doorstep.

As far as I'm concerned, Russia can base her hardware anywhere it likes. But having this type of hardware so close to the US does sound a little stupid according to GR!. The US would be fully justified to attack Cuba just like Russia was justified attacking Georgia and would also be justified in invading Eastern Europe and Turkey. :wink:

Afterall, you can not have one rule for Russia and another for the US.

Don't you agree with this simple and logical train of thought from GR?

GR! Wrote:
That the US will henceforth respect Russia and cease to play games at her doorstep by agitating her neighbors?

GR! Wrote:
Up until 1991 Georgia was part of the USSR so inviting the US military to Georgia was as intelligent as Canada or Cuba accepting Russian military bases on their soil.
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Mar 17, 2009 7:23 pm

Paphitis wrote:GR! has convinced me that Russia's invasion of Georgia was fully justified and legal as Georgia had the audacity to seek an alliance with the US and NATO.

Whatever drugs you're on get off them.

I was talking about agitations by superpowers in their corresponding neighboring countries and there’s a HUGE difference between that and what is legal.

Now start reading what is there instead of what you want.
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Postby Free Spirit » Wed Mar 18, 2009 2:05 am

Paphitis wrote:[
stupid according to GR!. :.

That's so correct; stupid and Get Real in the same sentence. :lol:
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Postby insan » Wed Mar 18, 2009 2:30 am

Let the world turns around and complete it's globalization process. Until then anything goes. It is obvious who make the laws and who carry out them as how it fits and when it fits. There's no need for panic. In the wors case, there's a probability to meet in the stone age. :lol:
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Postby utu » Wed Mar 18, 2009 2:41 am

Paphitis wrote:
I am still trying to figure out a way to tow Eastern Australia (NZ) :twisted: towards the US BTW. That way, the whole world can have its shit in one pile... :lol:

What do you have against New Zealand? Then again, are you a Greek Australian? I've heard about the rivalry between NZ and Australia, but didn't think it was THAT bad...
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