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Darwin was banned on new issue: Bilim ve Teknik in Turkey

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Postby insan » Fri Mar 13, 2009 10:32 pm

TÜBİTAK denies Darwin censorship allegations

The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) announced yesterday that it did not censor of a story on the founder of evolutionary theory, Charles Darwin, in its popular monthly magazine Bilim ve Teknik (Science and Technology).

It was claimed that an executive member of TÜBİTAK intervened at the last minute to remove a dossier on the theory of evolution from the March issue. This action also changed the cover, which featured an image of Darwin, causing the magazine to hit newsstands one week after its deadline with a new cover focused on the topic of global climate change.

TÜBİTAK answered recent debates on an alleged censorship of Darwin in Bilim ve Teknik with a written statement released yesterday. The statement said the problem, as evaluated by the council, was caused by an executive editor exceeding her authority, which worried both scientific circles and TÜBİTAK. According to the statement, TÜBİTAK had decided to run a story on global climate change in Bilim ve Teknik's March issue, but just before it went to press, Executive Editor Çiğdem Atakuman added 16 pages on Darwin and the theory of evolution, which had been decided to be handled in the "Publishing World" pages of the magazine; the cover page was also re-dedicated to Darwin.

"The magazine's new version was presented to Deputy President Ömer Cebeci on March 2. It was natural that the new version was questioned since this additional dossier was not planned or scientifically evaluated beforehand," read the statement. As noted in the statement, Atakuman realized her mistake and sent the magazine's first version to the print, changing the cover page as well. "It is not true that a story on Darwin was censored by Deputy President Ömer Cebeci and the TÜBİTAK administration. However, taking into consideration Atakuman exceeding her authority, a departmental change has been offered to her," read the statement. TÜBİTAK also announced that they plan to allocate one of its subsequent issues in 2009 to Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution.

13 March 2009, Friday ... ink=169462

Poor Oracles, lost one more opportunity to self-satisfy herself by belittleing Turks and Turkish government. :lol:

Research without prejudice before u make galimatias. :wink:
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Postby bill cobbett » Fri Mar 13, 2009 10:41 pm

Hang on a moment please Halil. Is your statement now saying that the dossier was pulled because Darwinism has not been evaluated by a political vice-president?
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Postby Cem » Fri Mar 13, 2009 11:00 pm

insan wrote:
Cem wrote:Here is the front cover of the Bilim ve Teknik (Science & Tech) journal before and after censor went into effect:


On the left commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the scientist and on the right modified issue about the global warming.

Cem, where do u live? ... tegoryid=1

TÜBİTAK, Bilim ve Teknik Dergisi’nin Mart sayısında Darwin ile ilgili yazının sansürlendiği iddialarına yazılı bir açıklamayla yanıt verdi. TÜBİTAK’tan yapılan açıklamada, “sansür” iddiaları yalanlanırken, tamamen kurum içi süreçlerdeki aksaklıkların ve Sorumlu Yazı İşleri Müdürü ve Yayın Yönetmeninin yetki aşımından kaynaklanan sorunların “Darwin Sansürü” olarak algılanmasının, hem Kurum hem de bilim camiası için çok üzücü olduğu belirtildi. Açıklama yayın süreci şöyle aktarıldı:

“Bilim ve Teknik Dergisinin Mart 2009 sayısında ‘Küresel iklim değişikliği’ ana temasının işlenmesi kararlaştırılmıştır. Bu tema doğrultusunda editoryal çalışmaların tamamlandığı ve görsel çalışmalara devam edildiği bilgisi, 27 Şubat 2009 tarihinde Sorumlu Yazı İşleri Müdürü ve Yayın Yönetmeni Dr. Çiğdem Atakuman tarafından, Başkan Yardımcısı Prof. Dr. Ömer Cebeci’ye bildirilmiştir. Derginin Mart sayısı Darwin Yılı veya Kuramına hasredilmemiş, ancak Darwin ve Evrim Kuramı ile ilgili TÜBİTAK yayınları, derginin “Yayın Dünyası” sayfalarında yer almıştır. Ancak, rutin yayın süreçlerinin dışında, basım aşamasından hemen önce, Dr. Atakuman tarafından, dergiye 16 sayfa ilave edilmiş ve bu doğrultuda, hafta sonu kapak da değiştirilmiştir. Olağan süreç ve işlemlerin dışına çıkılarak, hafta sonu acele ile değiştirilerek hazırlatılan dergi, 2 Mart Pazartesi sabahı Prof. Cebeci’nin görüşüne sunulmuştur. Doğal olarak, Darwin Yılı temasının, bir uzman yardımcısı tarafından kaleme alınmış ve bilimsel değerlendirmesi yapılmamış ilave sayfalar ile yayınlanmasının uygunluğu sorgulanmıştır. Bunun üzerine Dr. Atakuman, yaptığı yanlışlığın farkına vararak kendi inisiyatifiyle dergi içeriğini ve kapağını tekrar 27 Şubat tarihi itibariyle hazırlanmış olan “Küresel iklim değişikliği” temasına dönüştürerek basıma gönderilmesi kararı ve talimatını vermiştir.”

I have enough experience (15 years as a journal editor-in-chief) not to let myself fooled by this kind of gobbledigook last minute manoeuvres. Even if the cover is changed by deviating from routine publication process, it can not be considered as fit for final publication nor can it go to press.
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Postby Cem » Fri Mar 13, 2009 11:14 pm

BTW, who cares about what Oracle has got to say ? Try to connect Dawkins website and you will see:

"Banned in Turkey" label on the front page. I suppose it wasn't Oracle, or Piratis or Sotos who are behind this. A conspiracy plot perhaps cooked by Armenians, Greeks or Jews ?

On the other hand the following pro-creationist one roams free:

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Postby paliometoxo » Fri Mar 13, 2009 11:23 pm

Oracle wrote:
paliometoxo wrote:i dont get what happend.. so a science magazine the turkish goverment dident like it?

They burnt copies of a magazine which discussed Darwin's (200th) birthday anniversary, and re-published without the article. So it is state-sponsored, anti-evolution (what Darwin stands for). Turkey is finally showing it is not progressive, but Islamic in principles.

A while back, the Turkish government allowed the banning of Richard Dawkin's associated sites etc., because he is the modern day equivalent of what Darwin started ... that scientific experimentation is preferable to dogmatic, religious indoctrination.

If nothing else, this reason alone should disqualify Turkey from any EU accession negotiations ....

so instead of allowing freedom of speech they silence anything they dont like and ban it..

how does a country like that expect to join eu? they will disagree with everything and try change it. every other word will be a veto from them to everything
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Postby bill cobbett » Fri Mar 13, 2009 11:42 pm

The following is from the internationally respected Science Journal "Nature".

The Darwin issue was banned not by editors but by the science funding branch of the government of Islamist Republic of Turkistan.


Turkish scientists claim Darwin censorship
Science-funding agency accused of removing evolution article — and its editor — from mainstream magazine

Alison Abbott

The main Turkish government agency responsible for funding science has provoked outrage by apparently censoring a magazine article on the life and work of Charles Darwin.

A celebration of Darwin's birth has sparked controversy in Turkey.
The article was stripped from the March issue of the widely read popular-science magazine Bilim ve Teknik (Science and Technology) just before it went to press. The magazine, which is published by Turkey's research funding and science management organization, TÜB?TAK, also switched a planned cover picture of Darwin for an illustration relating to global warming.

In an interview with Milliyet, one of Turkey's highest-circulation daily newspapers, the editor of Bilim ve Teknik, Çi?dem Atakuman, confirmed that she had been removed from her post over the affair, but declined to comment further because she is still a TÜB?TAK employee.

Milliyet reports that the editorial changes were ordered by TÜB?TAK's vice-president, engineer Ömer Cebeci. Neither Cebeci nor TÜB?TAK's president, Nüket Yeti?, were available to be interviewed by Nature, and the agency has released no official statement on the matter.

But its hand may yet be forced. The Üniversite Konseyleri Derne?i (Association of University Councils), an academic society that represents young researchers, has called for Cebeci's resignation. And a group of university professors plan to read a letter of protest inside TÜB?TAK's headquarters on 11 March. "It is outrageous — TÜB?TAK no longer represents science in this country," says Celal ?engör, a geologist at the Istanbul Technical University.

Read more in Nature's Darwin 200 special.
"It is a very bad thing," adds Aykut Kence, an evolutionary biologist at the Middle East Technical University in Ankara. "We don't think he [Cebeli] is suitable to represent science in Turkey."

The issue has already sparked intense media coverage: evolution is a highly political issue in Turkey, which is preparing for municipal elections on 29 March. And as the row gains momentum, some see the future of Turkish science at stake.

"The issue is not only about evolution but also about the proficiency of Turkey's most important science organization," says Mehmet Somel, a Turkish-born evolutionary biologist now doing postdoctoral research at the Chinese Academy of Sciences–Max Planck Partner Institute for Computational Biology (PICB) in Shanghai. If Cebeci does not resign, he says, it will be a "bad sign for Turkish science". ... 9.150.html
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Postby insan » Fri Mar 13, 2009 11:49 pm

Cem wrote:BTW, who cares about what Oracle has got to say ? Try to connect Dawkins website and you will see:

"Banned in Turkey" label on the front page. I suppose it wasn't Oracle, or Piratis or Sotos who are behind this. A conspiracy plot perhaps cooked by Armenians, Greeks or Jews ?

On the other hand the following pro-creationist one roams free:

(What's more available with Greek Interface !) :wink:

I saw it. It is true that Dawkins' website was banned in Turkey for a while with a court decision. It was a case Adnan Oktar v. Dawkins.

More details: ... patmis.php

On the other hand, do u know that one of his book is among best sellers in Turkey? ... itabi.aspx
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Postby Oracle » Fri Mar 13, 2009 11:54 pm

This is a continuation of what was exposed some while back ... ... torder=asc
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Postby paliometoxo » Sat Mar 14, 2009 12:09 am

next turkey will put a ban on breathing because it insults islam..
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Postby Oracle » Sat Mar 14, 2009 12:11 am

Turkey: Book burning ....

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