magikthrill wrote: you confused me
What I am suggesting is that would be little value in me writting an article that looks at and exposes propaganda given out by the RoC and such an attempt could / would itself be a form of propaganda. However if I were to do that (as a TC) for TRNC based propaganda I think the value would be real. IE seeking to dispell the propaganda of the other side is one thing. Seeking to dispell the propaganda of your own side is another.
magikthrill wrote:
it would be different if the article or the poster decided to put up an article discussin ghow the RoC continues to use propaganda today which is something that prevents a solution.
Or posting an incident (As the one in the article) relating to something recent or generally something that can be discussed in reaching a solution.
Again I think this is exactly the point of the article is it not? Not that 'propaganda' was used by the RoC in the past, but that when such evidence of that historical propaganda comes to light TODAY and it indicates that people like TP have questions to answer concerning it, there is a general 'lack of interest or acceptance' and that undermines efforts TODAY to solve the cyprus problem? At least that to me seems the point the author is trying to make.
magikthrill wrote:
i think we all know who are the members on this forum that dont recognize propaganda efforts by his/her own side so theres really not point in posting stuff just to make them confess - unless they blatantly say something supid and you feel the urget to disprove them.
I probably should have ignored the ccusations that I am biased and unable to accept that my side uses propaganda, from someone who imho shows much greater and consistent bias and refusla to aknowldege their own sides propagnda. However sometimes I feel I have to challenge such attacks against me and the hypocrasy of those making them. I am only human (honest).